This page was updated on January 28, 2025
The Church Needs to Wake Up - An Open Letter to Our Shepherds
Sadly, Christians (and many Jews) worldwideface increasing marginalization, ridicule, persecution, enslavement, assault, torture and even death simply for their devotion to their faith and the spread/resurgence of woke-ism, socialism and communism, even in the United States, is exacerbating the problem - just read some of the stories in the "In the News" section below. And during the Coronavirus pandemic, church activities in blue states were so strongly suppressed that many had to sue in court to force these socialist/secular Democrat governors to allow them to re-open. Yet all during this time, liquor stores were designated as essential services. Really?? What about all the charitable work churches do to feed and clothe the poor and help children and the elderly??? Of all the times we really needed churches and their services....
Even in the United States, where freedom of speech AND freedom OF religion are clearly enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution, and affirmed by numerous Supreme Court and other lower court rulings, and guaranteed by the United Nations' International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ratified by the U.S. Senate and signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1992), even as late as 2022, we still, still constantly hear news stories about ignorant (of the law) employers, businesses, schools, special interest groups, bureaucrats, elected officials, courts, etc., who seek to deny Christians their right to pray, wear religious jewelry, read the Bible, form clubs, or are forced to accept the teaching of un-Christian behaviors, etc. They also attempt to ban Nativity scenes, Christmas trees and even prohibit speaking religious phrases such as "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Easter," etc., yet other "minority" non-Christian faiths seem to escape such scrutiny and restrictions. In fact, they are sometimes actively promoted by public officials and in government (public) schools and anyone who dares object is labeled a "hater, bigot, racist, misogynist, homophobe, Islamophobe, etc." This has become a tiresome, well-worn and all-too-familiar Saul Alinsky/Marxist-type tactic and one of many used frequently by mean-spirited, intolerant and hateful Democrats, liberals, the political left, Hollywood elitists, the heavily left-wing-biased mainstream media and many in liberal academia in their attempts to belittle and marginalize anyone who disagrees with their "enlightened" liberal/progressive/socialist/communist ideologies.
These rights violations became so obscenely egregious that in 1993, the U.S. Congress, in an almost unanimous and unprecedented show of bipartisanship, passed and President Clinton signed into law, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). During the law's signing ceremony, President Clinton stated that it held government "to a very high level of proof before it interferes with someone's free exercise of religion." Also the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998. In 2000, theReligious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA)became law and it requires that churches and religious institutions be treated equally with secular businesses and groups. (More info here.) And in in early 2018, under the direction of President Trump, the Department of Health and Human Services created a new division called the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division. And President Trump signed several Executive Orders to protect and promote religious freedom. Yet, if you get your news from the mainstream media, you probably never heard about any of this. (See the bottom of this page for accurate and trustworthy news resources.)
Despite ALL these international and national legal protections, shockingly, religious discrimination and persecution (especially against Christians and Jews) continues to persist and has even become worse due to outright and complete ignorance of the law from public and school officials, business owners, etc. UPDATE: Just when we thought it couldn't get any worse, the new woke/DEI/ESG/cancel culture communists are using the complicit, corrupt media, the legal system, Hollywood and social media to channel their vicious hatred of everything religious into shutting down legal businesses and ruining people's lives by bankrupting them and or destroying their personal and business property and attacking them physically. <Hmm, kind of reminds me of a similar time in history that we promised never to forget, yet here we are...>
Fortunately, there are many wonderful organizations (see below) that help educate the pubic and protect our God-given and Constitutional rights.
Want to know where the woke are and what they're up to? Go to News You Missed here for thousands of stories and resources to help you push back against this insidious, vicious, and hateful movement.
You have God-given, Constitutional rights and the law clearly on your side. Fight back against tyranny!!
Know the Law
Organizations Defending Constitutional & Religious Rights
(Many sites listed below have downloadable pamphlets, etc., which cite case law protecting Christians' rights. If any public official(s), employer(s) or anti-Christian/anti-free speech organization(s) such as the Freedom from Religion Foundation, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), CAIR (and related Islamic/Muslim advocacy groups), etc., come to your town, school or church and attempt to threaten you or your group into silence and deprive you of your Constitutionally-protected rights, you should contact one or more of these organizations below for assistance immediately - don't let them bully, intimidate or otherwise threaten you, your children, your group, organization, Church or town with financial ruin - you have the right and the means to fight back!):
BEWARE OF THIS WEBSITE: Religious Socialism
Accuracy in Academia (What's Really Going On At Our Colleges?)
American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ)
ACLJ article on the so-called Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF)
Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF)
American Freedom Law Center (AFLC)
Anti-CAIR in Defense of the Constitution
Becket Fund for Religious Liberty Stream of Conscience Podcast
Black Robe Regiment (from Liberty Counsel)
Bring Your Bible to School Day - Know Your Rights (1st Thurs. of Every Oct.)
CLA (Christian Law Association)
Church Militant/St. Michael's Media
The College Fix
Consolidated List of Other Organizations
Constitution Project
Faith and Freedom Coalition
Family Research Council FRC Action
Fightback Foundation & Attorney L.Lin Wood (defended Nicholas Sandmann)
First Liberty Institute (Excellent Resources to Protect Yourself & Your Organization)
For Kids & Country (Rebecca Friedrichs) - Exposing subversive and Communist teachers unions and helping good teachers extricate themselves from them and lobbying for school choice
Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT)
Foundation For American Christian Education (FACE)
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE)
Foundation for Government Accountability
GiveSendGo - The #1 Free Christian Fund-Raising Website
Herzog Foundation (Advancing Christian Education - subscribe to their free newsletter,
Hillsdale College (Constitutional Rights videos & articles)
In Defense of Christians (IDC) Find/Start a Chapter in Your Area
Italian American ONE VOICE Coalition
JPFO's Gran'pa Jack Education Booklets (Firearms and 2nd Amendment Rights
education for young people)
Learn Our History (Educational series for young people)
Liberty Counsel
Liberty First with Attorney KrisAnne Hall (Constitutional Rights videos & articles)
Liberty Institute
National Committee for Religious Freedom
Pacific Justice Institute
Pacific Legal Foundation
PACT (Parents Against Critical Theory)
Prager University (excellent, short videos)
Professor Watchlist (Tracking and Exposing Educators Who Deny Free Speech)
Religious Freedom Center
Rutherford Institute
Save the Persecuted Christians
Thomas More Law Center
Turning Point USA (Supporting & defending conservative students on campus)
Tuttle Twins (books to help educate children against socialism)
U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services' Conscience and Religious Freedom Division
World Affairs Brief (commentary & insights on a troubled world)
World Watch List - 50 Countries Where Its Most Dangerous to Follow Jesus Report
The Undeniable Christian Heritage and History of the United States
FLASHBACK - Supreme Court Declares America a Christian Nation, 2-29-1892
ACU Podcast: Listen: Religious Freedom - A Cherished Heritage to Defend
ACU Podcast: Glenn Beck. Religious Freedom Four-Part Series.
American History in Black & White Part 1 with David Barton (video)
American History in Black & White Part 2 with David Barton (video)
American History in Black & White Part 3 with David Barton (video)
American History in Black & White Part 4 with David Barton (video)
American History in Black & White Part 5 with David Barton (video)
American History in Black & White Part 6 with David Barton (video)
American History in Black & White Part 7 with David Barton (video)
American History in Black & White Part 8 with David Barton (video)
American History in Black & White Part 9 with David Barton (video)
American History in Black & White Part 10 with David Barton (video)
American History in Black & White Part 11 with David Barton (video)
American History in Black & White Part 12 with David Barton (video)
The Constitutional Christian DVD w/ David Barton & Mike Huckabee (video)
The Bible is the Foundation of the Constitution (video)
Christianity: Its Role in America's Founding ... And in Our Nation's Future
Christian Origins of America's Constitutional Republic
Does the Separation of Church and State really exist? ACLJ
Early Muslim Extremists In American History with David Barton (video)
Faith and the Founding: The Bible and the Constitution - National Constitution Center (video)
Faith and the Founding Fathers - Tim Barton (video)
Despite Obama's rhetoric, Islam is NOT a religion of peace with David Barton (video)
Evidence of America's Christian Heritage with David Barton (video)
However 'Secular' We Think We Are, The Roots of America's Liberty Are Explicitly Biblical
The Mayflower Compact and the Foundations of Religious Liberty, 11/12/2020
One Nation Under God with David Barton (video)
America's Godly Heritage with David Barton (video)
Religion is Part of Our Founding - Phyllis Schlafly, 7/4/2017
Separation of Church & State with David Barton (video)
"Separation of Church and State?" Oh, really? Wallbuilders Article
The 4 Traps of False History with David Barton (video)
The Answer to, is America a Christian Nation? with David Barton (video)
Is America a Christian nation? Dave Barton speaks at Charles Stanley's Church (video)
The Hidden Fait? h of the Founding Fathers (video)
U.S. Capitol Tour with David Barton (video)
Was America Founded on Christian Principles? with David Barton (video)
Was America Founded On Christian Values? Book Review w/Author Dr. Mark David Hall (video)
David Barton Destroys ‘Racist Slave Owning’ Founding Father Myths (video)
David Barton: The Jefferson Lies (video)
Was America Founded to be Secular? PragerU Video
Were the Founders Religious? PragerU Video
Who Do You Believe? - Quotes from Founding Fathers & Presidents About God & Our Christian Nation
Why I Use the Phrase ‘Judeo-Christian’
Do You Know Someone Who is An Atheist or Agnostic?
Show Them These Short Videos:
VIDEO: 10 Biggest Evidence For Jesus Outside of the Bible
VIDEO: Oxford Mathematician DESTROYS Atheism (15 Minute Brilliancy!) -
PragerU Video: Does God Exist?
PragerU Video: Evolution: Bacteria to Beethoven
PragerU Video: God vs Atheism: Which is More Rational?
PragerU Video: Does Science Argue for or Against God - Is There Life Out There?
PragerU Video: Was America Founded to be Secular?
PragerU Video: Were the Founders Religious?
PragerU Video: Was Jesus A Socialist?
PragerU Video: What's a Greater Leap of Faith, God or the Multiverse?
ACU Book Review Podcast: Why Science Does Not Disprove God
Related Articles
How the Religious Freedom Restoration Act Works, Explained in One Chart - Federalist
U.S. State Department's Annual International Religious Freedom Report page
More info and larger image at here.
The Assault on Christianity and Family Values
The latest assault angle:
Why This is Happening:
It's hard to believe that it was 18 years ago that authors Tim LaHaye and David Noebel saw all this coming and wrote the book Mind Siege: The Battle for Truth in the New Millenium. You may recognize Tim LaHaye's name as he was the author of the famous "Left Behind" fictional series of books that dealt with the Rapture, Anti-Christ, etc. The following are a video companion series to the book, Mind Siege, that really summarizes what is happening now and why:
Fight Back Against and Boycott ESG & These Woke Companies
In the News
This section includes general news on Christianity and religion, but especially focuses on reports about ongoing assaults from liberals, the political left, the corrupt mainstream media and left-wing academia on Christianity, Christian and traditional American family values, and the ability of Christians to exercise their Constitutionally-protected right to free speech. For more news, see the next section for news resources and be sure to check the Christian defense organization websites above for news updates and subscribe to their e-mail alerts!
I'm hundreds of stories and months behind posting news stories, so if you have searched for a subject matter, please re-do your search as I may have added stories that came out a long time ago!!
News & Research Resources
Recently there has been a lot in the news about President Biden and other pro-abortion politicians possibly being denied Communion because of their support for abortion. Communion/the Eucharist means something much different to Orthodox Christians and Roman Catholics than it does most Protestants and, of course, the secular mainstream media knows practically nothing about it at all and they couldn't care less anyway since they consider all religious people ignoramuses and fools for our beliefs. So, for an extensive explanation of the Communion issue, see the Inquirers/Orthodoxy 101 page under the In-Depth Studies section.
For more news stories about liberal/left wing violence committed against Christians, other people of faith and just in general, see the Left Wing Violence webpage here.
12-04-2024 - Young men are converting to Orthodox Christianity in droves
11-29-2024 - Study: Biden-Harris Administration Weaponized Education Department to
‘Punish’ Christian Colleges <And he's a 'devout' Catholic.>
10-19-2024 - Professed Christian Kamala Harris Mocks Man for Shouting 'Jesus Is Lord' at
10-19-2024 - How archaeologists hunting Noah's Ark made incredible discovery at boat-
shaped mound dating back to biblical times
10-18-2024 - This Newly Discovered, Octagonal Building in Armenia Is One of the World’s
10-14-2024 - Archaeologists uncover one of the world's oldest churches: "Sensational
testimony to early Christianity"
10-11-2024 - New Cardinals Largely ‘LGBTQ-Positive’, Catholic Homosexual Group Says
10-08-2024 - REPORT: Cardinals Attend LGBT Event Promoting Expression of Homosexual
09-29-2024 - 'Creeping Christian Nationalism': Mother Jones Editor-in-Chief Melts Down
over Flight Attendant Wishing Others a 'Blessed' Night
09-17-2024 - Archbishop Charles Chaput: No, Pope Francis, Not All Religions Are ‘Paths
09-04-2024 - Report: Thousands of Christians ‘Deliberately Targeted’ for Death in Nigeria
09-03-2024 - Donald Trump: Our Country Is ‘Missing a Lot of Religion’; ‘No Guard Rails’
09-01-2024 - Pope Francis Condemns Islamist Slaughter of Christians in Burkina Faso
08-30-2024 - Christians didn't worship in houses? New study drops bombshell on
08-28-2024 - Ohio State Football Players Lead Christian Revival Event with 800+
08-08-2024 - VIDEO: Kansas City Chief's Harrison Butker Refuses to Back Down After Pro-
Christian Commencement Speech: ‘I Stand by What I Said’
08-04-2024 - Oklahoma schools in revolt over Bible mandate<Well, considering OK ranks
48th in average ACT scores, I would say that divine assistance is required at this
07-29-2024 - France Mocks Christianity at Olympics
07-27-2024 - French Catholic Bishops Deplore ‘Derision and Mockery of Christianity’ at
07-24-2024 - VP Kamala Harris a ‘Dues-Paying Member’ of San Francisco Church with
Radical Pro-Reparations Pastor
07-24-2024 - U.S. Olympic Soccer's Tierna Davidson Blasts Christian Teammate for
Criticizing Trans Movement Ahead of Paris Games
07-24-2024 - Church Exodus: Why American Christians Are Skipping Sunday Service
<Careful with this one - it is from a left-wing news outlet with anti-Christian bias>
07-23-2024 - Can Religion Make You Happy? The Atlantic
07-23-2024 - Archaeologists uncover 'monumental', 3,000-year-old structure in Israel
that corroborates Bible stories
07-22-2024 - Activists: Biden Stepping Aside Brings 'Hope' to Persecuted Christians
<Well, I wouldn't count your chickens just yet. >
07-19-2024 - Rare 4,000-year-old artifact mentioned in the Bible 25 times is discovered
07-15-2024 - Archaeologists find 'lost' alphabet created by Biblical civilization 3,000
07-13-2024 - Archaeologists find more evidence of Bible story about Moses leading his
people to the Promised Land 3,200 years ago
07-12-2024 - WATCH: Bold Christianity in a Secular World - Hillsdale College Pres. Dr.
Larry Arn Interviews Bishop Julian Dobbs
07-12-2024 - Poll: Catholics Reject Church's Pro-Migration Policies
07-04-2024 - Bible push in schools tests separation of church and state (Oklahoma & LA)
06-24-2024 - Church Exodus: Why American Christians Are Skipping Sunday Service
06-21-2024 - Donald Trump: ‘I Love the 10 Commandments in Public Schools’; May Be
First Step in ‘Revival of Religion’
06-20-2024 - If Every Christian Voted, ‘We Would Never Lose Another Presidential
Election’ ‘From the Pews to the Polls’: Movement to Activate Christian
Voters for Trump Shock Claim: 30% of Evangelicals Not Even Registered to
06-06-2024 - Senate GOP Blocks Democrats’ ‘Radical’ Contraception Bill for Threatening
Parental Rights, Religious Liberty
06-05-2024 - United Methodist Church Loses 1 Million Members in a Single Day over
06-04-2024 - Is America Becoming An Anti-Christ Nation?
05-23-2024 - Christian California Teacher Fired for Standing Against Trans Policies
05-18-2024 - California School Forced to Pay out $360,000 to Christian Teacher Fired
Over Refusal to Use Preferred Pronouns<Another victory against woketardery!>
05-17-2024 - California School District Settles with Christian Ex-Teacher Fired After
Rejecting Transgender Policies<Choke on that, libtards!>
05-16-2024 - The Satanic Temple is taking on Christian nationalism in schools
05-13-2024 - Christian NGO Warns: Hamas HQ Qatar Is Buying Off American Colleges
05-08-2024 - Atheist Group Forces Florida Elementary School to Disband Fellowship of
04-15-2024 - Bank of America accused of religious and political 'discrimination' by 'de-
banking' or refusing to service Trump supporters, Christian churches and
Republican-led states want answers
04-20-2024 - 'A Moral Low': Israeli PM Netanyahu Slams Biden Decision to Sanction
04-12-2024 - Church Attendance Slump Caused Mental Health Crisis, Harvard Professor
04-12-2024 - WATCH: The Perversion of Marriage & The Assault on Christianity - Fr.
04-02-2024 - Trump Trolls Biden & Progressives: Election Day Will Be ‘Christian Visibility
03-31-2024 - Pope Francis' Culture Wars Divide Catholic Church
03-30-2024 - Self-Professed 'Devout Catholic' Biden's White House Prohibits Children
from Submitting ‘Overtly Religious' Art for Easter Egg Roll<Forgot to mention
that he is an unrestricted abortion supporter!>
03-29-2024 - Report: Poll Finds Almost 70 Percent Believe Jesus Christ Physically Rose
03-29-2024 - Women's Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe Leads Cancel Mob Aimed at Christian
Player Who Posted Detransition Video
03-25-2024 - Boston Christian Leaders Call on 'White Churches' to Pay Millions in Slavery
03-25-2024 - Poll: Church Attendance Declines Among Most U.S. Religious Groups
03-25-2024 - Gallup: Church Attendance Has Declined in Most U.S. Religious Groups
03-20-2024 - Why an Eco-warrior Left the Movement—and Became a Christian
03-19-2024 - Poll: Americans Dismayed over Waning Influence of Religion in Public
03-18-2024 - Survey: 8 in 10 Americans Say Religion Losing Influence in Public Life
03-07-2024 - Report: U.S. Sees Spike in Attacks on Christian Churches
03-07-2024 - Court rebukes Biden admin for trying to force gender mutilation on
03-05-2024 - MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: Far Right 'Invented a Religion,' Abortion Is Not a
03-05-2024 - ‘Blessing’ homosexual couples ‘flings the door open’ to the demonic,
04-02-2024 - Woke Church of England Posts Job for Anti-Racist Officer to ‘Deconstruct
03-01-2024 - Politico Reporter Apologizes for ‘Clumsy’ Comments on ‘Christian
02-29-2024 - Christian Groups Demand Apology for Politico Reporter’s Viral ‘Christian
02-24-2024 - Leading Bishop Blasts Politico Reporter's Critique of ‘Christian Nationalists’
02-24-2024 - Trump Throws Down for Christians ‘No One Will Be Touching the Cross of
Christ’ in My 2nd Term Commies Stamp Out Churches… Fascists Take
Them Over… Left Doing Both Today!
02-23-2024 - Politico's Przybyla: Christian Nationalists, Not Christians, Believe Rights
Come from God<She's a sad product of our public education system.>
02-19-2024 - Rob "Meathead" Reiner: Trump Is the 'MouthPiece' for the Christian
02-18-2024 - Senate Democrats' Bill To Prohibit Armed Guards in Church? A Deep Dive
02-16-2024 - Senate Democrats Push Bill That Could End Armed Security at Churches
02-15-2024 - Greece becomes first Orthodox Christian country to legalize same-sex
02-01-2024 - Watch: Radical Leftists Threaten to ‘Bird Dog’ Conservatives at Home,
Church… …Warn Think Tank Working on Staffing for Next Trump Admin
01-31-2024 - Hate Crime: Christian Navy Veteran Charged for Tearing Down Satan Statue
01-25-2024 - CVS Hit with Second Lawsuit for Terminating Employee over Religious
Beliefs<Wow! They must have some seriously stupid people in their HR department!>
01-24-2024 - Religious 'Nones' are now the largest single group in the U.S. : NPR
01-24-2024 - More Americans are nonreligious. Who are they and what do they believe?
01-24-2024 - Antisemitism on College Campuses Has Shot Up 1,753% Since Oct. 7.
Higher Education Spawned This Culture of Hate.
01-24-2024 - Feds, Banks Colluded to Snoop on Religious, Armed Americans
01-23-2024 - 'Devout' Joe Biden Thumbs Nose at Catholic Church in Election Year
01-22-2024 - For Christians, Abortion Cannot Just Be a Political Issue
01-22-2024 - Dr. Ben Carson Warns Christians: ‘You’ll See the Attacks Ramp Up
Significantly as the Election Approaches’
01-18-2024 - Report: Nearly 5,000 Christians Killed for their Faith in 2023
01-16-2024 - Rob Reiner Attacks Christian Trump Supporters: How Does Anyone Who
Believes in Jesus Support Donald Trump? <Why would anyone believe anything
from an pompous, far-left Hollywood actor best known for his role as 'meathead?'>
01-15-2024 - Howard Dean: Christian Trump Voters 'Have Abandoned Any Pretense of
Being Ethical' <OMG! What rock did this joker finally crawl out from under? >
01-11-2024 - Church without God: How secular congregations fill a need for some
nonreligious Americans - Study Finds
01-10-2024 - Islamist Militants Kill 14 Nigerian Christians in January Raids
01-08-2024 - Biden Admin Leaves Nigeria, World's Most Dangerous Place to Be a
Christian, Off Religious Freedom List
01-04-2024 - Israeli research use Earth's magnetic field to verify event in Bible's Book of
01-02-2024 - Atheists Call for Record Voter Turnout Against ‘Christian Extremism’
12-30-2023 - Archbishop: Catholics Are Rebelling Against Church's Pro-Migration Policies
12-26-2023 - You'd Be Surprised Which States Persecute Religious Groups
12-26-2023 - Report: Obama Privately Lobbied on Harvard President Claudine Gay's
Behalf amid Antisemitism Scandals
12-26-2023 - Nigerian Governor After Christmas Massacre: Islamic Jihadis Occupying Dozens of Christian Communities
12-26-2023 - Christmas Massacre: Nigerian Gunmen Kill at Least 140 in 'Christian-
12-26-2023 - Israel's Christian Population Soars as Persecution Builds Elsewhere
12-25-2023 - Exclusive — Jewish Liberal Leader: Universities Must Ban DEI Departments
to Rout Out Raging Antisemitism on Campuses
12-25-2023 - Christians in Northern India Forgo Christmas Celebrations After 'Record'
12-25-2023 - Nicaraguans Face a Dark Christmas of Communist Repression as War
12-25-2023 - Exclusive: Nigerian Christians, Forgotten by the West, Face Christmas Under
the Shadow of Islamic Jihadist Genocide
12-24-2023 - Harvard Law Prof. Alan Dershowitz (D): Antisemitism is rooted in the DEI
12-24-2023 - Harvard Law Prof. Alan Dershowitz (D): No teacher has the right to
12-24-2023 - Harvard Law Prof. Alan Dershowitz (D) blasts Harvard President Claudine
Gay for enabling antisemitism, DEI movement
12-12-2023 - Social Media Haters Attack Christian College Over Biblical LGBTQ Polices
After Basketball Team’s 108-14 Loss
12-10-2023 - Pro-Palestinian Radicals Target Symbols of Christianity
12-08-2023 - Rob "Meathead" Reiner Ramps Up Left’s ‘Christian Nationalism’ Hysteria
with New Documentary 'God and 'Country'
11-29-2023 - Pop Singer Sabrina Carpenter Desecrates NYC Church in Music Video Shoot,
11-29-2023 - 'Yellowstone' Actor Neal McDonough Says He Was Blacklisted for Two Years
in Hollywood for His Religious Beliefs
11-29-2023 - Trisha Yearwood, Garth Brooks Sing Atheist Anthem 'Imagine' at
Devout Christian Rosalynn Carter's Funeral
11-25-2023 - Christian Dance Group Banned from Barbados Competition for Views on
11-23-2023 - Ex-CIA Director, General Michael Hayden Smears Patriotic American
Christians: ‘No Different’ from Hamas Terrorists
11-23-2023 - Report: Hamas targets include not only Jews but Christians, other religions,
and service organizations like Rotary, Lions Clubs, Freemasons
11-22-2023 - Vermont: Sports League Bans Christian HS for Refusing to Play Against
11-21-2023 - Franklin Graham: 'Sad Day for the Church of England' After It Approves
Blessing Same-Sex Couples on Trial Basis
11-19-2023 - Report: Nigeria Is the ‘Most Dangerous Place’ to Be a Christian
11-16-2023 - Report: Anti-Christian Hate Crimes in Europe Leapt by 44 Percent in 2022
11-12-2023 - Wisconsin City Bans Employees from Hanging 'Religious Decorations' to Be
11-08-2023 - Kat Von D Opens up on Becoming Christian: ‘It’s Like a Deprogramming
11-02-2023 - Salon Magazine: MAGA Republicans, Christian Nationalism ‘Bigger Threat
10-31-2023 - VA Gov. Youngkin (R) issues Executive Directive to combat targeting
of religious and ethnic groups
10-14-2023 - Left’s take on Hamas stuns American Jews — and threatens Democratic
10-04-2023 - Biden Admin Rule Would Allow Lawsuits for Wrong Pronouns at Work - No Religious Exemptions
09-26-2023 - Secular Protesters Confront Religious Jews in Tel Aviv Yom Kippur Prayer
09-24-2023 - Anti-religious group claims Auburn University's football coach attending
massive Christian revival on campus is 'unconstitutional'
09-23-2023 - Losing Faith: Religious Identification Among Democrats Crashes 20 Points in 20 Years Belief in God Highest Among Conservatives at 94 Percent
09-06-2023 - Azerbaijan Pursues ‘Elimination of the Entire Christian Population and Its
08-31-2023 - WATCH: Woman (dressed as a man) physically attacks conservatives for
protesting LGBT grooming of children
08-31-2023 - The bitter irony of treating the DC pro-life rescuers like domestic terrorists
08-30-2023 - Church of England Priests Say Gay, Premarital Sex Not Immoral
08-30-2023 - Former University of Wyoming sorority sister vows to fight judge's ruling
ordering her house to admit trans student Artemis Langford 'who peered at
girls while sporting visible erection'
08-29-2023 - Judge dismisses University of Wyoming sorority sisters' lawsuit attempting
to block transgender woman Artemis Langford from joining and says 'the
court will not define a ''woman'' today' - after they accused her of being a
08-29-2023 - Judge Refuses to Define ‘Woman,’ Dismisses Lawsuit by Sorority Sisters
Who Sought to Block Man from Joining
08-26-2023 - Report: Islamist Massacres of Christians a ‘Regular Occurrence’ in Sub-
08-25-2023 - Lebanon: Christian Group Shuts Down Beirut Drag Show
08-24-2023 - Court sides with Christian activist over First Amendment violation in Univ of
Wyoming & Sorority Case, but Sorority Loses Their Case to Keep Male Out
08-24-2023 - 'Fact Checkers' WRONGLY Claim Democrats Aren't Extremely Pro-Abortion
08-22-2023 - Maryland School district misled court on why it banned opt-out for LGBTQ
08-21-2023 - MA Catholic school system requires students to use biological pronouns
and birth names <And they wonder why they're hemorrhaging members..>
08-16-2023 - Muslim Mob of 10,000 People Burns Down Hundreds of Christian Homes,
Churches, over ‘Blasphemy’ in Pakistan <Ahh, the peaceful religion of
Islam,....strikes again!!!>
08-15-2023 - Democrat support of child marriage: Is it really about helping the abortion
08-14-2023 - As Tuition and Fees Soar, University of Oklahoma Features Drag Queen at
Freshman Orientation <OU is now "Woke-U.">
08-13-2023 - Evangelist fights campus ban for calling transgender sorority member
08-11-2023 - Nigeria: Fulani Jihadists Kill 21 in Latest Terror Spree Against
08-06-2023 - Connecticut took away "religious exemptions" for protecting your kids. A
court (Obama-appointed judge) just said it's ok.
08-06-2023 - This state took away "religious exemptions" for protecting your kids, and
caused several other states to lose their rights. A court (Obama-appointed
07-29-2023 - Faith Wins: Southern Illinois U. Edwardsville Ordered to Pay Christian
Student $80K for Silencing Her Views
07-24-2023 - TPUSA's Charlie Kirk Calls Out ‘Cowardly’ Churches Adopting Left-Wing
07-21-2023 - $300,000 Payout: Liberal College Town Forced to Compensate Christians
for Maskless Outdoor Church Arrests
07-20-2023 - Faith Wins: Moscow, Idaho, Pays Out $300,000 to Christians Arrested
07-19-2023 - Conservative Party Suspends Christian Councillor for Calling Pride a Sin
07-18-2023 - Church of England Accused of Becoming ‘Explicitly Political’ over CRT-Style
07-13-2023 - Leftwing United Church of Christ Resolution Claims Abortion Is ‘Healthcare'
07-12-2023 - Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) Lights Up FBI Director Chris Wray over FBI Memo
07-08-2023 - Woke Christianity: Archbishop of York Brands Lord’s Prayer ‘Oppressively
Patriarchal’ for Saying ‘Our Father
07-05-2023 - Google pulls sponsorship of LGBT ‘pride and drag show’ mocking Christ
07-05-2023 - Judge blocks Biden admin from colluding with social media to censor
07-05-2023 - How woke ideology serves as a substitute religion for many Westerners
07-02-2023 - Jim Caviezel: Disney Mocked My Faith, Tried to Remove Reference to God
07-02-2023 - One of largest Christian churches in US departs Southern Baptists following
07-01-2023 - Library group's ‘intellectual freedom’ director tells libraries how to censor
06-30-2023 - Church Shootings: Attacks on Houses of Worship (ZeroEyes)
06-30-2023 - Justice Sotomayor mocked over factually incorrect claim in dissent against
Christian web designer decision
06-30-2023 - BREAKING: Liberal Heads Explode as Supreme Court Makes Massive Ruling
in Defense of Religious Rights
06-30-2023 - WINNING! SCOTUS Decision in 303 Creative LLC v Elenis Striking Down
CO's 'Anti-Discrimination' Act and Protecting Religious Liberty Provides
The Perfect Ending To Pride Month
06-30-2023 - 'Victory for Free Speech' at Supreme Court in Christian Web Designer Case
06-30-2023 - In Landmark Free Speech Decision, Supreme Court Rules Government Can’t
Force Americans Like Lorie Smith To Violate Religious Beliefs
06-29-2023 - Supreme Court rules against affirmative action, in favor of religious liberty
06-29-2023 - Faith Wins: Barclays Bank Pays Settlement After Debanking Christian
06-29-2023 - Unanimous Supreme Court Expands Legal Protections for Christian Employees
06-29-2023 - Bishops: ‘Catholic’ Pro-Abortion Democrats in Congress ‘Grievously Distort
the Faith<Can you hear me now Joe, Nancy & Chuck U.?>
06-28-2023 - Multi-Faith Coalition Of Immigrant Parents Protest Maryland Public Schools’
06-26-2023 - Pope Francis Welcomes ‘Piss Christ’ Artist in Vatican <Why??>
06-26-2023 - (VIDEO): Chick-fil-A Has Sold Their Soul...
06-26-2023 - The View's Ana Navarro to Faith & Freedom Coalition: 'Your Faith Takes
Away My Freedom'<This woman is such a glittering jewel of colossal ignorance!>
06-26-2023 - Poll: U.S. Church Attendance Below Pre-Pandemic Level
06-26-2023 - Church Attendance Is Down As America’s Mental Health Crisis Continues To
06-24-2023 - Google Attacks Christians In The Workplace With Blasphemous Drag Event
06-23-2023 - U.N. ‘Expert’: Religious Liberty Must Yield to LGBT Demands<I don't think so,
pretzel boy!>
06-23-2023 - Report Decries ‘Merciless Targeting of Christians’ Around the World
06-21-2023 - Catholic employee fired after putting ‘assigned by God’ as his ‘pronouns’ in
company profile<Yet another textbook example of how so many in HR and
management are completely ignorant of the 1st Amendment and realted laws.>
06-19-2023 - 1 in 3 Americans agree with putting religious instruction in public schools
06-19-2023 - John Kerry Meets with Pope Francis: Fighting Climate Change at ‘Heart of
Morality’ <JF'nK - won't this guy EVER go away? And liberals wonder why people
think they're stupid.>
06-15-2023 - Mobs Kill at Least 9, Burn Down Christian Homes in Northern India as Biden
Prepares for Modi Visit <And not a word about it from our "staunch" Catholic
06-15-2023 - VIDEO: AZ House Censures Dem Rep. Caught Hiding Bibles 'in Response to
the Weaponizing of Religion in Politics'
06-14-2023 - Religious schools sue Maine for 'end run' around SCOTUS on school-choice
06-13-2023 - ‘It Won’t Stop with Me’: Trump Warns ‘Communists’ Will ‘Ramp Up
Persecution’ of Christians, Pro-Lifers, Parents
06-12-2023 - Churches Across the Country Promote ‘Pride Month’ Celebrations
06-10-2023 - Cracker Barrel faces backlash for posting celebratory Pride Month rocking
06-11-2023 - Christian preacher is ARRESTED for quoting Bible verses at crowd gathered
for Pennsylvania Pride event - only for DA to drop case after agreeing cops
violated Constitution<Folks, this is what is called deprivation of civil rights under
color of law (U.S.C. Title 18, Section 242). That cop, a sergeant, no less, should clearly
have known that. At the very least, he should be flopped back to the bag, if not fired!>
06-09-2023 - 4,000+ Congregations Split from Pro-LGBTQ+ United Methodist Church
06-09-2023 - Cracker Barrel Has ‘Fallen’? Folksy Southern Food Chain Becomes Latest
Unlikely Target Of Anti-LGBTQ Crusade
06-08-2023 - BREAKING: Christian Leader Pat Robertson Dead at 93… Hate-Filled Liberals
Celebrate His Death by Making “Rest in Hell” Trend at Top of Twitter
06-07-2023 - During “Pride Month”, Christian Internet Filtering Service Asks Parents
to Help Protect Kids from LGBTQ+ Grooming
06-06-2023 - Unbelievable: Police Officer Arrests A Christian Man For Peacefully
Protesting A Pride Event In Pennsylvania [VIDEO]
06-02-2023 - U.S. Embassy to Vatican Flies LGBTQIAAP2S+ Pride Flag in Rome
05-31-2023 - Christian Professor Nearly Fired over LGBT Issues Now Leads Campus
05-31-2023 - More than $30K Raised for Elderly Pro-Life Activist Brutally Beaten Outside
05-25-2023 - How Biden’s DHS Is Weaponizing an Anti-Terror Program Against Christians,
05-20-2023 - Catholic author breaks down the Antichrist and the Freemasonic infiltration
05-30-2023 - DHS: Targets of Potential Violence in Coming Months Include Churches,
05-30-2023 - Homeland sees ‘heightened threat’ of attacks on churches, cops and feds
05-30-2023 - Chick-fil-A hires VP of diversity, equity, inclusion; Twitter says it is going
05-30-2023 - Chick-fil-A’s Woke Turn Signals Larger DEI Problem in Corporate America
05-30-2023 - Kohl’s Indoctrinates Babies Into LGBTQ Culture Via ‘Happy Pride’ Onesies
05-30-2023 - Two Pro-Life Advocates Beaten Outside Planned Parenthood in Baltimore
05-29-2023 - Kohl's becomes latest department store found selling LGBT pride clothing
05-28-2023 - CatholicVote Pres. Slams Dodgers for Honoring 'Vile and Perverse' Anti-
05-26-2023 - CatholicVote Launches $1M Campaign to Boycott the Dodgers over Anti-
05-26-2023 - L.A. Dodgers backtrack, renew ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’ Pride Night
05-25-2023 - Religious families sue school district for allegedly subjecting their children
05-25-2023 - South Carolina Gov. McMaster signs six-week abortion ban
05-25-2023 - Target market value drops $9 billion in a week amid boycott over pride
offerings<Get Woke, Go Broke!!!>
05-24-2023 - L.A. Dodgers apologize to drag group Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence for
disinviting them from their Pride Night - over their 'Hunky Jesus' pole
05-24-2023 - Archbishop of San Francisco: 'We Now Know What Gods the Dodger Admin
05-24-2023 - Corporate Queering: Target Children's Apparel Advertised as
'Thoughtfully Fit' for Multiple 'Gender Expressions'
05-24-2023 - WINNING: Target removes items from designer who sells Satan
05-24-2023 - Trans Tyranny: Christian Teacher Banned from Profession After Calling
Students ‘Girls’ iin Classroom
05-24-2023 - CA Gov. Gavin The Newsom (D) Accuses Target CEO of ‘Selling Out
LGBTQ+ Community’ by Removing Pride Items from Satanist Designer
05-24-2023 - AP News: Target pulls some LGBTQ+ merchandise from stores ahead of
June Pride month after threats to workers
05-24-2023 - Major League Baseball, Budweiser, Disney, and Target Hate You
05-24-2023 - "Terrified Of A Bud Light Situation": Target Pulls Pride Month Products In
Certain Stores Amid Boycott Calls
05-24-2023 - Meet the Sisters of Indulgence: L.A. Dodgers Chose Radical, Christian-
05-23-2023 - Archbishop of San Francisco says Nancy Pelosi's communion ban is because
her abortion views are getting 'more extreme' - and the Roe v. Wade leak
has 'nothing to do with the timing of it'
05-23-2023 - L.A. Dodgers Reverse Decision: Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence Included In
LGBTQ Pride Night Over Objections
05-23-2023 - Report: Some Target Stores Have Moved 'Pride' Section amid Backlash
05-23-2023 - Sen. Tom Cotton Blasts Target over Partnering with Satanist to Push Trans
05-23-2023 - Judaism, Christianity and Identity Politics: How will Wokeism affect the
05-22-2023 - Target Partners with Satanist Designer Abprallen for Gay Pride Collection
05-19-2023 - California Officials To Pay Churches $1.4 Million for Unconstitutional
05-18-2023 - Corporate Queering: Target Selling "Pride" Clothes for Children
05-17-2023 - Shrinking German Catholic Church to Lose a Third of Its Property
05-17-2023 - Cops: Woman Defecated On Church Altar
05-16-2023 - Sorority Sisters Claim to 'Live in Constant Fear' Around Trans Member
05-15-2023 - Ancient tablet found on Mount Ebal predates known Hebrew inscriptions
05-15-2023 - VIDEO: COMMUNISM: The Most Evil Religion
05-11-2023 - Transgenderism, Transhumanism, and the Top-down Revolution to
05-10-2023 - Poll: 4 in 10 Americans Say Religion Is ‘Very Important’
05-10-2023 - NYC Catholic Parish Church Proclaims ‘God Is Trans’
05-05-2023 - HUGE WIN: Arizona Christian University Wins Religious Discrimination
Settlement As Local School District Back-Pedals On It's Bigotry
05-03-2023 - The War on Boys and Girls
05-01-2023 - The Jerusalem rally was a reminder that democracy didn't lose; the left
05-01-2023 - Oklahoma lawmakers calling for OU president Joseph Harroz, Jr. to be fired
after 'Crimson & Queens' drag show
05-01-2023 - More Universities, Including the University of Oklahoma, Jump on
Trend of Holding Race-Based Graduation Events <OU is now "Woke U!">
04-30-2023 - Judy Blume’s ‘Are You There God?’ Flops After Author's Woke LGBTQIA2S+
04-28-2023 - The New Ugly Americans - The woke Left has now weaponized the
country's diplomatic missions abroad to advance highly partisan
and controversial agendas that can offend their hosts
04-26-2023 - As Univ. of Oklahoma (OU) Pays Drag Queen $18,000, Lawmakers Call for
04-25-2023 - University of Oklahoma (OU) plans to hold identity-based graduation
ceremonies <OU is no "Woke-U!">
04-23-2023 - My Synagogue Was Attacked, but That’s Not What Scares Me Most
04-21-2023 - Poll: America’s Happiest People Say ‘Belief in God Is Important’
04-19-2023 - Patti LuPone (Idiot & Hypocrite Extraordinaire): No Difference Between
America's Christian Right, the Taliban
04-18-2023 - ‘Abort God’: Ohio Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Attacked by ‘Jane’s Revenge’
04-17-2023 - New revelations of FBI efforts to infiltrate Catholic Church provoke
04-16-2023 - Aid Group Decries Escalation of Anti-Christian Violence in Holy Land
04-15-2023 - New Jersey Shore Town Builds Cross-Shaped Pier to Honor Jesus
04-14-2023 - Poll: Majority of Americans Worry Religious Institutions are
‘Abandoning,’ ‘Watering-Down’ Traditional Beliefs
04-13-2023 - NASA Director Swears Oath on Carl Sagan Book Instead of Bible
04-13-2023 - Punk Icon Nick Cave – ‘Being Conservative and Going to Church’ ‘F**ks
04-11-2023 - Report: First Quarter of 2023 Sees ‘Significant Increase’ In Acts of
04-09-2023 - Predictions about the decline of Christianity in America may be premature
04-08-2023 - Mo’Nique Comes Out as Bisexual in Netflix Special, Accuses Churches of
'Ripping Apart Motherf**king Families’
04-07-2023 - China Drafts Religious Law Mandating Houses of Worship 'Support the
04-07-2023 - VP Kamala Kamala (D-CA) Heads to Nashville to Support Democrats
Removed from Legislature, Not Victims of Christian School Shooting…
04-07-2023 - Franklin Graham Slams Oregon Law ‘Disqualifying Christians’ from
04-05-2023 - Univ. Of Oklahoma (OU) Drag Show Declared One of the Nation's Largest
04-05-2023 - Police: Shooter Planned to 'Commit Mass Murder' at Christian School
04-02-2023 - MSNBC's Joy Reid's Religion Seminar: Being Anti-Trans Is 'Anti-Gospel, Anti
03-29-2023 - FBI not treating 'transgender' Christian school shooting as a domestic terror
03-29-2023 - Is Chick-fil-A Woke? (see more article below)
03-29-2023 - 'Trans Day of Vengeance' protest still scheduled for this weekend despite
03-29-2023 - Trans Anti-Christian Video Game Released 2 Months Before School Attack
03-29-2023 - Catholic Cardinal Confidant to Pope Francis Urges Relaxing Ban on Gay Sex
03-28-2023 - Trans Activists Pushed Aggressive Rhetoric Before Shooting at Christian
03-28-2023 - Nashville Christian School Shooting Preceded by Calls for ‘Trans Day of
03-28-2023 - The Christian school shooting in Nashville was a hate crime against normal
03-28-2023 - Trans Movement, Media Provide Deranged Responses to Shooting at
03-27-2023 - Poll: Support for Traditional American Values, Patriotism Declines
Having Children Not ’Very Important’ Religion’s Role Dwindles, Money
03-25-2023 - Woke Pope Tells Muslims: Ramadan Is Important for Christians, Too
03-24-2023 - Former Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Attacks San Francisco
Archbishop Cordileone as Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Woman
03-24-2023 - Conservative Groups Sue DOJ for Information About Attacks on Churches,
03-24-2023 - Israeli Bill Proposes Making Sharing Christian Faith An Offense Punishable
With Jail Time, Prime Minister Netanyahu Says No Way
03-21-2023 - Vermont Dem Defends Ban of Christian School from State Sports Over
School’s ‘Dangerous’ Transgender Objections
03-20-2023 - Christian Teacher Fired for Saying ‘Homosexuality is Invading
03-20-2023 - Tulsi Gabbard (Former D-HI) Says Attacks on Faith, God Drove Her to Leave
03-16-2023 - Law Passed Under Biden May Force Religious Organizations To Provide
03-15-2023 - 'The Office' Actor Rainn Wilson Calls Out Woke Hollywood For Its Anti-
03-11-2023 - Christian Street Preacher's 'Misgendering' Conviction Overturned
03-07-2023 - Arizona school board ends partnership with Christian college to ensure
03-06-2023 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Attorney Charged with Domestic
Terrorism for Allegedly Rioting with Antifa
03-06-2023 - MN Democrats Sick of White Christians Adopting Native American Babies:
03-05-2023 - Woke Christianity: Historic London Anglican Church to Host Drag Queen
03-03-2023 - San Diego Cardinal Says Gay Sex Shouldn’t Be a Barrier to Communion
03-03-2023 - Arizona School Board Member Says District Should Reject Hiring
03-02-2023 - 'He's a Coach, not a Pastor': Atheist Group Takes Aim at Deion Sanders'
Expression of His Religious Beliefs <Now here's a perfect example of how
liberal atheist idiots know nothing about Christianity because if they did, they
would know that ALL believers all called upon to evangelize.>
03-01-2023 - Illinois Catholic Bishop Accuses Progressive San Diego Cardinal Robert
03-01-2023 - Christian Teacher Charged with Misconduct After ‘Misgendering’ Pupil
03-01-2023 - Senate Judiciary grills AG Garland on fentanyl, law enforcement,
02-22-2023 - Mark Wahlberg Says Faith 'Not Popular in My Industry,' But It Has 'Afforded
02-15-2023 - Whistleblower says FBI plotting to CRIMINALIZE Christianity
02-15-2023 - Communist China Cracked Down On Christians In 2022, Report Says
02-14-2023 - Archbishop of Canterbury: UK Parliament Tried to 'Force Same-Sex
02-13-2023 - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Rips Pro-Christian Super Bowl Ads as ‘Fascist’
02-10-2023 - FBI Retracts Anti-Catholic Memo Admits Didn’t Meet ‘Standards’
Whistleblower: Doc Declared Christians as ‘Potential Terrorists’
02-09-2023 - Gender Neutral God? Church of England Plans Liturgical Pronoun Project
02-08-2023 - Students Sue Smithsonian for Kicking Them Out over Pro-Life Hats
02-07-2023 - Pew Study: What Is the Future of Religion in America? If trends in religious
switching continue, Christians could make up less than half of the U.S.
population in just a few decades
02-04-2023 - Franklin Graham Decries Church Capitulation on Homosexuality,
02-03-2023 - U.S. Bishops Chief Counters Biden Claim on Taxpayer-Funded Abortion
02-03-2023 - Minnesota Bishop Robert Barron Slams ‘Barbaric’ Abortion Law
02-03-2023 - Behar: I Don't Believe Ilhan Omar Unaware of Antisemitic Tropes
About Jewish People, Money, Hostin Sides with Omar
02-02-2023 - Who is Really Marginalized, LGBTQ+ or Christians?
02-01-2023 - Satanic Temple to Open the 'World's First Religious Abortion Clinic'
02-01-2023 - Iran Inflicting ‘Invisible Jihad’ on Lebanon’s Christians
01-29-2023 - Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN): I Wasn't Aware There Were Tropes
About Jews, Money<Yeah, right - Congress' #1 Jew Hater>
01-28-2023 - Catholic League: Militant Secularists Are Behind Most Anti-
01-27-2023 - Report: 5,621 Christians Murdered for their Faith in 2022
01-27-2023 - Church to Hold Drag Queen Bingo Night with Kids Present
01-26-2023 - Paris: Churches Targeted By Arson Attacks Three Times Within Days
01-24-2023 - Survey: American Parents ‘Place Less Importance’ on Children Having
01-23-2023 - Middle-Aged White Suicide, Alcohol Abuse Linked to Loss of Religion
01-23-2023 - Washed-Up 80's Pop Star Madonna Mocks Christ’s Last Supper in Vanity
01-22-2023 - Losing their religion: why US churches are on the decline
01-21-2023 - Rise in middle-aged white 'deaths of despair' may be fueled by loss
of religion, new research paper argues
01-19-2023 - Texas Bishop Slams ‘Godless’ World at Economic Forum at Davos
01-18-2023 - Philadelphia Flyers' hockey player and Russian Orthodox Christian Ivan
Provorov Refuses to Wear Pride Jersey 'to Stay True to Myself and
01-18-2023 - Church of England to Bless Gay Marriages Under Bishop Ruling
01-17-2023 - Bill Gates-Backed Politician Tells Church of England to Conduct Gay
01-16-2023 - Fourteen Killed in Islamic State Attack on Congo Church
01-15-2023 - WINNING! U.S. court ruling upholds federal funding for religious
colleges with traditional values
01-15-2023 - ‘Woke’ Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Slammed After Plea Deal for Allege
Antisemitic Attacker: NYC ‘No Longer Safe for Jews
01-15-2023 - 'Not a Joke' -- Joe Biden Claims He Attended a Black Church Every Day
After Morning Mass <Was that before or after he went to the mosque and the
temple, too?>
01-14-2023 - Young people sacrifice belief in God on altar of Satanism
01-04-2023 - Friend of Satan: how Lucien Greaves and his Satanic Temple are fighting
01-02-2023 - Biblical site where Jesus healed blind man excavated for public view:
12-29-2022 - Swedish Teacher: Students Call Me ‘Dirty’ Because I Am White
12-24-2022 - Most Say Christian Faiths Should Not Have to Compromise Beliefs to
Adhere to Leftist Woke Ideology
12-23-2022 - Christian Persecution in Africa Grew More Intense and Widespread in
12-21-2022 - Churchgoing and belief in God stand at historic lows, despite
12-20-2022 - Woke Catholic Church Architecture: Ugly as Sin
12-17-2022 - A mass exodus from Christianity is underway in America
12-14-2022 - Antisemitism Is Rising at Colleges, and Jewish Students Are Facing
12-13-2022 - Pew Research: If recent trends continue, Christians could make up a
12-13-2022 - As attendance dips, churches change to stay relevant for a new wave of
12-10-2022 - As attendance dips, churches change to stay relevant for new wave of
12-08-2022 - House Passes Anti-Christian ‘Respect for Marriage Act,’ Sends Bill to
12-08-2022 - Why You Should Be Worried About the Split in the Methodist Church
12-07-2022 - Hundreds of TX Churches Leave Pro-Abortion United Methodist Church
12-06-2022 - Virginia Restaurant Refuses to Serve Christian Group for Being Christian
12-05-2022 - Report: Religious ‘Nones’ Skew Heavily Democrat, Pro-Abortion
11-29-2022 - England No Longer a Christian Nation as Atheism and Islam Make Gains
11-27-2022 - Cambridge Trinity College dean defends sermon on Jesus being 'trans,'
11-27-2022 - Muslim Schoolchildren in London Sing Song Calling for Massacre of Jews
11-22-2022 - Vatican News: Global Christian Persecution ‘Still Rising’
11-19-2022 - Marine vet strives to bring faith back to the foxhole after Obama purge
11-19-2022 - German Bishops Snub Vatican Ban, Vow to Keep Blessing Gay Couples
11-16-2022 - Cardinal Dolan Slams Respect for Marriage Act as Attack
11-05-2022 - Stand with Christian daycare worker fired for refusing to indoctrinate
11-04-2022 - Priest Stands by Viral Homily Against Abortion, Transgenderism Despite
His Bishop Siding with Cancel Mob
10-31-2022 - Megan Fox, Mom of 3, Poses in S&M-Themed Mockery of Christian
10-26-2022 - U.S. Bishops Slam Joe Biden as ‘Gravely Wrong’ in Promoting Abortion
10-20-2022 - Model Carmen Ortega: Evil Jews Own Media, Banks, Government
10-15-2022 - Crisis of Faith: Sweden's Liberal Church Faces Hundreds of Closures
10-14-2022 - The Midterm Boogeyman of 'Christian Nationalism'
10-12-2022 - L.A. City Council Democrats Trashed Jews, Armenians in Leaked Audio
10-11-2022 - Report: More Millennials Going to Church Now than Before the
10-07-2022 - Poll: Majority Of Catholics Reject Democrats’ Distortion of Church
Teaching On Abortion, The Sexes
09-29-2022 - 9 UC Berkeley Law School Groups Ban Majority of Jews from Speaking
09-27-2022 - 'Wokeness Is Not Just a Political Ideology — It's a State Religion that
09-23-2022 - The VIew's Ana Navarro to DeSantis, Republicans: Flying Migrants to
Massachusetts 'Is Not Christian'<This dingbat wouldn't know Christianity if It Hit
Her in Her Face!>
09-23-2022 - Anti-Religious Attacks On Jews Could Come To Your House Of Worship
09-23-2022 - 'Practicing Catholic' Joe Biden Misstates Church Teaching on Abortion
09-14-2022 - Experts: China Has Hired 'Hundreds, if Not Thousands' to Censor Religion
09-13-2022 - Decline of Christianity Shows No Signs of Stopping
09-13-2022 - Pew Study: Modeling the Future of Religion in America: If recent trends in
religious switching continue, Christians could make up less than half of the
U.S. population within a few decades
09-01-2022 - WATCH: White House Suggests Pro-life Movement Is 'Semi-fascist' and
08-31-2022 - Hate Crimes Against Jews in NYC Resulting in One Jail Day
08-29-2022 - Thousands of Serbia’s Orthodox Christians rally against EuroPride
08-28-2022 - It's Open Season on Jews in New York City - Tablet Magazine
08-26-2022 - Axios Criticizes Catholic Church for ‘Alienating’ Drug Dealers, Gays
08-22-2022 - Beach Pier Restoration by Religious Group Upsets LGBTQ Neighbors
08-20-2022 - Summer of Rage, Part VI: Biden Administration Ignores Systematic
Attack on Religious Communities in Wake of Dobbs Leak Another One:
’Jane’s Revenge,’ Violent Threat Scrawled at Bethlehem House in PA FBI
08-19-2022 - A Nonconservative’s Plea to Those Leaving Conservative Churches
08-17-2022 - Watch: CatholicVote Slams Biden’s Inaction on Firebombed Churches
'Shameful Pattern of Injustice and Failure’
08-15-2022 - Healthcare Workers Denied Religious Exemptions to Receive $10 Million
08-14-2022 - Is Religious Liberty 'Hanging by a Thread'?
08-13-2022 - Just 1-in-5 Marriages Were Religious, Dozens of Religious Gay Weddings
08-10-2022 - Episcopal Church Comes Out in Support of Sex Changes 'at All Ages'
08-09-2022 - Rev. Al Sharpton Claims Bible and Religion Support Offers ‘Choice’ in
08-18-2022 - Watch: Bishop Barron Responds to 'The Atlantic' Catholic Rosary Smear
08-17-2022 - Episcopal Church embraces sex changes for children of 'all ages'
08-08-2022 - Baby Blues: How to Face the Church’s Growing Fertility Crisis
08-06-2022 - U.S. Bishops Blast & Censure Biden over Executive Order ‘Facilitating
08-03-2022 - Alan Dershowitz: ‘Nothing Jewish’ About Left-Wing Jewish Democratic
07-31-2022 - The A-List God Squad: From Kanye West to Justin Bieber, celebrities are
tapping into the power of the almighty. LAURA CRAIK asks if the new star-
endorsed 'megachurches' are really about religion or just good old showbiz
07-31-2022 - Christian NWSL Player Misses Game Over Refusal to Wear Pride Jersey
07-21-2022 - EU Must Adopt ‘Christian Roots and Culture’ and Rework Bloc
07-19-2022 - House Democrats Block Republican Resolution Condemning Violence
at Churches, Pregnancy Centers
07-18-2022 - Watch: Squad Member Rep Cori Bush (D-MO) Activist Thinks Being
a Jew 'Crime Worthy of the Rope'
07-14-2022 - Rep. Josh Hawley (R-MO) Introduces Measure to Protect Churches,
Pregnancy Centers from 'Radical Activists'
07-13-2022 - Rep Josh Hawley (R-MO): It Is a 'Religion' to the Left That You Affirm
07-13-2022 - Church of England Says There Is ‘No Official Definition’ of a Woman
07-11-2022 - Woke Churches Label Pro-Life Movement a ‘Demonic Agenda' and Claim
07-10-2022 - U.S. Bishops Decry Joe Biden’s Relentless Attack on the Unborn
07-08-2022 - Why is Christianity losing members in America? Why is Eastern Orthodoxy Losing Members? YOU give the answers! - Fr Bill's Blog #338
07-04-2022 - PHOTOS – Church Vandalized with Anti-Pro-Life Graffiti: ‘We Join in
Prayer for Those Who Did This’
07-03-2022 - Why Do So Many Top Democrats Have No Problem Associating With a
07-02-2022 - Christians Are the New Boogeyman for the American Left
06-30-2022 - Pro-life groups, churches see increased violence after Supreme Court
06-29-2022 - Watch―Washington State Church Vandalized: 'Religion of Hate'
06-27-2022 - Media Attack Catholic Church over SCOTUS Abortion Ruling
06-26-2022 - PHOTOS: Christian Pregnancy Center in Colorado Set on Fire After Roe
06-25-2022 - 72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In
Official Government Documents- You can now be considered a
“potential terrorist” just because of your religious or political beliefs.
06-25-2022 - Christian pregnancy center in Colorado vandalized, burned after Roe v.
06-25-2022 - Hulu’s ‘Life and Beth’ Star Michael Rapaport Says Christian Women, Girls
Who Get Raped will ‘Regret’ Roe Reversal: 'You'll Learn' <Perhaps
Hollywood's biggest bed-wetter and whiner - another real class act!>
06-24-2022 - U.S. Catholic Bishops Celebrate Overturn of Roe v. Wade as ‘Historic
06-24-2022 - 'Bros' Star Billy Eichner Attacks Christians over Roe v. Wade: 'F**K YOU'
and Your 'RELIGIOUS BULLS**T' <Obviously a real class act, whoever he is.>
06-23-2022 - WINNING! Free Speech Win: Georgia Gwinnett College to Pay $800K
Settlement to Christian Student It Censored
06-21-2022 - WINING! Supreme Court OKs use of public money for religious
06-21-2022 - American's Belief In God Drops To All Time Low - Major Decline among
young adults, Liberals, Democrats
06-19-2022 - Kamala Harris Says 'Nothing' About Abortion Forces Christians to 'Abandon'
or 'Change Their Faith'<Yeah, that ain’t gonna happen, toots!>
06-18-2022 - Gallup Poll: Belief in God Among U.S. Adults Dips to All-Time Low
06-17-2022 - 'Sexualization of children': Feminists join Christian conservatives to
06-17-2022 - Gallup: Belief in God in U.S. Dips to 81%, a New Low
06-06-2022 - Seventy Georgia Churches Split from Methodist Church over LGBTQ
06-06-2022 - Pentecost Massacre in Nigeria Claims the Lives of More Than
06-06-2022 - Liberals Support Killing 63 Million Babies, So It's No Surprise They're
Attacking Churches and Pregnancy Centers
06-06-2022 - WATCH: Radical Abortion Activists Invade Church Service to Promote
06-06-2022 - NYT Accuses Tampa Bay Rays’ Christian Players of ‘Condemning Gay
Culture’ by Rejecting ‘Pride Night’ Patches
06-05-2022 - Some Rays Players Choose Not to Wear LGBTQ Pride Night Patches,
06-01-2022 - Training Christian Conservatives to Take on Today’s Ideological Battles
05-29-2022 - Pope snubs bishop feuding with Pelosi, promotes lower-ranking one
who defends pro-choice politicians
05-24-2023 - Over a Dozen U.S. Bishops Rush to Support SF Archbishop Blocking
05-23-2022 - Insane Left To Christian Kids: No Public Pools Or Summer Camps For
05-18-2022 - Facebook Censors Persecuted Christians
05-11-2022 - Who’s Paying Protesters to Harass Justices and Churches?
05-11-2022 - Mike Cernovich: Left Is ‘Pushing Genocide Against Christians'
05-10-2022 - Orthodox Christian churches are drawing in far-right American converts
: NPR <...says the ultra left-wing NPR>
05-06-2022 - Vandals Desecrate Colorado Catholic Church with Pro-Abortion
05-06-2022 - Catholics Call on Attorney General to Protect Churches from Pro-
Abortion Radicals Planned Mother’s Day Protests
05-03-2022 - Joe Biden: Constitution Gives Right to ‘Abort a Child’ —
'Mainstream’ Religions Agree with Roe v. Wade Ghouls Get Creative to
Circumvent Abortion Restrictions Biden: Constitution Gives Right to
‘Abort a Child’ Catholic Joe: *ALL* Mainstream Religions Believe
05-02-2022 - The Partisan Church Divide
04-26-2022 - After churches forced to shutter in pandemic, South Carolina enacts bill
04-25-2022 - Supreme Court hears praying football coach case
04-20-2022 - Assistant principal sues Virginia school board after she was 'forced out
of her job' for using the words 'colored people' during mandatory 'anti-
racism training' and then being bullied by colleague who called her a
04-19-2022 - Biden admin to rescind Trump ‘conscience’ rule for health workers
04-19-2022 - New Scientific Technique Dates Shroud of Turin to Around the Time
of Christ’s Death and Resurrection
04-18-2022 - Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MI): 'Snowflakes' Offended by Post Mocking
04-18-2022 - VA assistant principal harassed, forced out of her job after questioning
harmful race-based teacher training
04-13-2022 - After Mocking Christians, Democrat Cindy Axne (IA) Dons Hijab at Iowa
04-12-2022 - Report: Islamists ‘Mercilessly Killing Christians’ in Democratic Republic
04-11-2022 - Church attendance in America: Why is it in decline?
04-07-2022 - Watch What Happens When A Christian Man Asks 13 Gay Bakeries to
Make a Pro-Traditional Marriage Cake (VIDEO)
04-02-2022 - Islamised Hagia Sophia Holds First Ramadan Prayers for 88 Years
03-17-2022 - Christian Teacher Suing After Being Suspended for Using Wrong
03-09-2022 - MSNBC's Joy Reid Says The World Only Cares About Ukraine Because It's
a "White and Largely Christian" Nation
03-07-2022 - MSNBC's Reid: World Paying Attention to Ukraine Because It's
02-25-2022 - SCOTUS to Decide if Colorado Can Force Christian Website Designer to
02-24-2022 - Dems Want to Nationalize Law Silencing People of Faith, Joy Pullmann
02-24-2022 - ‘VETERANS WIN’: Lawsuit Against VA Hospital for Bible Display DROPPED
02-23-2022 - WATCH: Middle School Teacher Caught on Video Saying "Those
Conservative Christians Need to Get COVID and Die!"
02-22-2022 - Report: Early 2022 Marked by ‘Epidemic’ of Anti-Christian Vandalism
02-18-2022 - Indian Government Orders Demolition of Jesus Statue in Christian
02-16-2022 - Teacher fired for not using student's preferred pronouns seeks refuge in
01-31-2022 - Christian Schools See Growing Enrollments as Public Schools Decline
01-31-2022 - Pope Francis: Taxation Is an Important Tool of ‘Wealth
Redistribution’ <Folks, this is called Communism!>
01-29-2022 - Dan Bongino: Democrats are obsessed with tearing down values
01-28-2022 - Imitating Islam: The Left’s War on the Christian Cross
01-27-2022 - Leftist Indifference to Christian Genocide - Whether for Obama, Clinton,
or Biden, Nigeria is not a “country of particular concern.”
01-27-2022 - Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America
01-25-2022 - Blaming Israel, Not Muslims, for Christian Woes
01-24-2022 - MSNBC’s Reid Goes on Racist Rant, Attacks White Christian
Conservatives as ‘Selfish’ <Readers will be happy to learn that her show has
been cancelled as of this Spring. Good riddance. But, I expect she will turn up
somewhere else where she can continue to spew her hate and racism, like on The
01-20-2022 - Supreme Court Appears Ready to Protect a Christian Flag
01-13-2022 - MSNBC's Joy Reid Must Be A Special Kind Of Stupid, Blames Covid On
'White Christians' And Wages War on Joe Rogan? <Yep, wherever and
whenever there's some kind of catastrophe or crime, there's ALWAYS a white
person to blame for it!!>
01-12-2022 - Horowitz: Forced Vaccinations Threaten Christians
01-11-2022 - Court Forces Hospital To End Discrimination Against Christian Employee
01-07-2022 - Activist Loses ‘Gay Marriage’ Cake Discrimination Case Involving
01-07-2022 - Christian Nurse Wins Tribunal After Being Sacked For Wearing Cross
01-05-2022 - Exodus: Over 400 Churches Close in Britain in Past Decade
01-04-2022 - Georgia Gwinett College Administration Slammed With Lawsuits for
Arresting Christian Students for Sharing Their Faith
01-01-2022 - Report: 416 Million Christians Live in ‘Lands of Persecution’
12-24-2021 - Israeli PM’s Christmas Message: Israel Only Place in Region
12-21-2021 - Freedom of Religion Lawsuit Filed Against California Education System
for Forcing Students To Chant Aztec Prayers
12-24-2021 - Pew: About Three-in-Ten U.S. Adults Are Now Religiously Unaffiliated
11-24-2021 - Catholic University Displays Painting Depicting George Floyd as
Jesus <Outrageous! Jesus was not a career criminal and convicted felon. And
they wonder why they are hemorrhaging parishioners!>
12-23-2021 - Christian Persecution Increased Worldwide in 2021
12-09-2021 - Report: Anti-Christian Hate Crimes in Europe Jump by 70% in One Year
12-09-2021 - SCOTUS Poised to Side with Christian Schools in Tuition Aid Fight
12-07-2021 - SCOTUS to Hear Case: Can Students Use State Aid to Attend Christian
12-07-2021 - NY Hospital Fires 100 Unvaccinated Staff Claiming Religious Exemption
11-29-2021 - Did Archaeologists Just Find Evidence of Hanukkah Stories?
11-26-2021 - Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) Slams Biden Administration’s ‘Retreat’ from
11-15-2021 - Mark Levin: NYTimes, MSNBC, So Many More Are 'Racist and Anti-
11-09-2021 - Biden Admin Moves to Scrap Trump Rule Protecting Religious Liberty of
11-05-2021 - Texans Vote To Stop the Government From Limiting Religious Services
11-05-2021 - Woke Nazis Target Popular Actor Chris Pratt Because He's Christian
11-05-2021 - L.A. Archbishop Decries Rise of Globalism, Anti-Christian ‘Elite
11-03-2021 - Raymond Ibrahim Webinar On-Demand: Muslim Persecution of
Christians - A Censored Pandemic
11-01-2021 - Senate confirms Vermont’s Beth Robinson to Second Circuit Court of
Appeals Despite Her Hostility Towards the Religious
10-26-2021 - The Covid 'Religious Exemption' Inquisition
10-25-2021 - Young People Say Disconnect Keeps Them From Church
10-21-2021 - AP Laments Resistance of African Christians to Same-Sex Marriage
09-30-2021 - Matthew Dowd Runs for Office After Demanding White Christian Males
09-30-2021 - Harassment of religious groups reaches new peak in 2019
09-26-2021 - God-Fearing Flight Attendant Asks Single Question on Internal Message
Board, Gets Attacked and Cancelled by Woke Airline
09-24-2021 - Denzel Washington Advises Crowd At Christian Event To ‘Stay On Your
Knees,’ Says ‘Strength and Leadership’ Are Part Of God’s Role For Men
09-24-2021 - Denzel Washington to Christian Men’s Conference: Pray Daily, 'Listen to
God,' Remember ‘Strength and Leadership' Are 'God's Gift to Us’
09-18-2021 - Republican Senators Slam Biden Court Pick for ‘Hostility' to Religious
09-16-2021 - Pope Francis: Every Baptized Christian Has ‘the Task of Evangelizing’
09-11-2021 - Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban: 9/11 Proved ‘Christian
Civilization Is Something We Must Fight for Every Day’
09-04-2021 - AOC: 'Christian Extremists' Are 'Passing Forced Birth Laws'
08-20-2021 - Michael Moore Compares Christian Conservatives to the Taliban:
08-19-2021 - Taliban Going Door To Door Seeking Christians, Searching Through
08-14-2021 - Iranian Christian Immigrant Slams Loudoun County School Board:
'These Are Our Children, Not Yours'
08-11-2021 - Biden’s IRS Is A Partisan Weapon In The War On Religious Freedom
08-10-2021 - Report: Syria Lost over 60 Percent of Its Christians in a Decade
08-03-2021 - Barronelle Stutzman (Arlene's Flowers) Might Have a Chance at Justice
07-31-2021 - Biden Names First Muslim as Ambassador-at-Large for International
07-23-2021 - Pelosi's bishop says speaker 'epitome of hypocrisy' after her claims to
07-23-2021 - Recent anti-Christian ‘news,’ editorial examples expose utter corruption
07-22-2021 - Franklin Graham: Blackburn Is 'Absolutely Right,' War Is Between 'Judeo-
07-22-2021 - Appeals court reinstates church's lawsuit against Washington state
07-21-2021 - Catholic League Blasts Woke Sports Illustrated as ‘Anti-Christian’
07-16-2021 - Media's Desire To Amplify Activism Spurs Anti-Christian Church
07-13-2021 - Mainline Protestants Are Still Declining, But That’s Not Good News for
07-10-2021 - The 2020 Census of American Religion: We Have Work to Do Also here.
07-10-2021 - Christian Motivational Speaker Starts Bank in Response to the Rise of
Cancel Culture in the Private Sector
07-08-2021 - The 2020 Census of American Religion - PRRI
07-07-2021 - IRS Grants Christian Group Tax-Exempt Status After Equating Bible’s
Teachings with Republican Party
07-03-2021 - Ten Churches Vandalized in a Day as Church Burnings Surge in Canada
07-03-2021 - Radio Host Says 'Burn the Churches' as Fires Reported Across Canada
07-02-2021 - Supreme Court Declines to Hear Washington Floral Shop Owner,
Barronelle Stutzman's (Arlenen's Flowers) Key Religious Liberty Case
07-02-2021 - SCOTUS to Decide On Case Barring Christian School from Aid Program
07-02-2021 - Supreme Court Will Hear Case on Law Excluding Religious Schools From
06-30-2021 - After Israel controversies, Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN)
says some colleagues ‘not partners in justice’
06-29-2021 - Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN): 'I Don't' Regret Grouping
U.S., Israel with Terror Groups, House Dem Critics 'Have Engaged in
06-29-2021 - Transgender: White House to Denounce GOP Child-Protection Laws
06-25-2021 - North Carolina gov. vetoes bill banning abortion based on race, sex,
genetic abnormality<He's a Democrat, of course.>
06-24-2021 - Religious Freedom Would Be Null and Void Under Equality Act
06-23-2021 - Iowa judge strikes down law requiring 24-hour waiting period before
06-23-2021 - Supreme Court: Religious Liberty Prevails in Fulton v. City of
06-23-2021 - Pope Francis: You Can Recognize False Christians by Their ‘Inflexibility’
06-22-2021 - Poll: 50% Say Churches, Faith-Based Charities Should Not Be Forced to
Hire People Who Oppose Their Beliefs
06-21-2021 - U.S. Perception of Religious Influence Nears Record-Low After Pandemic
06-20-2021 - Pro-Abortion Congressman Ted Lieu (D-CA) ‘Dares’ Bishops to Deny Him
Communion<Or what, Teddy???>
06-20-2021 - IRS Denies Tax-Exempt Status To Organization That Encourages
Christians To 'Pray, Vote, Engage' Because '[B]ible Teachings Are
Typically Affiliated With The [Republican] Party'
06-19-2021 - U.S. Catholic Bishops Vote to Draft Document on Worthiness to Receive
06-19-2021 - IRS Denies Christian Non-Profit Tax-Exempt Status
06-18-2021 - Critical Race Theory Is Antithetical to Christianity, Black Pastor Says
06-18-2021 - 14 States Side With Christian Wedding Photographer Against NY's Law
06-18-2021 - Catholic League: SCOTUS Ruling a ‘Huge Victory’ for Religious Liberty
06-17-2021 - Supreme Court delivers narrow victory for religious freedom over LGBT
06-17-2021 - Unanimous Supreme Court Gives Win to Religious Foster Care Agency
06-17-2021 - Anti-religion law in South Africa ‘puts a target on the backs of people of
06-17-2021 - IRS Denies Tax Exemption to Christian Group, Associates Bible With
GOP <Well, there pretty much aren't any Democrats who believe in the Bible,
especially 'devout Catholics' SanFranGranNan and PauPau Biden!!>
06-17-2021 - Harassing Colorado Baker, Jack Phillips
06-17-2021 - Judge Rules Christian Baker Jack Phillips Must Make ‘Gender Transition’
06-17-2021 - Court forces Christian Colorado baker Jack Phillips to make cakes
celebrating a transgender ‘transition’ <Won't they ever leave this poor man
06-16-2021 - 4 Main Things Christians Need to Know About Critical Race Theory
06-15-2021 - Report: Vatican ‘Nixed’ Request for Biden to Attend Mass with Pope
06-15-2021 - Pope Francis, the Biden family, and the U.S. bishops’ struggle over the
06-15-2021 - Critical Race Theory at Stanford Leads to Antisemitism Complaint From
06-08-2021 - Court Orders Loudoun County, VA, School Board to Reinstate Teacher
Suspended for Christian Speech on LGBT
06-03-2021 - Anti-Semitic Incidents Reach Record High in the UK: Report
06-02-2021 - Fauci Said Cancel Religious 'Services' but Approved Rallies Days Later
05-31-2021 - Canada’s Christian Foundations Crumbling Under COVID-19
05-29-2021 - Rutgers Chancellor Apologizes for Condemning Anti-Semitic Attacks
05-26-2021 - Study Suggests Christians Lack a Biblical Worldview
05-25-2021 - Suspect out on bail, given hero's welcome from other anti-Semitic group
05-25-2021 - The Middle East Dispute Is About Religion, Not Land
05-22-2021 - WATCH: Prager: Israel-Palestine Dispute Not over Land -- 'The Issue
05-22-2021 - Anti-Semitic Attacks On the Rise
05-22-2021 - Christian Rocker John Cooper: Social Justice Agendas Like Critical Race
Theory and Abolishing Police Sparking a 'Civil War' in America
05-20-2021 - Survey: 43% of Millennials ‘Don’t Know, Care, or Believe God Exists'
05-20-2021 - Federal Judge Sides With Biden...Rules Christian College Must Let
Biological Men Share Showers With Women
05-20-2021 - Today in History: Christian Payback for Muslim Atrocities Begins
05-18-2021 - America’s First Fool Biden Calls Anti-Police, Anti-Semitic Lawmaker
Wrong Name 3 Times In a Row...Promises "Rashid" Tlaib He'll Take Care
Of Her Palestinian Family "In West Bank” [VIDEO]
05-18-2021 - Chinese Communists Clamp Down on Christian Social Media
05-18-2021 - Biden Abandons Religious Freedom as First Among Rights
05-17-2021 - You Can Be Anything in Britain Except a Christian
05-14-2021 - In New Book, Ken Starr Warns Religious Liberty ‘in Crisis
05-14-2021 - Pelosi (D-CA) praises Vatican letter on communion for pro-abortion
05-14-2021 - Let’s get a few things cleared up: Testing, cell lines, and fetal tissue
05-14-2021 - ‘Shameless lie’: Xavier Becerra denies existence of law banning partial-
birth abortion - HHS secretary dodges questions on 'illegal, utterly
05-13-2021 - German priests to their bishops allowing LGBT "blessings,'
intercommunion: ‘Leave the path of heresies!’
05-13-2021 - Former Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS): 'This Is the Most Persecuted Era
05-13-2021 - Gender unicorns, BLM, rainbow flags: Jesuit St. Louis University
worships at the altar of ‘woke’ culture
05-12-2021 - Is the Bible anti-woman? Fox News anchor Shannon Bream responds to
misconceptions, explores powerful biblical wisdom
05-11-2021 - Transgender Bishop Is a Rejection of Christianity
05-11-2021 - Report: 78 Priests Allegedly ‘Massacred’ in Ethiopia Conflict
05-11-2021 - Trent College chaplain reported as terror threat for opposing LGBT
05-10-2021 - Chaplain Reported to Anti-Terror Watchdog for Sermon on LGBT
05-07-2021 - Audio: Raymond Ibrahim on the Left’s War on History and Islam’s War
05-05-2021 - 'They Are Burning Us Alive!' Say Sinai’s Coptic Christians
05-04-2021 - Arkansas Looks to Protect Religious Liberty in State Constitution
05-03-2021 - Pro-abortion Catholic politicians shouldn't receive communion: Nancy
04-30-2021 - US Catholic Bishops expected to advise denying communion to pro-
04-30-2021 - Being in 'Good' Standing (or 'In Communion') with the Church - Fr. John
04-29-2021 - WATCH: Christian Pastor Arrested in London for Quoting ‘Homophobic’
04-29-2021 - ‘Doctrinal Annihilation’: Theologian Blasts Methodist Church For
Pushing Drag Queen Pastor, Claims ‘Two Religions’ Forming Over
LGBT Issues "This is open revolt..."
04-22-2021 - Catholic League Decries ‘Polite Persecution’ of Christians in the West
04-20-2021 - Report: 5.2 Billion People Face ‘Very Severe Violations of Religious
04-16-2021 - L.A. Archbishop Decries ‘Growing Censorship of Christian Viewpoints’
04-16-2021 - It’s Not Just Young White Liberals Who Are Leaving Religion
04-14-2021 - Indiana Passes Bill Declaring Religious Services to Be ‘Essential’
04-13-2021 - Supreme Court Rebukes Ninth Circuit on Religious Freedom
04-12-2021 - Christian Colleges Fight Anti-Religious Title IX Lawsuit
04-07-2021 - America is Losing Its Religion - Axios
04-07-2021 - Report: China detaining Christians in windowless 'transformation'
facilities, using 'brainwashing' to get them to renounce their faith
04-04-2021 - VIDEO: Joe Biden Uses Easter Video to Promote COVID Vaccine... No
04-03-2021 - Catholic League: Joe Biden Has a ‘Seriously Strained’ Relationship with
04-01-2021 - The American Civil War Is Over Judeo-Christian Values
04-01-2021 - Seminary Prof: Post Calling Evangelical Christianity 'Greatest Threat to
Human Existence' Was 'Taken Out of Context'
03-31-2021 - Left-Wing Groups Condemn Archbishop Challenging Biden's 'Devout'
03-30-2021 - HORROR! ISIS Makes a Comeback Under Biden Regime...Brags About
Killing Christians in Mozambique Massacre As Thousands Flee
03-30-2021 - Democrats Had Sharpest Decline in Church Membership
03-29-2021 - Gallup: U.S. Church Membership Falls Below Majority for First Time
03-25-2021 - Report: Biden's U.N. Ambassador Is Bad News for Christians
03-24-2021 - California Bill Could Target Christian And Conservative Policemen For
03-24-2021 - Jack Phillips, Christian Baker, Is Back in Court to Defend His Faith Beliefs
03-22-2021 - Christian Students Wins Legal Challenge Against University of Iowa
03-20-2021 - Report: American Awareness of Christian Persecution Jumps
03-16-2021 - Equality Act Would Cancel Our Religious Freedom
03-09-2021 - Chief Justice Roberts Rules Against Free Speech Rights
of Christian Students In 8-1 Ruling
03-09-2021 - Supreme Court Sides with Christian Student Barred from Sharing Faith
03-09-2021 - Supreme Court Sides with Student Whose Christian Beliefs were
Suppressed by Georgia College Campus
03-05-2021 - Washington Supreme Court opens door to forcing religious
organizations to hire LGBT individuals
03-04-2021 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Pushing Biden to Implement
‘Curriculum on Structural Racism’
02-26-2021 - Religion’s Sudden Decline, Revisited - Univ Of MI Center for Political
02-25-2021 - WATCH: Jim Jordan Schools Democrat on Religion and LGBTQ 'Equality
02-22-2021 - Catholic League: ‘Equality Act' the ‘Most Comprehensive Assault
02-20-2021 - Giving Up on God: The Global Decline of Religion - Revisited - World
02-20-2021 - At least 800 Ethiopians killed after defending ‘Ark of the Covenant’
02-17-2021 - Archbishop says Biden shouldn't call himself 'devout' due to pro-choice
02-17-2021 - Catholic League Decries Joe Biden’s ‘Fixation on the LGBT Agenda’
02-13-2021 - Christian Post Denounces Impeachment ‘Farce,’ Triumph of
02-11-2021 - Biden Funds Program To Block Foreign Religious Leaders Who Oppose
02-10-2021 - One World Religion: Pope Francis Signs Historic Covenant With Islam
02-05-2021 - Preserving Religious Freedom Is More Important Than Ever
02-05-2021 - Tuft's University Promotes Event to ‘Root Out Racism’ Among ‘White
Christian Folks’ <Apparently the genius administrators know absolutely nothing
about the teachings of Jesus Christ or the tenets of Christianity.>
02-04-2021 - WATCH: Will Christian Persecution Continue To Escalate?
02-02-2021 - 750 Christians Massacred by Ethiopian Government – Where Is The
01-30-2021 - Twitter Suspends Christian Group for Accurately Describing Biden’s
Transgendered Health Official Dr. Levine’s Biological Sex
01-27-2021 - Pastor touts anti-Christian-school report
01-25-2021 - Parents too afraid to oppose CRT (Critical Race Theory) in schools, says
01-24-2021 - The Police State Is Coming For “Religious Extremists”, “Evangelical
Christians”, “Pro-Life” Activists And “Libertarians”
01-17-2021 - Global Persecution: The Number Of Christians Killed For Their Faith
Increased By 60 Percent In Just One Year
01-17-2021 - Supreme Court Rules Foster Agencies Can Deny Certification to Same-
Sex Couples on Religious Grounds
01-16-2021 - Mexico Back on Anti-Christian Persecution Index in 2021
01-14-2021 - Pew: Measuring Religion in Pew Research Center’s American Trends
01-13-2021 - Watch List 2021: Over 340 Million Christians Face ‘High Levels of
01-12-2021 - SCOTUS Hears Case of Christian Student Barred from Sharing His Faith
01-06-2021 - Islamic Militants Murder Two Dozen Nigerian Christians over Christmas
01-03-2021 - 5 times anti-Christian sentiment manifested on campus in 2020
01-03-2021 - City orders 'Jesus' on T-shirt censored as 'political speech'
01-02-2021 - 'We should expect persecution of the church' under Biden and Harris
Federalist political editor cites Democrats' intention to 'target religious
01-02-2021 - Planned Parenthood: 'Don't downplay abortion as small part of our
services; we're proud' <And I'll bet a lot of them are the same filthy, stinking
hippies who spat upon our GI's returning from Vietnam and called them "baby
killers." How ironic!>
12-30-2020 - When We Teach Our Kids That Life Has No Value, This Is How They
12-24-2020 - It's Not Rep. Nancy Pelosi's (D-CA) Job To Tell Christians What They May
12-16-2020 - HHS Delivers Religious Freedom, Pro-Life Wins In Three Cases
12-16-2020 - Raymond Ibrahim Radio Interview: 'Armenia and Other Christian
12-14-2020 - Montana High School Reinstates Christian Student Group After Alliance
12-14-2020 - Human Rights Campaign: Christian Schools Should Abandon Beliefs or
12-13-2020 - Report: Nearly 90% of Christian Schools Opened Academic Year with In-
12-12-2020 - HORRIBLE! Christian Couple Leaving Trump Rally In DC Sucker-Punched
From Behind, Maced By Antifa/ BLM Cowards [VIDEO]
12-08-2020 - Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Advises Christians to “Turn
12-08-2020 - ‘Celebrate the Christian Election Wins’ — iVoterGuide 2020 Analysis
12-04-2020 - Here’s How COVID-19 Restrictions Curb Religious Freedom
12-01-2020 - Supreme Court’s 5-4 Ruling Shows Religious Liberty Hangs by Thread
11-30-2020 - Supreme Court Upholds Religious Freedom
11-27-2020 - Lawsuit: Christian Claim Starbucks Fired Her for Refusal to Wear ‘Pride'
11-27-2020 - New York Times, Media Falsely Claim SCOTUS Religious Freedom
Decision Ignores Public Safety
11-27-2020 - The Coming Classical Christian Downgrade
11-26-2020 - Trump Supreme Court Justices Protect Religious Freedom from Cuomo
11-26-2020 - Franklin Graham: ‘Thankful’ for Trump’s SCOTUS Justices Who Ruled for
11-25-2020 - Obama: Latino Evangelicals are Bitterly Clinging to Their Religion
11-25-2020 - Religion Is an ‘Identity,’ Not a ‘Hobby,’ New Survey Finds
11-21-2020 - LGBT Activist: Christian Conservatives Are Like Rapists, Holocaust
11-21-2020 - Franklin Graham: 'Hatred that We See from Many in the Public Square
Toward Christians Is Incredible'
12-20-2020 - Democrat memo declares 'rise of white Christian nationalism is a
12-04-2020 - Swiss Bishops Decry Record Exodus from Catholic Church
01-18-2020 - Special Report: Evangelical Christianity In Crisis<Makes a good argument
for Orthodoxy>
11-17-2020 - ‘Spitting At The Face Of Christ’: Pro-Life Catholics Denounce Bishops
11-17-2020 - Senator Warnock (D-GA): Abortion ‘Consistent with My View as
11-16-2020 - FBI Hate Crime Data: Christians Hit By as Many Hate Crimes as Muslims
11-13-2020 - Choice Remarks: Anti-Christian discrimination reaches Oklahoma
11-13-2020 - Numerous new studies show Christianity is most harassed religion in
11-12-2020 - Anti-Christian transgender extremists elected to state governments
11-12-2020 - Pew: Christians Still Most ‘Harassed’ Religious Group in the World
11-10-2020 - U.S. Christians Celebrate ‘Surge’ of Pro-Life Women in Congress
11-07-2020 - Over 74 million Americans just voted for an anti-Christian new world
11-02-2020 - 'Why Are You Killing Christians?' Trump Asks Nigeria’s President
10-10-2020 - Pew: Government restrictions on religion around the world reached
new record in 2018 (summary) Full report here
10-08-2020 - Lawsuit Makes Gov. Northam (D-VA) Lift Extreme COVID
Church COVID Church Restrictions
10-07-2020 - Communists Warn Citizens: 'Christianity Does Not Belong in China'
10-02-2020 - Joe Biden Campaign Launches 7-Figure Ad Buy to Woo Christian Voters
09-25-2020 - The Left’s Anti-Christian Dogma Is Living Loudly Within Senate
09-25-2020 - ‘Great apostasy’: Cardinal analyzes why Netherlands lost Catholic faith
09-25-2020 - Why more and more Catholics are fleeing the Democratic party
09-25-2020 - Archbishop Viganò: Deep State has now teamed up with Deep Church to
overthrow Trump, usher in New World Order
09-24-2020 - Mother fired for opposing LGBT sex ed for little kids sues school where
09-24-2020 - Dr. Alveda King: African-Americans supporting Trump because of his
09-23-2020 - US Atty General Barr: Militant secularists co-opted ‘separation of church
and state’ to attack religious freedom
09-23-2020 - Trump issues executive order to combat ideology that America is
‘irredeemably racist and sexist’
09-23-2020 - Trump announces executive order to protect babies who
09-23-2020 - US pastor freed from Turkish jail warns Christians of coming
09-22-2020 - U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo: China Seeking to Rewrite Bible to
09-22-2020 - Congressman: ‘RIP to the more than 30 million innocent babies…
murdered’ as RBG defended pro-abort laws
09-21-2020 - Actress Patricia Heaton Warns Fellow Christians of Social Media
‘Onslaught’ as SCOTUS Debate Rages
09-21-2020 - Jack Phillips, Brave Colorado Christian Baker, is Being Sued AGAIN!
09-19-2020 - Pew: 77 Percent of Catholic Democrats Support Legal Abortion
09-18-2020 - Employees Sue Kroger After They Were Allegedly Fired For Refusing To
Wear Rainbow Symbol, Citing Religious Objections
09-17-2020 - Christians ‘have a responsibility’ to stop the Marxist revolution: Anti-
Islamist activist censored by SPLC
09-16-2020 - Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Publishes Final Rule on Protecting
09-14-2020 - Muslim Extremists Slaughter More than 500 Christians in Ethiopia
09-13-2020 - California gov signs bill that will soften criminal penalty for LGBT adults
who have sex with underage teens
09-13-2020 - How Cultural Marxism Is Grinding Christianity Down
09-12-2020 - Burger King mascot, Ronald McDonald share passionate kiss in LGBTQ
pride ad: 'We wanted to show that in the end, love always wins'
09-12-2020 - UK Politician Demands Deportation of Pastor Who Criticized Gay Pride
09-11-2020 - Maryland to Add LGBTQ Content to Public Schools’ History Curricula
09-11-2020 - 'American Atheists' outraged at Betsy DeVos' new rule defending
09-10-2020 - 100 Orthodox Jewish Rabbis Ask Amazon CEO Bezos to Stop Using Hateful
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
09-09-2020 - Walter E. Williams: Racial Discrimination and the Loss of Yesterday's
09-08-2020 - Pandering Kamala Harris On Meeting With Anti-Semitic, Anti-Christian,
Father of Violent Sex Offender Who Was Shot By Police After Resisting
Arrest: “They’re an incredible family!”
09-08-2020 - Video: Raymond Ibrahim on the Societal Oppression of
09-08-2020 - The Persecution Of Christians Is Escalating Dramatically All Over The
09-07-2020 - China Puts Squeeze on Christian Evangelization of Youth
09-04-2020 - Blue State Blues: Liberal Jewish Leaders Bend the Knee to Antisemitism
09-03-2020 - Black Pastors Demand Nike Drop the 'Anti-Christian' Marxist Black Lives
09-03-2020 - Turkey Demolishes Iconic Christian Church, the ‘Hagia Sophia of Bursa’
09-03-2020 - Tennessee Bishop Questions Biden-Pelosi Catholic Credentials
09-02-2020 - Four Ways the Obama-Biden-Harris Team Has Attacked Catholics
09-02-2020 - Cuomo, De Blasio Go After Jewish Weddings, Cheer Black Lives Matter
09-01-2020 - Ami Horowitz Video: Anti-Semitism Goes Viral!
09-01-2020 - Trump Campaign Prioritizes ‘Unborn Life,’ Religious Freedom
08-31-2020 - WATCH: Priest warns US voters: ‘You cannot be Catholic and be a
08-28-2020 - Leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood Arrested in Cairo for Terrorism
08-27-2020 - Why Cancel Culture Is Anti-Christian
08-26-2020 - Egypt: Christians Ordered to Sell Home and Go into Exile As
“punishment” for a confirmed accident.
08-25-2020 - Court Win for Professor Sued by Muslim Student, Punished by College
08-25-2020 - Covington Catholic student Nicholas Sandmann says Americans must
fight cancel culture and media bias
08-25-2020 - CNN Analyst Mocks Sandmann Speaking At RNC: ‘Snot Nose
Entitled Kid’ <No, there's no bias in the media, noooooooo!>
08-24-2020 - California's All-Out War on Church Worship Intensifies With Bans, Fines,
08-23-2020 - "We Have No Mercy on You People": Persecution of Christians, July 2020
08-23-2020 - Pope Francis: ‘Many’ Today Are Persecuted for Their Faith
08-22-2020 - TN Bishop: I Don’t See How Joe Biden Claims to Be a ‘Faithful Catholic'
08-22-2020 - Rights, Religion, and Property Rights
08-21-2020 - When Hagia Sophia Defied Islam, and Saved Western Civilization
08-21-2020 - Turkey to Convert Second Iconic Christian Church into Mosque
08-21-2020 - Fighting for Persecuted Christians in Nigeria at the UNHRC | ACLJ
08-20-2020 - ‘Under God' skipped in pledge of allegiance in at least two Democratic
08-20-2020 - Latest Marriage Data Suggests Dark Future If Things Don't Change Fast
08-19-2020 - The Ignored Genocide of Christians in Nigeria (where Black lives
08-18-2020 - Jewish Voters Beware (the new Nazis)
08-15-2020 - Court Upholds Church's Right to Hold Indoor Worship over California
08-15-2020 - Today in History: Hagia Sophia Defies Islam (and Saves Western
08-14-2020 - Hagia Sophia and Cathedral of Córdoba - the jihad factor and the Left's
08-13-2020 - The Democrat Party is Getting Rid of the Jews [Senator Kamala Harris
(D-CA), who defended Muslim Rep, Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) Jew-hate, could sit in the Oval Office.]
08-13-2020 - Franklin Graham: Dem Pro-Abortion Ticket ‘Great Concern to
08-13-2020 - American Jewish Useful Idiots
08-11-2020 - Pro-Lifers: Biden-Harris ‘Most Pro-Abortion Presidential Ticket in History’
08-10-2020 - A Christian's defense of President Trump is well worth reading
08-06-2020 - What Really Happened In Beirut, Explained
08-05-2020 - WATCH: Dr. Deborah Soh Debunks Popular Myths About Sex And
08-05-2020 - Pro-Life Documentary Removed From Amazon Prime Without Warning
08-03-2020 - 3 Jewish Students Forced Out of USC Student Government for Pro-Israel
08-02-2020 - America is engaged in a religious war
07-31-2020 - New Book Exposes Christian Persecution in Egypt
07-31-2020 - AOC Refers to Saint Fr. Damien Who Served Lepers as Part of ‘White
Supremacist Culture’ <Airhead On Crack is a very sick woman and needs our
prayers and psychiatric help!>
07-29-2020 - Erdogan's Hagia Sophia Distraction Masks His Mounting Problems
07-29-2020 - Syria Will Build A New Hagia Sophia With Russian Assistance To
07-29-2020 - U.S. Catholics Dismayed that All Biden’s VP Choices Are Pro-Abortion
07-28-2020 - National Catholic Reporter: ‘AOC is the Future of the Catholic Church’ <And the RC's wonder why they continue to lose membership - follow this dingbat
and you won't have a church left!>
07-28-2020 - The long list of President Trump’s pro-life accomplishments
07-28-2020 - Youths Hurl Rocks Through Church Windows at Swedish Christians
07-28-2020 - “I Know How To Deal With Liars”: New Lawsuits Coming For CNN,
WaPo Over Breach Of Contract With Sandmann Settlements?
07-28-2020 - Franklin Graham: Democrats ‘Are Flirting with All-Out Socialism’
07-27-2020 - Muslims’ first prayer service in former Catholic basilica explicitly rejects
07-27-2020 - Attack on Christian athlete who refused to kneel for BLM stunt exposes
07-27-2020 - Nick Sandmann's Lawyer Accuses CNN's Brian Stelter of Breaching
07-27-2020 - Fmr Obama Admin Official & Fmr Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel:
Athletes Kneeling During National Anthem Akin to Kneeling at
07-26-2020 - Swedish Media: Muslim Friday Prayers At Hagia Sophia a 'Rock Concert'
07-25-2020 - Rabbi Calls for Baseball Boycott Until MLB Disengages from Hate-Filled
07-25-2020 - France's Cathedrals on Fire: 'The Final Stage of De-Christianization'?
07-25-2020 - Christian Charity Banned From Banking After LGBT Pressure Campaign
07-25-2020 - California Churches Defy Lockdown Order: Christ Is Head of the Church
07-25-2020 - SCOTUS Won't Intervene for Nevada Church Seeking Lockdown Relief
07-24-2020 - Muslims Scream 'Allahu Akbar' as Hagia Sophia Officially Becomes a
07-24-2020 - Islamic World Celebrates as Hagia Sophia Welcomes Muslim
07-24-2020 - Covington Catholic HS Student Nick Sandmann Settles $250 Million
Lawsuit With The Washington Post
07-24-2020 - Nick Sandmann Has Settled His $250M Lawsuit With The
07-24-2020 - Pro-Life Democrats Urge Party to Drop Embrace of Abortion
07-23-2020 - A Rebuttal To Dr. Craig Considine’s Claim That Muhammad Was The
07-23-2020 - Indoctrinated in Hate: Palestinian Schools Are Typical Muslim Schools
07-22-2020 - The Left Comes for Religious Hospitals
07-22-2020 - 24 AGs sue Trump admin for protecting doctors from being forced to
do abortions, ‘trans’ surgeries
07-22-2020 - 6 Acts of Vandalism, Desecration at Churches Across Nation
07-22-2020 - Anti-Christian Attacks in Europe Rose 285 Percent Since 2008
07-22-2020 - Hallmark commits to ‘LGBTQ storylines,’ caves to left-wing pressure
07-22-2020 - Huge Kingdom of Judah government complex found near US Embassy in
07-22-2020 - Thomas Jefferson’s Koran - A reflection on the Left's sinister rewriting
07-21-2020 - Church Attacks Explode With 'an Unbridled, Roaring Fury'
07-21-2020 - Betrayal From Within - “Woke” Christian leaders persecute the faithful.
07-21-2020 - California School Boards Support Anti-Semitic Curriculum Lauding
Muslim Congresswomen Omar (D-MN), Tlaib (D-MI), Sarsour
07-21-2020 - Planned Parenthood to remove founder Margaret Sanger's name from
NYC clinic over support for eugenics
07-21-2020 - Interactive map shows growing number of Catholic churches,
07-20-2020 - Democrat National Committeewoman Memorializes Dead Palestinian
07-20-2020 - WATCH: Joe Biden Wishes That American Schools Taught More About
07-20-2020 - Catholics Decry ‘Week of Vandalism and Arson’ Against U.S. Churches
07-20-2020 - ‘Anti-Catholic Bigotry’: Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) Demands Investigations
07-20-2020 - China Orders Christians to Take Down Images of Jesus from Their
07-20-2020 - Turkish Supreme Court: Sultan Mehmet Bought Hagia Sophia Fair and
07-20-2020 - Noose Hoaxer Bubba Wallace Loses Race…Mocks Christianity of Fellow
07-20-2020 - Pro-life protester paints 'Baby Lives Matter' mural outside of Planned
Parenthood clinic. It has already been removed.
07-19-2020 - Majority of Greeks Unhappy with EU Response to Hagia Sofia
07-18-2020 - Churches Across the Country Attacked
07-18-2020 - Religious Liberty Wins Are Important, but They Are Not Enough
07-17-2020 - 'Building Power for Muslims in U.S. Politics'
07-17-2020 - George Soros’s Multi-Front War Against Israel
07-16-2020 - Pew: 8 facts about religion and government in the United States
07-15-2020 - Smithsonian: Christianity, Science, Capitalism Are Whiteness
07-15-2020 - Hagia Sophia: Muslim Fiction vs Documented Fact
07-15-2020 - Here’s what Sultan Erdogan told the Arabic world after he turned
07-14-2020 - Hagia Sophia and Turkey's Supremacism
07-14-2020 - ‘Tolerant’ Liberals Sure Hate Jews
07-14-2020 - Christian Theologian Says Christians Should Be 'Delighted' at Hagia
Sophia Becoming a Mosque<Appeasement idiot>
07-13-2020 - European Governments Criticise Turkey Over Hagia Sophia
07-13-2020 - Godless Radicals Set Fire to Virgin Mary Statue Honoring Fallen WWII
07-13-2020 - Judge Permanently Blocks Georgia ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Law <Of course,
the judge was an Obama appointee.>
07-12-2020 - Supreme Court Agrees to Hear Christian Student’s Case Against
Restrictive Campus Speech Policy
07-12-2020 - Turkey's Hagia Sophia: "It's Like If Saint Peter's Had Been Turned Into a
07-11-2020 - Why Erdogan Converted the Hagia Sophia to a Mosque
07-11-2020 - Converting the Hagia Sophia to a Mosque: Turkey’s president is playing
07-10-2020 - Turkey Converts Istanbul's Iconic Hagia Sophia Back Into A Mosque
07-10-2020 - Turkey's president converts Hagia Sophia museum back into a mosque
07-10-2020 - Hagia Sophia: I Mourn Loss of Turkey's Byzantine Heritage
07-10-2020 - UK High Court Rules Christian Adoption Charity Must Allow Same-Sex
07-10-2020 - Victor Davis Hanson: 5 'Radical, Long-Term Solutions' to Leftist
07-10-2020 - Trump: Defund 'Radical Left' Universities; Orders Review of Tax-exempt
07-09-2020 - U.S. Bishops Laud Court’s Defense of Church Right to Choose Teachers
07-09-2020 - Joe Biden Vows to Reverse Supreme Court on Religious Exemptions in
07-08-2020 - SCOTUS WINS: Religious Conservatives Notch Victories At Supreme
Court On Birth Control Mandate, Bias Suits
07-08-2020 - Kanye West: Removing God and Prayer from Schools Meant More Drugs,
07-08-2020 - Little Sisters of the Poor Win at Supreme Court; Religious Freedom
07-08-2020 - Supreme Court Rules Little Sisters of the Poor Exempt from Obamacare
Contraceptive Mandate <Ha! Put that in your crack pipe and smoke it, Slick
07-08-2020 - Supreme Court Tells Ninth Circuit to Stay Out of Personnel Decisions of
07-08-2020 - Supreme Court Separates Church and State to Protect Religious
07-07-2020 -"You Are Finished!": Turkey's Growing War on Christians
07-07-2020 - If We Don't Stop It, Marxism Will Annihilate The American Way Of Life
07-07-2020 - NYT Reporter Reposts Smears About Pro-Lifers And Pregnancy Centers
07-06-2020 - VIDEO: Godless BLM Rioters ATTACK CHRISTIANS on Church Steps,
Disrupt Sermon with “Black Lives Matter” Chants
07-06-2020 - Texas Bishop Calls out ‘Dangerous’ Black Lives Matter Movement
07-06-2020 - Over 50 Boko Haram Attacks on Christians in Six Months Go Unreported
07-05-2020 - Turkey Deporting Protestant Christians
07-03-2020 - Christian Church in Nigeria Reports 8,370 Dead at Hands of Boko
07-02-2020 - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Requiring Parental Consent for
07-02-2020 - Turkey 'Shocked' U.S. Opposes Converting Hagia Sophia into a Mosque
06-30-2020 - Under Sworn Testimony, Planned Parenthood Officials Admit
Infanticide Occurs In Organ Harvesting
06-30-2020 - SCOTUS: States Can't Exclude Religious Schools From Scholarships
06-30-2020 - Supreme Court Protects Religious Freedom and School Choice
06-30-2020 - Why Rioters Will Eventually Turn Their Rage On Christianity If Not
06-28-2020 - Turkey’s Christians Decry Crackdown on Religious Freedom
06-28-2020 - "32,000 Christians Butchered to Death": The Persecution of Christians,
06-27-2020 - Vatican Rejects Gender Fluidity in New Catechetical Text
06-26-2020 - Federal Judge: Andrew Cuomo, Bill de Blasio Violated Religious
Freedom <Well of course they did - they're Democrats and socialists - they have
ZERO use nor respect for religion or religious people!!!>
06-25-2020 - California Town Banishes Christian Church from Downtown Area
06-25-2020 - U.S. Bishops Call for End of Religious Discrimination in Foster Care
06-24-2020 - A Call for Kristallnacht Against Christians
06-23-2020 - U.S. Catholic Bishops Call for Defense of Houses of Worship
06-23-2020 - Trump Lawyer Jenna Ellis Stands Up for Christianity, BLM Leader Shaun
King Says It's All About Her 'Whiteness'
06-23-2020 - America's Jews and Christians Are Failing the Test of Their Lives
06-18-2020 - Chick-fil-A CEO Calls for White Christians to Repent for Racism
06-17-2020 - Conservative Clergy of Color Rips Google Over 'Deliberate Censorship'
06-16-2020 - Liberty Leaders: Far-Reaching Effects of Supreme Court LGBT Ruling
06-15-2020 - Trump Administration Final Rule ‘Clarifies Abortion Is Not a Civil Right’
06-11-2020 - Polish President Vows to Protect Children from 'LGBT Ideology'
06-11-2020 - European Court Backs Anti-Israel BDS Protest Movement
06-11-2020 - D.C. Mayor Bowser on Accusation of Treating Protests and Churches
Differently: First Amendment Protects Protests <Uh, I think he missed the
first 16 words of the 1st Amendment.>
06-10-2020 - What about Black Christian Lives?
06-10-2020 - Erdogan Eyes Converting Hagia Sophia into a Mosque Again
06-08-2020 - CAIR Enraged, Files Lawsuit Over the Truth About Islam Told at a
06-05-2020 - Trump's church walk was a strong move
06-05-2020 - Trump believes the Bible is the 'the most special thing'
06-04-2020 - 'God is Dead': Leftist Rioters Vandalize Churches and Synagogues
06-03-2020 - President Trump: Religious Freedom Is a ‘National Security Imperative’
06-02-2020 - Trump Signs Executive Order To Advance Global ReligiousFreedom
06-02-2020 - NYC Mayor De Blasio (D): Large Group Protests Are
Acceptable, Religious Observances Are Not
06-02-2020 - Rev. Franklin Graham Thanks Trump for Walk to St. John’s Episcopal
06-01-2020 - Historic U.S. churches damaged in protests – fire set at St. John's,
05-27-2020 - ‘Conservative’ Supreme Court sides with liberal courts on transgender
prison surgery, criminal release
05-23-2020 - Harvard Prof. Slams Christianity’s ‘Malignant’ Belief in Afterlife <And to
think that Harvard was originally established as a seminary - what a disgrace it
has become.>
05-18-2020 - Judge Rules Against Oregon Governor’s Restrictions On Religious
05-15-2020 - Horowitz on Newsmax TV: Churches are an Essential American
05-14-2020 - The Religious Freedom of a Nation May Depend on One Small Cake
05-11-2020 - Justices to Decide If Religious Schools Can Choose Who Teaches Faith
05-11-2020 - Illinois Churches Sue After Governor Says Religious Services May Not
Resume For Up To A YEAR Under Coronavirus Plan
05-08-2020 - China Stages Violent Raid on Christian Church, Drags Worshipers Out
05-06-2020 - Little Sisters Under Fire AGAIN as Supreme Court Hears Obamacare Birth
05-06-2020 - Catholic League Denounces Soros-Funded ‘Attack on Religious Liberty’
05-05-2020 - Little Sisters of the Poor Return to Supreme Court for Religious Freedom
05-02-2020 - Catholic League Decries ‘Soros-Funded Attack on Cardinal Dolan’
05-02-2020 - Cardinal Dolan: Left Wing ‘Snotty’ over My Dealings with President
05-01-2020 - Chinese Communists Demolish More Crosses on Christian Churches
04-26-2020 - WATCH: LA Pastor Placed Under House Arrest, Forced To Wear GPS
Ankle Bracelet For Refusing To Admit He Won’t Preach From Church:
"The stand I have taken is not for me---it has nothing to do with me---it's
04-14-2020 - Catholic League Warns ‘State Overreach’ Threatens Religious Liberty
04-14-2020 - Franklin Graham Condemns Attacks on Christian Marriage Beliefs
04-14-2020 - Christians Must Stand Up Against the Assault on Religious Liberty
04-12-2020 - Liberal Mayor: You’re Not Allowed To Attend Drive-In Church Service.
Judge: Nope, Gives Mayor Tongue-Lashing.
04-12-2020 - 'Unconstitutional': Judge allows drive-in service at Louisville church after
Democrat (of course) mayor 'criminalized' Easter services <Oh no! It
appears that the fine red state of KY has become infected with the Bluerona virus.
Wake up Kentuckians!! Don't become the next Virginia!>
04-12-2020 - AG Barr taking 'action' against gov't officials who are regulating
04-11-2020 - Kentucky Officials to Report License Plates of Easter Churchgoers
04-10-2020 - Colorado Baker Jack Phillips Sued Again, This Time for Refusing 'Gender
04-10-2020 - Recovering The Religious Liberty Of The Founders
04-10-2020 - Virginia Governor, Ralph Northam (D), Announces Signing of Extreme
Abortion Bill on Good Friday <Just disgraceful on so many levels.>
04-04-2020 - Sen. Chuck U. Schumer (D-NY) Threatens Pro-Life Supreme Court
04-03-2020 - MSNBC Smears 'Religious Nationalists' as Responsible for Pandemic
04-03-2020 - LGBT Lobby Attacks Rev. Franklin Graham for Outreach in New York
04-03-2020 - Greensboro Faces Lawsuit for Arresting Christians Outside Abortion
04-01-2020 - NYT Ignores The Evidence To Slander Christians As Coronavirus Deniers
04-01-2020 - Franklin Graham’s Charity, Samaritan's Purse, Treats Virus Patients,
"Tolerant" Liberals & Lefties Mock His Faith
04-01-2020 - Idaho Governor Signs Law Banning Transgender People From Changing
04-01-2020 - NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) Will 'Monitor' Samaritan's Purse Hospital for
04-01-2020 - Mayor de Blasio (D): NYC Desperately Needs Help, But Not From a
03-30-2020 - NYT Now Blaming Christians for Coronavirus
03-27-2020 - New York Times Blames Evangelical Christians for Coronavirus
03-14-2020 - European Rights Court Rules Against Christians Who Won't Abort Babies
03-12-2020 - Scientific Proof Is A Myth
03-10-2020 - Bible verse scrubbed from locker room after atheists complain. So
community puts verse on T-shirts — and Scripture spreads wider
03-05-2020 - Vatican Blasts United Nations for ‘Attack on Freedom of Religion’
03-04-2020 - Kentucky High School Covers Up Bible Verse After Complaint from
03-02-2020 - Watch: MSNBC's Chris Matthews Announces Retirement (Goodbye and
good riddance, Mr. Tingles - we'll never miss you! MSDNC hasn't gotten anything
this right since they fired that crum bum, Keith Olbermann, in 2010. Roswell
Rachel, you're next, buddy!)
02-29-2020 - Supreme Court Declares America a Christian Nation on this day in
02-28-2020 - House Democrats Block Amendment to Save Babies Who Survive
02-28-2020 - Pew Survey: The Democrat Party Has a Serious God Problem
02-28-2020 - U.N. Chief Guterres Wants to 'Urgently Redistribute Power' and Fight
'Gender Inequality'
02-26-2020 - FCC Hit with More Than 1,300 Complaints About J-Lo, Shakira Super
02-21-2020 - WSJ: Mainstream Christian Churches Languish, but Evangelicals Thrive
02-20-2020 - Is Carrying a Gun unChristian?
02-20-2020 - Buttigieg's Brother-in-Law: 'Everything Pete Is Pushing' Is 'Anti-God'
02-20-2020 - Use Trans Pronouns Or Get Fired, Ohio Court Tells Christian Professor
02-18-2020 - Is Finland About to Make Christianity Illegal? Christian Lawmaker Facing
02-18-2020 - Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-IN) Falsely Claims Late-Term Abortions Due to
‘Devastating’ Problem
02-18-2020 - Pro-Life Leader Rips Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s (D-NY) Alleged Hostility
02-17-2020 - Report: ‘Record Number of Violent Attacks Against Christians’ in India
02-17-2020 - Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-IN): 'We Are All Lifted Up' by Stories About
02-13-2020 - Open Doors CEO: Trump Admin's Religious Freedom Alliance a Good
02-12-2020 - Franklin Graham: Where’s the ‘Outcry’ Against Dems’ Abortion
02-08-2020 - Pope Francis Condemns the ‘Evil’ of Gender Theory
02-07-2020 - Fact Check: Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) Claims ‘3 of 4’ Americans
Believe Roe v. Wade Should Be Law
02-06-2020 - Tax the Rich: Pope Francis Calls for Global Wealth Redistribution
02-03-2020 - End the Hoax: There Are No Palestinians
02-02-2020 - A Global Catastrophe: "260 Million Christians Experience High Levels of
02-01-2020 - Pro-life Democrats ‘Fed Up’ with Party’s ‘Abortion Extremism’
02-01-2020 - Washington Dems Push Mandatory LGBTQ Sex Ed for Kindergartners
01-29-2020 - Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) Rips Christian Schools with ‘Anti-
01-28-2020 - CNN Segment Ridicules Trump Supporters as Illiterate 'Rubes'
01-28-2020 - CNN's Don Lemon and guests mock Trump supporters as uneducated
01-27-2020 - Cardinal Burke: No Catholic Can Justify Policies That Promote Abortion
01-27-2020 - Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D-IN): No Room for Pro-Life Democrats in Our
01-25-2020 - California ‘Coordinated Attack on Civil Liberties of Pro-Life Americans’
01-24-2020 - First Muslim Miss USA Says She Now Follows Christ
01-23-2020 - Trump Is the Most Successful Pro-Life President in U.S. History
01-23-2020 - Supreme Court Blasts Discrimination, “Grotesque Religious Bigotry” In
01-22-2020 - Netflix Misses U.S. Subscriber Target for 3rd Straight Quarter After
Mocking Christians, Abortion Activism
01-22-2020 - SCOTUS: Kavanaugh, Alito, & Breyer Suggest MT Discriminated
01-21-2020 - It's Time To End The Bigotry Of Blaine Amendments
01-21-2020 - Guess how much San Antonio has spent to keep Chick-fil-A out of the
01-21-2020 - Study Finds Unborn Babies May Feel Pain as Early as 12 Weeks
01-20-2020 - Religious-schools case heads to a Supreme Court skeptical of stark lines
between church and state - The Boston Globe
01-18-2020 - Covington Catholic Student Nicholas Sandmann Makes Statement On
One Year Anniversary Of Fake News Attacks By Liberal Media
01-18-2020 - Open Doors: Religious Freedom Must Be a Baseline Human Right
01-18-2020 - Trump strengthens religious freedom with executive order – We need
01-16-2020 - Report: Radical Islam Still Driving Global Christian Persecution
01-16-2020 - Report: 260 million Christians Face ‘High Levels of Persecution’
01-16-2020 - Watch List 2020: China Targets Youth in Its War on Christianity
01-16-2020 - President Donald J. Trump is Safeguarding the Right to Religious
Freedom for Students and Organizations
01-16-2020 - Trump administration moves to protect prayer in public schools
and federal funds for religious organizations
01-16-2020 - Trump upholds religious freedom with new executive order, benefiting
01-16-2020 - U.S. Bishops Stress Importance of Religious Freedom Day
01-16-2020 - Donald Trump Proclaims Religious Freedom Day 2020
01-16-2020 - TN Gov. Bill Lee to Sign Bill Protecting Religious Freedom of Adoption
01-15-2020 - U.S. Space Force Bible critics condemn "unadulterated Christian
privilege"<The MRFF is a complete joke!>
01-15-2020 - Jeff Sessions Fights Left’s ‘Unprecedented’ Attacks on Religious
01-11-2020 - Report: 3,000 Christian Sites in Europe Vandalized in 2019
01-09-2020 - Chickensh*t Chick-fil-A' Response After Smearing the Salvation Army
01-07-2020 - Trump to His Christian Supporters: Religion is ‘Under Siege,’ But He Will
‘Never Stop Fighting for Americans of Faith’
01-07-2020 - CNN Settles Lawsuit with Covington Catholic Student Nick
01-02-2020 - Hollywood Attacks Christians by Mocking Breitbart Readers
12-29-2019 - NBC's F. Chuck Todd Bashes Christians in MTP Rant Against
12-28-2019 - Christian Post: Pete Buttigieg’s Bible ‘Missing a Lot of Pages’
12-27-2019 - A Response to the Editor of Christianity Today
12-24-2019 - Hungary Govt: Christians, Christian Culture Attacked Across Europe,
12-23-2019 - Franklin Graham Again Slams Christianity Today for Anti-Trump Stance
12-23-2019 - Christianity Today Doubles Down in Call for Trump Impeachment
12-22-2019 - Evangelicals Chastise Christianity Today
12-22-2019 - Christianity Today Editor: Trump's 'Public Morality' Makes Him 'Unfit for
12-22-2019 - Christianity Today Editor: It's 'Strange' That People Who Follow Jesus
12-22-2019 - Christianity Today Editor: Trump's 'Public Morality' Makes Him 'Unfit for Office'
12-22-2019 - Pope Francis Tells Christians Not to Try to Convert Nonbelievers
12-20-2019 - Jerry Falwell: Christianity Today ‘Unmasked’ as Same ‘Liberal
Evangelicals’ Who Voted for Hillary
12-20-2019 - Christianity Today Editor Champions Theologian Who Excused Stalin's
12-20-2019 - Christianity Today Editor: Trump Labeling Mag 'Far Left' is 'Inaccurate'
12-20-2019 - Tony Perkins: Trump Condemner Christianity Today Has ‘PC Worldview’
12-20-2019 - Christianity Today Calls For Trump’s Removal; Trump Responds
12-19-2019 - Losing our Religion: America becoming 'pagan' as Christianity cedes to
12-19-2019 - Billy Graham-Founded ‘Christianity Today’ Calls for Removal of Trump
12-12-2019 - WATCH: Trump Signs Executive Order Recognizing Judaism as
Nationality, Outlaws Anti-Semitism
12-10-2019 - Trump Accused of Antisemitism for Executive Order Protecting Jews
12-11-2019 - Report: Islamic Persecution of Christians ‘Gaining Traction’ in Africa
12-06-2019 - LGBT Rights-Religious Liberty Bill Proposed in Congress
12-04-2019 - Chick-fil-A Grantee Covenant House Hosted Drag Queen Story Hour
11-28-2019 - Chick-fil-A: SPLC Donation Made 'to Change Lives'
11-27-2019 - Buildings Lit Red for Persecuted Christians on 'Red Wednesday'
11-27-2019 - Shock and Betrayal: Chick-Fil-A Has Donated to SPLC and Many Other
11-27-2019 - Even Christian Groups Are Boycotting Chick-fil-A After SPLC Donation
11-27-2019 - Chick-Fil-A Donates to Extremist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
11-26-2019 - Cowardice and Capitulation: The Shocking Things Chick-fil-A Funds
11-22-2019 - Chick-fil-A Put an Obama and Hillary Supporter in Charge, but Dumped
11-22-2019 - Franklin Graham: Chick-fil-A Told Me It Hasn't ‘Bowed’ to LGBT
11-21-2019 - Chick-fil-A Petition Urges Return to Support of Christian Ministries
11-21-2019 - The Other Genocide of Christians
11-21-2019 - Pope Cites Fictional French Epic to Prove Christians Are Violent
11-21-2019 - Israel Has a Right to Its Ancient Land
11-20-2019 - LGBT Agenda Shuts Down of Christian Adoption Agency
11-19-2019 - Mike Huckabee: Chick-fil-A ‘Betrayal’ Will Have ‘Far Broader’
11-19-2019 - Huckabee on Chick-fil-A 'Cave': They Bowed Down to Bullies -- Were
Convinced They Needed to Be 'More Woke'
11-19-2019 - GLAAD: Chick-Fil-A's Cave Not Enough, Brand Must Disavow Itself
11-19-2019 - Chick-fil-A Sells out the Christian Faith for Greed
11-18-2019 - EXCLUSIVE: Chick-fil-A To Stop Donations To Charities With Anti-LGBT
11-18-2019 - Salvation Army Leaders 'Saddened' by Chick-fil-A Decision to Drop
11-18-2019 - Chick-fil-A Will Stop Donating to Salvation Army, Christian Athletes
11-18-2019 - Ban on Christian prayer at high school football game reversed by 11th
11-16-2019 - Pew: Democrats Viewed as Much More ‘Unfriendly’ to Religion than GOP
11-15-2019 - 'Too Many to Count': The Global Persecution of Christians
11-08-2019 - Lettuce Pray: Climate Change, Neo-Paganism, and the End of the World
11-08-2019 - Drag Queens Fundraise for Planned Parenthood with ‘Slave-Style
11-01-2019 - Kentucky Supreme Court tosses suit against Christian who refused to
10-18-2019 - Pew: U.S. Christian Population in Freefall, 12% Drop in 10 Years
10-18-2019 - Left-Wing Hoax Claims Chick-fil-A Backs Death Penalty for Gays
10-17-2019 - Pew Research Survey: In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at
10-12-2019 - Catholic League Decries Democrats’ Growing Hostility Toward Religion
10-11-2019 - Principal Refuses Chick-fil-A Meal 'Out of Respect to Our LGBTQ Staff'
10-11-2019 - Senator Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren (D-MA) Makes Fun of and
Mocks Christian men for Believing Biblical Principles
10-02-2019 - Harassment and imprisonment: Life as a persecuted Christian in Iran
09-22-2019 - AZ Supreme Court Rules: Religious freedom for wedding invite
designers in Brush & Nib vs City of Phoenix
09-20-2019 - Chick-fil-A Has Doubled Its Sales Despite Increased Protests
09-13-2019 - Franklin Graham Slams ‘Mayor Pete’ for Twisting Christianity
09-13-2019 - Pope Francis invites religious, political leaders to sign ‘Global Pact’ for
09-13-2019 - Purdue University Faculty Wants Chick-fil-A Banned from Campus
09-10-2019 - Lafayette pastor: The troubling case of Purdue faculty going after Chick-
09-09-2019 - LGBT Activists Seek to Destroy Christianity
09-08-2019 - The End of Comfortable Christianity?
09-07-2019 - Polish Conservatives Campaign on Judiciary Reforms, Christian Values
09-07-2019 - Philippine Bishops Praise Court Rejection of Same-Sex Marriage
09-05-2019 - Drew Brees Celebrates Christian Faith While Responding to Critics of
'Bring Your Bible to School' Video
09-05-2019- Following Texas Shooting, Chick-fil-A Employees Worked Late To Make
Sure First Responders Had Food
09-04-2019 - Biblical bombshell as archaeologists discover origins of David and Goliath
09-03-2019 - University faculty: Chick-fil-A hazardous to health
09-03-2019 - Israeli archaeologists may have found Emmaus, where Jesus appeared after
09-02-2019 - ‘They Called Us Satanic’: Bishop Exposes Christian Persecution in
09-02-2019 - MN tries to compel Christian filmmakers to celebrate gay marriage…
09-01-2019 - University of Kansas Faculty Wants 'Bastion of Bigotry' Chick-fil-A
09-01-2019 - Will floral artist Barronelle Stutzman's faith cost her everything?
08-30-2019 - DNC (Democrat National Committee) Embraces 'Religiously
Unaffiliated,' Belittles Americans of Faith
08-30-2019 - Democratic Party Passes Resolution Against Christianity
08-30-2019 - MIT Study: There Is No Single ‘Gay Gene'
08-29-2019 - Pope Francis Goes Silent on Hong Kong Protests
08-29-2019 - Mike Pence Declares VA Hospitals Will Not Be 'Religion-Free Zones'
08-28-2019 - Trump Administration Praised for Standing Against U.N. Pro-Abortion
08-28-2019 - North Central College Student Details Mandatory Social Justice Training
08-28-2019 - Illinois Passes New Law Requiring LGBTQ Classes in Middle School
08-26-2019 - The Massive Growth of the Orthodox Episcopate Since 2006
08-27-2019 - (Jimmy Carter-appointed) Federal Judge Blocks Missouri Abortion Law
08-23-2019 - Muslim Congresswomen Tlaib's (D-MN), Omar's (D-MI) Islamic hate for
Israel spreading in Democrat party
08-23-2019 - NBC News Report: “Heterosexuality Is Just Not Working’
08-23-2019 - ADF fights state's effort to dismiss Catholic students' case
08-23-2019 - Top Leaders: Parents Must Get Children Out of Public School
08-23-2019 - Pop Music Icon Taylor Swift: “Obviously” I Support Abortion. “Can’t
Believe” People Want to Protect Unborn Children
08-23-2019 - Court: Suit by St. Cloud, MN couple opposed to filming same-sex
weddings can continue (Larsen case)
08-22-2019 - Unfortunately it’s not over for Christian printer who refused to make
gay pride t-shirts and thought he’d won his case…
08-22-2019 - 3 yrs later - VIDEO: Gay Iconoclasm: Holding the Line against the Radical
08-22-2019 - Exit Strategy: Parent’s Tough Choices with Public Education
08-22-2019 - How to Clean Up Your School and Stop the Revolution
08-21-2019 - Children are LGBTQ's Main Target Now
08-21-2019 - Latest Research on Religiously Unaffiliated from Pew Research
08-21-2019 - Christian Who Refused to Pay Taxes Because They Fund Abortions Beats
08-20-2019 - The Left Stokes Racist Flames and Demonizes Millions
08-17-2019 - The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a hate-based scam that
nearly caused me to be murdered
08-15-2019 - Faith and Freedom in the Classroom
08-14-2019 - Chinese Communists Ban Christian Summer Camps
08-08-2019 - Christian Legal Defense Org ADF (Alliance Defending Freedom) Fires
Back at Vassar College for 'Hate Group' Label
08-08-2019 - Iraqi Archbishop: ‘Extinction Is Coming’ for Middle East Christians
08-03-2019 - Chick-Fil-A Does not Bow to Social Pressure and Becomes Most Favored
08-01-2019 - Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) Justified Violence Against Jews
08-01-2019 - Apple News Blacklists Christian News Org ‘LifeSite’ for ‘Intolerance’
07-26-2019 - WATCH: Google says 'Christian' unacceptable keyword -- 'Muslim' okay
07-24-2019 - Faith-Based Org to Help Vets: Google Blocked 'Christian' Keyword in Ads
07-23-2019 - NGO: Fulani Killings of Nigerian Christians Amount to ‘Genocide’
07-23-2019 - Pew Research Survey: What Americans Know About Religion
07-22-2019 - Beto O'Rourke (D-TX) Disses Texas Chick-fil-A Bill
07-21-2019 - Daily Beast Declares Baseball Hall of Famer Mariano Rivera 'Far-Right'
Because He Is a Christian Who Supports Israel
07-20-2019 - Gov. Abbott Signs Chick-fil-A Bill into Law to ‘Protect Religious Liberty’
07-19-2019 - Greg Abbott just signed the “Save Chick-fil-A” bill in Texas!
07-19-2019 - Texas gov. signs bill making it illegal to kill babies who survive abortion
07-19-2019 - Shrine to Apostle Peter unearthed: Israeli archaeologist
07-18-2019 - 'Hope is Back': Trump Helps Save Christians, Yazidis in Iraq
07-16-2019 - Boston Sued for Banning Christian Flag, Allowing 284 Others
07-16-2019 - USWNT’s Ashlyn Harris Blasts Former Christian Teammate: 'You Are
07-13-2019 - US organization exposes the horror of global Christian persecution: 'It's
07-11-2019 - Dire warning about socialism creeping into Christianity
07-11-2019 - Survey: Half of Britons Atheist, Christians Fall to 38%, Islam on the Rise
07-10-2019 - Anti-Christian Attacks in France Quietly Quadrupled. Why?
07-10-2019 - How millennials replaced religion with astrology and crystals
07-10-2019 - Christian Persecution Group Targets Lobbyists for Oppressors
07-04-2019 - Court Victory for Christian Kicked out of University for Gay Marriage
07-01-2019 - Trump Administration Delays Implementation Of ‘Conscience
06-28-2019 - WATCH: Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to Christian Conservatives: We Are Not
Going to Let Big Tech Silence Us
06-25-2019 - DYS: Religious Liberty Is Slowly On The Mend At SCOTUS
06-23-2019 - Report: Christian Persecution Reaches ‘Mammoth Proportions’
06-22-2019 - Germany Sees Thirty Anti-Christian Attacks in Two Months
06-21-2019 - Secretary of State Pompeo Releases 2018 Int'l Religious Freedom
Report, Finds Extreme Hostility to All Faiths in China
06-12-2019 - Texas Governor Abbott Signs Bill Supporting Chick-fil-A
06-12-2019 - Elementary School Teacher Bans 1st-Graders from Saying “Jesus” or
06-12-2019 - Here We Go Again: Christian Cake-Maker Jack Phillips Faces Another
Lawsuit From Transgender Person
06-11-2019 - Colorado Christian cakeshop sued a third time for discrimination
06-11-2019 - Google's Internal Emails Will Reveal Hatred of Christians and
06-10-2021 - Jack Phillips faces third lawsuit over refusal to make gender transition
06-07-2019 - Joe Biden in 2012 Said 'Life Begins at Conception'
06-06-2019 - Illinois Bishop Bans Pro-Abortion Lawmakers from Communion
06-04-2019 - Tiananmen Square Rally: Xi Jinping Has ‘Declared War on Religion’
06-01-2019 - U.S. Bishops Call for ‘Religious Freedom’ in Face of Persecution
05-30-2019 - Louisiana Democrat Gov. John Bel Edwards Signs ‘Heartbeat’ Bill into
05-30-2019 - Baby the Size of an Apple Survives and Thrives After 23-Week Delivery
05-30-2019 - FAA Investigating Airports for Discrimination in Chick-fil-A Bans
05-28-2019 - Missouri's last abortion clinic says it may lose its license this week
05-28-2019 - Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg draw battle lines for future
05-28-2019 - Mississippi State Professor Uses Exam to Blast Chick-fil-A for Promoting
05-27-2019 - Federal Investigation Launched After Chick-fil-A Airport Bans
05-26-2019 - Trump's HHS Moves to Protect Religious Health Providers
05-25-2019 - Why Liberals Hate Chick-fil-A
05-25-2019 - FAA Investigating 2 Airports For Religious Discrimination After
05-24-2019 - Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) bashes Pro-Lifers and Christians on the
05-24-2019 - Purdue PhD Student Claims He Was Forced Out of Program for
05-23-2019 - Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) Announces Investigation of Yale for
Discrimination Against Christians
05-17-2019 - Pete Buttigieg: Christianity Has Extremist Factions, Just like Islam
05-16-2019 - It’s time for Catholics (and all religious people) to wake up to the
danger of the California Confession bill
05-16-2019 - FRC's Tony Perkins: Equality Act 'Egregious Attack' on Religious
05-16-2019 - Christian Student Group Wins Lawsuit with University of Colorado
05-15-2019 - Alabama abortion ban: Nation’s strictest abortion bill passes; no rape,
05-14-2019 - Jihadists Bomb Christian Village in Syria, Killing Four Children
05-14-2019 - VP Mike Pence to Christian Students: Prepare to Be Shunned for
05-14-2019 - Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): Dems Embracing 'Extreme Left' That 'Has a Long
History of Antisemitism, of Anti-Israel Hatred'
05-14-2019 - Giuliani to Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI): Palestinian
Leader 'Close Ally of Hitler' in WWII
05-14-2019 - U.S. Soccer Star Megan Rapinoe: ‘I’ll Probably Never Sing the National
Anthem Again <Then renounce your U.S. citizenship and move to North Korea because we don't want you here. And on your way out, don't forget to thank a vet for the freedom you once had, you world-class dingbat. Read this
Meg: If America Sucks So Bad, You’re Free to Leave>
05-13-2019 - Hungarian PM Viktor Orban Promotes Protection of World’s Christians in
05-13-2019 - WATCH: Why DON'T You Support Israel - Fmr Canadian PM, Stephen
05-13-2019 - PA Dem Brian Sims Locks Twitter Account After Massive Pro-Life Rally
05-13-2019 - Tulsi Gabbard: ‘Important’ for Hollywood to Oppose Georgia's
05-12-2019 - Yankees Fans Call for Boycott After Ban of Kate Smith's 'God Bless
05-12-2019 - Texas Officials Illuminate Crosses After Atheists' Call for Removal
05-11-2019 - More 'heartbeat' abortion bans advancing in South, Midwest
05-10-2019 - BOOM: Police Report Filed Against PA Democratic State Rep. Over His
Harassment of Pro-Life Teenagers
05-10-2019 - More than 1,000 Conservatives Rally at Philly Planned Parenthood
Where Unhinged Dem Bullied Pro-Lifers
05-10-2019 - Trinity University Administration Rejects Student Government's Call to
05-10-2019 - Dennis Prager: 'The Left Has Substituted Itself for God'
05-09-2019 - Texas Town Rallies Against Atheist Call to Remove Courthouse Crosses
05-09-2019 - Student Government at Christian College in Texas Votes to Oust Chick-
05-08-2019 - Pennsylvania School Stops Principal from Saying ‘God Bless America’
05-08-2019 - Pro-Abortion Decision of Kansas Supreme Court Has National
05-08-2019 - Mean Little Mayor Pete Buttigieg Is Terrible at Christianity
05-08-2019 - Anti-Christian Group Sues Veteran Affairs over Bible Display
05-08-2019 - Seattle School District Urges Teachers to Follow CAIR Guidelines on
Blessing Muslim Students During Ramadan
05-08-2019 - Pro-Life Activists Rising up to PA Democrat Sims
05-08-2019 - Anti-Christian Group Sues Veteran Affairs over Bible Display
05-07-2019 - WATCH: CAIR Director Compares Israel to Nazi Germany at UC Irvine
05-07-2019 - Polish Woman Arrested for Defacing Icon with LGBT Rainbow
05-07-2019 - Georgia Gov. Signs ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Bill into Law
05-07-2019 - Georgia Gov. Signs Pro-Life 'Heartbeat Bill' Protecting Unborn Babies
05-07-2019 - Epidemic of Jew Hatred on Campus: The Top Ten Neo-Nazi Incidents
05-07-2019 - Jasser: [Muslim Congresswomen] 'Ilhan Omar (D-MI)and Rashida Tlaib
(D-MN) Are Normalizing' Radical Islamism
05-06-2019 - Christians are most persecuted group in the world, study says
05-06-2019 - PA Democrat State Rep. Brian Sims Records Himself Rebuking Pro-Life
‘Old White Lady’ Saying Rosary
05-06-2019 - Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MN) Blames Israel For
Attacking 'Our Palestinian People,' People Immediately Question Dual
05-06-2019 - PA Democrat Rep. Brian Sims Offers Planned Parenthood Donation for
05-06-2019 - Not One Democrat Presidential Candidate Defended Israel During
05-06-2019 - Georgia Governor Signing ‘Heartbeat Bill’ : I’m Not Worried About What
05-05-2019 - Hagia Sophia: Archaeologists Uncover More Secrets at Ancient World’s
05-05-2019 - Tear-filled Alveda King on NDOP: 'Hallelujah!' for Trump
05-05-2019 - Muslim Group Boko Haram Kills 25 Christians in Door-to-Door Attacks
05-05-2019 - Orthodox Church Snubs Pope Francis on Bulgaria Visit
05-05-2019 - WATCH: Children at Muslim School in Philadelphia Sing Jihadist Songs
05-03-2019 - BBC News: Christian persecution 'at near genocide levels'
05-03-2019 - America’s Most Anti-Christian President
05-03-2019 - Trump administration has a heart for people of conscience
05-03-2019 - Facebook Bans 'Dangerous' Conservative Figures but Continues to Allow
05-03-2019 - Jesus was not a Palestinian
05-02-2019 - Decline of Christianity Will See German Church Congregations Cut in
05-02-2019 - Planned Parenthood CEO: My Proudest Moment is Forcing Christians to
05-02-2019 - Trump Administration Strengthens ‘Conscience Rule’ for Health Care
05-02-2019 - Report: almost half world not allowed to worship as they choose
05-02-2019 - NYPD Says Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Up Staggering 82 Percent
05-02-2019 - NYPD: Hate crimes up 67 percent for the first quarter of 2019
05-01-2019 - Losing on marriage doesn't mean we give up
04-30-2019 - United Methodist Church council tells LGBT forces to hit the rainbow
04-29-2019 - American Church Membership At All-Time Low
04-29-2019 - Campus Lecturer Tim Wise: Christians Should Be 'Locked Up'
04-29-2019 - Left-wing activist who said Bible believers 'deserve to be locked up'
invited to speak at Harvard 'diversity conference'
04-29-2019 - What Christians Face in a Neo-Marxist World
04-28-2019 - Franklin Graham responds to Pete Buttigieg controversy with powerful
statement about Christian faith
04-28-2019 - Pope Sends Money to Migrant Caravans Trying to Enter U.S.
04-28-2019 - Christians Fleeing Middle East Even After Fall of Islamic State
04-27-2019 - Bank of America Confronted About Support for Planned Parenthood
04-27-2019 - Trump Calls Out Gov. Tony Evers on Decision to Veto Born-Alive Bill
04-27-2019 - Synagogue Gunman: Trump Is 'Jew-Loving, Traitorous C*cksucker'
04-26-2019 - Satanic Temple Recognized as ‘Church’ with Tax-Exempt Status
04-26-2019 - National Review Condemns Franklin Graham as a Bad Christian
04-24-2019 - THESE Are the Most Telling Failures of Socialism
04-24-2019 - It’s Pascha, Not Easter!
04-23-2019 - Half of Americans back stronger role of religion in society
04-22-2019 - Obama, Clinton, Democrats Denounce Attacks on 'Easter Worshippers,'
04-22-2019 - Trump-supporting BBQ food truck sells anti-PC shirts redefining 'LGBTQ'
— and the liberal outrage mob pounces
04-21-2019 - Swedish Teachers Stop Student Speech For Being Too Pro-Israel
04-21-2019 - Over 200 Dead, 600 Wounded As Muslim Terrorists Target Churches,
04-20-2019 - Vermont's Republican Governor to Sign Bill Abolishing Columbus Day
04-18-2019 - Gallup: U.S. Church Membership Down Sharply in Past Two Decades
04-17-2019 - Pro-Family Groups Call on Media, Big Tech to Stop Southern Poverty Law
Center (SPLC) from Smearing Christians, Conservatives
04-17-2019 - Criminalization of Christianity is on America's horizon
04-15-2019 - Students Rebel Against Transgender Ideology in Nebraska, Alaska
04-15-2019 - Ohio Democrat legislator tried to EXEMPT black babies from pro-life
04-15-2019 - Pearson high school history textbook teaches Trump is mentally ill and
04-14-2019 - Sanctuary Cities Welcome Illegal Aliens While 38K Veterans Are
04-11-2019 - Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine (R) Signs ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Bill into Law
04-11-2019 - 'Unplanned' Director to Senate: Silicon Valley Refused to Advertise
04-11-2019 - Boston College Student: Baby Who Survives Abortion Is Not a Baby
04-11-2019 - YouTube Hides PragerU Video of Candace Owens' Testimony in
'Restricted Mode'
04-11-2019 - Candace Owens Accuses Nadler of 'Anti-Black Bias' After Giving Her
Impossible Deadline Ahead of Hearing
04-10-2019 - Report: Google Manually Manipulates Search Results to Exclude
04-10-2019 - Pro-Life Leaders Applaud Senate Committee Hearing on Tech
04-10-2019 - ACLJ eSignature Petition: Defend “In God We Trust” from Atheist Attacks
04-09-2019 - Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (R-MN) to CAIR: 'Some People Did
04-09-2019 - 'Cages' for Child Migrants Were Built by Obama Admin
04-09-2019 - Gay South Bend, Indiana Mayor and 2020 Presidential Candidate Pete
Buttigieg: Time to Move Toward 'More Humane' Vision of Faith than
04-09-2019 - Crosses in Italian Cemetery Covered to Avoid Offence to Other Religions
04-09-2019 - Reports: After Years of Bulldozing Churches, China Targets Mosque
04-08-2019 - Gay South Bend, Indiana Mayor & 2020 Presidential Candidate Pete
Buttigieg (D) Falls for Fake News, Trashes Trump's Christian Supporters
04-08-2019 - Family Research Council Presses Democrat Districts to Protect Babies
Who Survive Abortion from Infanticide
04-07-2019 - WATCH: CBS Cameras Cut Away the Moment Texas Tech Basketball
04-07-2019 - Liberal teacher bans Samoset Middle School (Long Island, NY) student
from choosing Trump as her 'hero' for project. Teacher suggests Obama
04-07-2019 - Democrat & 2020 Presidential Candidate Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke
Calls Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu a 'Racist'
04-07-2019 - Gay South Bend, Indiana Mayor & 2020 Presidential Candidate Pete
Buttigieg (D) ATTACKS Evangelical Christians who support Trump
04-06-2019 - Cardinal: Church of Migration and Ecology Interests 'No One'
04-06-2019 - Emails Reveal Planned Parenthood Pressured California to Force
04-06-2019 - Mormon church OKs baptisms for LGBT couples' kids
04-05-2019 - Feminist Professor Caitlyn Collins Shames Construction Worker for ‘Men
Working’ Sign – It Blows Up in Her Face
04-05-2019 - Blue State Blues: When Harvard Funds Antisemitism
04-04-2019 - Mormons ease opposition to same-sex couples and their kids
04-04-2019 - U.S. Envoy to Vatican Decries China’s Repression of Religion
04-04-2019 - Court upholds Kentucky's abortion law requiring ultrasounds
04-04-2019 - New Alabama Bill Would Make Most Abortions Illegal
04-04-2019 - Islamists Arrested After Plotting to Massacre Kindergarten Children
04-04-2019 - Is America becoming Godless? The number of people who have no
religion rose 266% in three decades
04-03-2019 - New survey asks pastors: Do schools influence faith formation?
04-03-2019 - Texas Senate Approves Bill to Ban Funding of Abortion Providers
04-03-2019 - Georgia becomes latest state to push for 'Bible literacy' classes in public
04-03-2019 - Fined $55,000 for Calling a Male a Male
04-03-2019 - Trump Free Speech Order Already Working to Protect Students
04-03-2019 - Democrats Court Al Sharpton; Ignore Past of Racism, Antisemitism,
04-03-2019 - Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA): Protect Transgender Freedom
04-03-2019 - Google Employees Lash Out at Inclusion of Conservatives on Company's
04-02-2019 - Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) Urges IRS to Investigate SPLC's Tax-Exempt Status
04-02-2019 - Snitches rewarded in China for exposing Christians
04-02-2019 - Rep. Byrne (R-AL): Bullying, Boycotts, and Censorship – The Left Is
Trying to Silence Conservatives
04-02-2019 - South Carolina bill would ban nearly all abortions as soon as six weeks
04-02-2019 - Watch: Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) to Force Vote on Born-Alive Act
04-02-2019 - Shattered statues and satanic symbols mark rise in attacks on French
04-02-2019 - Sorry You're Offended, But 'Palestine' Does Not Exist
03-31-2019 - More SPLC Employees Step Forward, Claim "Systemic Culture Of Racism
03-31-2019 - Box Office: 'Dumbo' Flies in At #1, Pro-Life Movie 'Unplanned' Debuts
03-30-2019 - Twitter Suspends, Then Quickly Unsuspends Account of Pro-Life Movie
'Unplanned' During Release Week
03-30-2019 - Trump Administration Grants $5.1 Million to Life-Affirming Health
03-30-2019 - Macron's France: Average of Three Church Attacks Per Day
03-30-2019 - Hollywood Erupts After Georgia Heartbeat Bill Passes: ‘F*ck This’
03-29-2019 - Texas AG to Investigate Ban on Chick-fil-A for Christian Values
03-29-2019 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Faces Racism, Corruption, Sexual
03-29-2019 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) suffers from 'systemic culture of
racism and sexism,' staffers say
03-29-2019 - Democrats Block Bill to Protect Babies Who Survive Abortion
03-29-2019 - Georgia ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Ban Clears Legislature, Proceeds to Gov.
03-29-2019 - Quebec’s bill to ban religious symbols sparks condemnation in province
03-29-2019 - Democrats Dump POW/MIA Flags for Gay Pride Flags Outside Offices
03-27-2019 - Hagia Sophia to Be Turned Into Mosque in Response to US Shift on
Golan Heights - Turkish PM Erdogan
03-26-2019 - Greece Angered by Erdogan Proposal to Turn Hagia Sophia into Mosque
03-26-2019 - Trump Admin Expands Policy of No Taxpayer Funds for Overseas
03-26-2019 - Pope: ‘Family Based on Marriage Between One Man and One Woman’
03-26-2019 - Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Attacks Nancy Pelosi for
'Use of Language' Against Anti-Israel BDS Movement
03-25-2019 - NJ Gov. Phil Murphy: ‘I Look Forward to Signing’ Assisted Suicide Bill
03-25-2019 - Utah governor signs into law bill to ban abortion after 18 weeks
03-25-2019 - California School District Forced to dump CAIR’s Islamic Indoctrination
03-24-2019 - Romania Builds Largest Orthodox Church in the World
03-24-2019 - Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Tells Room Full Of Muslims
It Is Time To 'Raise Hell' In America
03-24-2019 - Christians in Muslim countries ‘143 times more likely’ to be killed by
Muslims than Muslims in non-Muslim countries
03-23-2019 - British Government Rules Christianity Is Not a Religion of Peace
03-23-2019 - 2 of 3 pastors: Schools a 'negative influence' on spirituality
03-23-2019 - America's First Two Muslim Congresswomen, Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and
Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) Will Both be Fundraising for Hamas-Linked
03-23-2019 - Newly Uncovered Clinton Email Exchange Describes Plan To Thwart U.S.
03-23-2019 - Democrat Party Officially Turns It’s Back On The Jewish Americans, Are
03-23-2019 - Utah Governor Signs Bill to Ban Abortions on Babies With Down
03-23-2019 - San Antonio Excludes Chick-Fil-A from Its Airport for Seven Years
03-22-2019 - New Poll: Most Americans Can't Tell You What's In The 1st Amendment03-22-2019 - Planned Parenthood President: ‘No Such Thing as Infanticide in Medical
03-22-2019 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) President Richard Cohen Resigns
From Embattled Left-Wing Nonprofit
03-22-2019 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) chief Richard Cohen announces
resignation amid internal upheaval
03-22-2019 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a ‘scam’, says Staffer
03-22-2019 - Republican-Democrat Rift Continues to Widen over Abortion
03-22-2019 - 25 Donor Networks Boycott Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)-Marked
‘Hate Groups’ in ‘Hate Is Not Charitable Campaign.’ They Should Be
Ashamed of Themselves for Targeting Great Charities Like ADF, ACT for
America, and D. James Kennedy Ministries
03-21-2019 - MI5: Far Right Terror Cases ‘Absolutely Dwarfed by Islamist Cases'
03-21-2019 - South Dakota governor signs multiple pro-life laws including ultrasound
requirement, end-of-life parental involvement
03-21-2019 - Russia Plans Massive Jesus Statue On Site Previously Reserved for
03-21-2019 - ‘Highly Profitable Scam’: Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) ‘Ripping
Off Donors,’ Former Staffer Says
03-21-2019 - No One Saw It Coming: Rise of Christianity in Russia Baffles US
03-21-2019 - Arkansas Senate passes bill outlawing abortions that target Down
03-21-2019 - Donald Trump Signs Executive Order to Defend Free Speech on Campus
03-21-2019 - 'Us' Review: Intense Warning About the Horrors of Socialism
03-21-2019 - Trump: Time for U.S. to ‘Fully Recognize’ Israel’s Sovereignty over
03-20-2019 - Filmmaker and apologist lays out why 'atheism is so attractive' to some
and what it took to change him
03-20-2019 - Report: Christian Persecution in India Jumps by 57% in 2019
03-20-2019 - Freshman Dem Rep. 'Horrified' by Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar's (D-MN)
03-20-2019 - Woke woman caught stealing crosses memorializing aborted babies,
tells cops she's merely 'cleaning up ... garbage'
03-20-2019 - Twelve French Churches Attacked, Vandalized in One Week
03-19-2019 - Colorado ends crusade against Christian Baker Jack Phillips
03-19-2019 - The Divided States of America
03-19-2019 - 'Pure Genocide': Over 6,000 Nigerian Christians Slaughtered, Mostly
03-19-2019 - Islamists Burn Houses, Murder Nine More Christians in Nigeria
03-19-2019 - Massacre: Muslim Terrorists Attack A College, Sorts Out Christians From
Muslims And Executes 70 Christian Students
03-19-2019 - Mainstream Media Purposely Ignored Mass Killings Of Christians Across
03-18-2019 - WATCH: Why Isn't the Media Reporting on the Hundreds of
Christians Being Slaughtered by Muslims?? Paul Joseph Watson
03-17-2019 - Media Silence Surrounds Muslim Massacre of Christians
03-16-2019 - Nigerian Muslim Militants Kill 120 Christians in Three Weeks
03-16-2019 - Turkey: Christchurch Protesters Want Hagia Sophia Turned Into
03-16-2019 - Christian Leaders, Oscar Winners Slam Motion Picture Association of
America's R-Rating of Pro-Life Movie 'Unplanned'
03-15-2019 - Court Shoots Down Lawsuit That Would Have Forced Churches to Pay
03-15-2019 - Supreme Court poised to save the Bladensburg Cross
03-15-2019 - The Democrat Party’s Anti-Semitism Problem Is Obama’s Legacy
03-13-2019 - Gov. Bevin (R-KY): Abortion Advocates Seeking ‘Mass Murder of
03-13-2019 - Covington Catholic Student Nicholas Sandmann's Lawyer: 'They Messed
03-13-2019 - There Have Been 334 Reported Hate Crimes Against Trump Supporters
03-12-2019 - Actress Ilana Glazer Says NY Abortion Law ‘Making the World a Better
03-11-2019 - China Protests U.S. Criticism of Its Policies on Religion
03-10-2019 - Washington Post Fact-Checks Trump’s Claim Democrats Have ‘Become
03-09-2019 - Christian Basilica in Paris No-Go Suburbs Heavily Vandalised
03-09-2019 - Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (aka 'AOC') (D-NY) attacks
columnist lamenting Girl Scouts' leftist turn
03-09-2019 - Muslim Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) Follows Viciously Anti-
03-09-2019 - Lawyer for Covington Catholic School Student Nicholas Sandmann Says
They're Planning to Sue CNN for More Than $250 Million
03-09-2019 - Chick-fil-A is beating every competitor by training workers to say
03-08-2019 - Pro-abortion Senator and 2020 Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris
(D-CA) on guns: ‘We cannot tolerate…when our babies are being
03-08-2019 - CA Democrat Wants Planned Parenthood’s Phone Number on Student
03-08-2019 - Fact Check -- FALSE: Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's (D-
MN) Phony Claim About Congress and Anti-Muslim Bigotry
03-08-2019 - Officials Point to ‘Chaos’ in Schools Since Obama Discipline Policy
03-08-2019 - Utah Teacher Forces Catholic Boy to Wash Off Ash Wednesday Cross
03-08-2019 - Tennessee and Georgia State Houses Pass Fetal Heartbeat Abortion
03-07-2019 - Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar's (D-MN) Hatred Of Israel &
America Erupts Into 'Full-Scale Brawl,' Speaker Pelosi (D-CA) Freaks Out
03-07-2019 - Bill requiring school elective Bible course in Florida public schools OK'd
03-07-2019 - CA Veterans Home Threatens to Eject 84-Year-Old Widow for Bible Study
03-06-2019 - Thomas Sowell on Rise of Socialism: Educational System, Media Aren't
Encouraging People to Test Ideas Against Facts
03-06-2019 - Rush Limbaugh Exposes Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-MN),
Says What “Nobody Has the Guts to Say…
03-06-2019 - Alabama court grants unborn baby legal rights!
03-05-2019 - Jack Phillips wins second round in transgender cake battle as Colorado
03-05-2019 - Amazon Bans Tommy Robinson’s Book, ‘Mohammed’s Koran'
03-05-2019 - Tim Carney on ‘Alienated America’: Loss of Factory, Church, Community
03-05-2019 - 22 States to Challenge Trump Rule Blocking Funds to Planned
03-05-2019 - Thomas Sowell warns U.S. may not resist siren song of socialism: 'I
03-05-2019 - Amazon Bans Tommy Robinson’s Book, ‘Mohammed’s Koran’
03-05-2019 - NEA President, Trans Advocate Push Gender Ideology on Kindergartners
03-04-2019 - Girl Scouts Partner with Abortion Industry, ‘Anal Sex’ Promoter Teen
03-04-2019 - Roseanne Barr TORCHES MeToo Movement
03-04-2019 - The Facts on the Born-Alive Debate -
03-04-2019 - The Nuclear Option: Children's Books Latest Leftist Propaganda Vehicle
03-04-2019 - PHOTOS: Bibles, Cross Left Untouched After Fire Destroys WV Church
03-04-2019 - Judeo-Christian Law Firm American Freedom Law Center (AFLC) Is Suing
Michigan for Its ‘Orwellian’ Witch Hunt Based on the Southern Poverty
Law Center’s (SPLC) ‘Hate Group’ Labels AFLC Story here.
03-03-2019 - Muslim Congresswoman lhan Omar (D-MN) Doubles Down on
Antisemitic Slur: No 'Allegiance' to Israel
03-03-2019 - British Actor Ian McShane on Race: 'When Asked About Race, White
People Should Shut the F**k Up’
03-03-2019 - Never Trump at CPAC Mocks Cancer, Christians, and Pro-Lifers
03-02-2019 - New Study Reveals Conservatives Make up Overwhelming Majority of
03-02-2019 - Washington Post Retracts Smears of Covington Catholic Boys After
03-02-2019 - Parallel universes are REAL argue physicists
03-01-2019 - VP Pence: Freedom, Not Socialism, Ended Slavery and Won Two World
03-01-2019 - Victory for Life: HHS Releases Final Rule Blocking Planned Parenthood
and Other Abortion Providers from Taxpayer Provided Title X Funds
03-01-2019 - ‘If the heartbeat is detected, the baby is protected’: Anti-abortion bill
03-01-2019 - Candace Owens at CPAC: The Democrats Are the 'Party of Slavery, Jim
02-28-2019 - Victory for Life: HHS Releases Final Rule Blocking Planned Parenthood
and Other Abortion Providers from Taxpayer Provided Title X Funds
02-28-2019 - China Cracks Down on Christianity by Demolishing Churches,
02-28-2019 - Pentagon Shuts Down Democrats' Demand for Transgender Military
02-28-2019 - HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on Abortion: Some Think It Is Okay to
02-28-2019 - Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos Unveils Federalized School Choice
02-28-2019 - Twitter Warns Michelle Malkin for Violating Pakistan's Sharia Law on
02-27-2019 - United Methodist Church strengthens ban on same-sex marriage
02-27-2019 - Supreme Court Looks Likely to Allow WWI Peace Cross to Stand
02-27-2019 - Hear Supreme Court Justices Spar With Lawyers Over Removal Of The
Bladensburg Cross: Judge For Yourself
02-27-2019 - Gloria Steinem Compares Pro-Life Movement to Nazism: Hitler
02-27-2019 - Bishops ‘Outraged’ by Pro-Infanticide Vote of Catholic & Former Hillary
VP Pick, Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA)
02-27-2019 - Bishop Invokes ‘Eternal Shame’ on R.I. Senators for Pro-Infanticide Vote
02-26-2019 - Pres. Trump Berates Democrats for Rejecting Protection of Babies
02-26-2019 - Supreme Court Set to Weigh Fate of World War I Memorial Cross
02-26-2019 - Why the People’s Republic of China Fears Religion
02-26-2019 - Pro-Life Movie Exposing the Truth About Planned Parenthood and
Abortion Receives “R” Rating for “Violence”
02-26-2019 - PayPal Censoring Groups With Help from Leftist, Anti-Christian Southern
02-26-2019 - Christianity and the American University
02-25-2019 - Report: Leftist Interest Groups Calling the Shots at Many American
02-25-2019 - Abortion Poll: 17-Point Shift Toward Pro-Life Stance in Single Month
02-25-2019 - PayPal CEO Admits Partnership with Far-Left Southern Poverty Law
Center (SPLC) to Blacklist Conservatives
02-25-2019 - Left-Wing Activism, Ideology Pushed on Girl Scouts
02-25-2019 - Senate Democrats Fail to Protect Infants Born Alive After Abortions from
02-24-2019 - Time for Action: Chase Bank Denies Service to Conservatives
02-23-2019 - Selective Service May Force Women to Register For the Draft After the
National Coalition For Men Wins Sex Discrimination Lawsuit
02-23-2019 - Dr. Alveda King: ‘Delighted’ Trump Restricted Funding to Planned
02-22-2019 - Senate to Vote on Bill to Protect Babies Born Alive After Abortion from
02-22-2019 - ACLJ Urges Supreme Court to Hear Important Case Involving
Government Discrimination Against Christian School
02-22-2019 - Trump Administration: Abortion Is Not Family Planning
02-21-2019 - God's position on immigration, borders? Go to the Bible
02-20-2019 - Eight Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) Anti-Israel Outrages
02-20-2019 - Christian Sues Wisconsin College for Banning Her Jesus-Themed
02-20-2019 - Farrakhan: ‘Wicked Jews’ Using Me to ‘Break Up the Women’s
02-18-2019 - Christian persecution: Armed gangs WIPE OUT 15 villages in Nigeria
02-16-2019 - Kentucky Senate Passes Fetal Heartbeat Abortion Ban
02-15-2019 - Blue State Blues: Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar's (D-MN) Real Problem Is
02-13-2019 - Planned Parenthood, ACLU Push Illinois to Make Abortion Fundamental
02-12-2019 - Nick Cannon Calls Out Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, and Sarah
Silverman for Past Use of Blackface
02-12-2019 - Noah's Ark Bible story 'could be proved true by ruins found in Iraq'
02-12-2019 - The Democrat Party Embraces Hate and Infanticide
02-12-2019 - FACT CHECK: Trump Is Correct on Democrat Gov's Infanticide Interview
02-11-2019 - Screw Off, LGBTQ Bullies: We Won't Apologize for Being Christians!
02-11-2019 - New Mexico Bill ‘Compels’ Medical Providers to Perform Abortions
02-09-2019 - McCarthy: If Pelosi Silent on Anti-Semitism, Republicans Will Act
02-08-2019 - In Wake of Shocking Abortion-Through-Birth Legislation, ACLJ Demands
Records from New York Governor’s Office Exposing Abortion Industry’s
02-08-2019 - Colorado University Sued for Refusing to Recognize Christian Club
02-08-2019 - 6 of 7 Democratic Senators Running for President Voted Against Pro-
02-07-2019 - Planned Parenthood Makes False Claims About Late Abortions
02-06-2019 - House GOP Re-Introduces Born-Alive Act, Protect Babies from Infanticide
02-06-2019 - Gov. Cuomo (D-NY) Defends Radical Abortion Law: ‘I Am a Former Altar
02-06-2019 - Catholic Bishop: Democrats Have Become ‘the Party of Infanticide’
02-05-2019 - Comedians Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon Ignore Gov. Northam (D-VA)
Controversy After Previously Appearing in Blackface
02-05-2019 - Western Kentucky U Sponsors Service Trips - but Not for Christian
02-05-2019 - Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX): Senate Democrats Have Pattern of 'Hostility to
02-05-2019 - Pew: Actively Religious People More Likely to Be ‘Very Happy’
02-04-2019 - Slate Mocks House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) for Using Fake Bible
02-04-2019 - United Methodists face vote on LGBTQ issues. Will it rip the church
02-04-2019 - Democrats' Nuclear Option: Rage over Blackface, Silence over Baby
02-04-2019 - Rhode Island and Vermont Democrats Propose Radical Abortion Bills
02-04-2019 - Senate Democrats Block Bill to Protect Babies Surviving Abortion
02-04-2019 - Nick Sandmann's Lawyers Release Video ‘The Truth’ About ‘March for
02-03-2019 - Lawyers for Catholic Student Nick Sandmann Prepare to Sue for Libel
02-02-2019 - Planned Parenthood’s Newest Report Exposes Its Lies About Its Abortion
02-02-2019 - WATCH: Covington Catholic High School Student Nick Sandmann: The
Truth In 15 Minutes
02-01-2019 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Hires High-Powered Defamation
Lawyer to Defend Tax-Exempt Status in RICO Lawsuit
01-31-2019 - Rush Limbaugh: When Homosexuality Is Deemed Genetic, LGBT
Community Will Become 'Pro-Life Overnight'
01-31-2019 - VA Gov. Northam: No ‘Regrets’ on Childbirth Abortion Comments
01-30-2019 - BREAKING NEWS : Supreme Court Rules 5-4: Oaths Not Taken on
01-30-2019 - Anglicans Push Back Against LGBT Guidelines
01-30-2019 - New Jersey to Allow 'Nonbinary' Option on Birth Certificates
01-30-2019 -Rev. Franklin Graham Urges Cardinal Dolan to Excommunicate Gov.
01-30-2019 - Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA): Aborted ‘Infant’ Saved if ‘Mother and
01-30-2019 - Gov. Northam (D-VA) on Abortion Bill: Infant Could Be Delivered and
Then 'Physicians and the Mother' Could Decide If It Lives
01-30-2019 - House Democrats Change Minds, Vote to Keep ‘So Help You God’ in
Oath, said Removal was a "Mistake"
01-29-2019 - House Democrats to Strike ‘So Help Me God’ from Oath
01-29-2019 - Virginia Democrat Proposes Bill Allowing ‘Abortion’ as Woman Is
01-29-2019 - The Progressive Race to the Bottom
01-29-2019 - California College 'Discontinues' Pledge of Allegiance Because of 'White
01-29-2019 - Democrat Leaders Deny Muslim Reps Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib
01-25-2019 - George Soros, the New York Times, and anti-Israel propaganda
01-25-2019 - The 12 Apps That Every Parent Of A Teen Should Know About
01-25-2019 - ACLJ Petition: Defend the Chaplain Flag, the Cross, and Christians Who
01-25-2019 - Spotify Blacklists PragerU Ads
01-25-2019 - New York Times Wants to ‘Expose Christian Schools’
01-25-2019 - Coming to Jesus, armed: Virginia Senate OKs guns in churches
01-25-2019 - Bishop Apologizes for Being ‘Bullied’ into 'Premature Statement' on
01-25-2019 - Kentucky Bishop Blasts Boys in MAGA Hats at Pro-Life March
01-24-2019 - New York Times Hit for Sympathetic Portrait of Black Nationalists Who
01-24-2019 - Timeline: How the Covington Hate Hoax Spread on Social Media
01-24-2019 - Exclusive – Donald Trump Jr.: Covington Catholic Hoax Shows Who the
Real Target of Fake News Truly Is
01-24-2019 - Report: Native American Nathan Phillips Has Criminal Background
01-24-2019 - 8 Shocking Facts About New York's Radical New Abortion Law
01-24-2019 - Prominent Catholics Demand New York Democrat Gov. Andrew
Cuomo’s Excommunication Over New Abortion Law
01-23-2019 - Judge Strikes Down Iowa ‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Law
01-23-2019 - New York Democrat Governor Cuomo Celebrates Allowing Abortion
Up Until Birth, Orders World Trade Center Lit Pink
01-23-2019 - Muslim Congresswoman lhan Omar (D-MN) Spreads Fake News with
01-23-2019 - California State Senate Committee Bans Saying 'He' and 'She'
01-23-2019 - Nathan Phillips Did Not Serve in Vietnam Despite Media Claims
01-23-2019 - The Media Must Learn From the Covington Catholic Story - The Atlantic
01-23-2019 - Most Dangerous Places for Christians Get your copy of the 2019 World
01-22-2019 - Catholic Advocates Condemn Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) in Bid for
Presidency: ‘Hostility Towards People of Faith’
01-22-2019 - Radical Democrats Encourage Mass Shooting At Covington High School
01-21-2019 - Target Israel: George Soros-Funded Groups Leading BDS War on Jewish
01-21-2019 - Philippine Vote on Muslim Self-Rule Puts Christians on Edge
01-21-2019 - Lady Gaga: Vice President Mike Pence 'The Worst Representation of
What It Means to Be a Christian'
01-21-2019 - CNN's Dave Briggs: Catholic Student Doesn't Look 'Considerate'
01-21-2019 - Hollywood Melts Down over Covington Catholic Race Hoax: 'This is A
Disgrace. This is Not America.'
01-21-2019 - Catholic Priest Slams March for Life as ‘Repulsive and Futile’
01-21-2019 - The rise of Satanism in America, where members don't ACTUALLY
worship the devil - but push activism
01-21-2019 - Twitter Allows 'Verified' Calls for Violence Against Conservative High
01-21-2019 - Journalists and Celebs Rush to Delete Tweets Slamming Catholic School
01-20-2019 - Native Activist, Nathan Phillips, Who Harassed Catholic Teens Identified
As Actor From 2012 Skrillex Video About Attacking Police
01-20-2019 - Left-Wing (and the Right) Attack Catholic School Kids to Demonstrate
01-20-2019 - Bible scholars fear Mount Sinai site to be bulldozed by Saudi Arabia
01-19-2019 - A Court Has Rejected This Planned Parenthood Talking Point as
01-18-2020 - Covington Catholic Student Nicholas Sandmann Makes Statement On
One Year Anniversary Of Fake News Attacks By Liberal Media
01-18-2019 - Women's March Co-Chair Tamika Mallory Refuses to Acknowledge
01-17-2019 - The Pences: defenders of Christian values in the White House
01-17-2019 - YouTube Admits It Meddled with Abortion Search Results - But Calls
Downranked Videos 'Misinformation'
01-17-2019 - Jury Awards $21 Million to Hotel Dishwasher Forced to Work Sundays
01-17-2019 - Former Planned Parenthood Director: Seeing Abortion Made Me Pro-Life
01-16-2019 - New York Law to Make Abortion a ‘Fundamental Right’
01-16-2019 - Ex-NY Assemblyman Calls Out Democrats Pelosi (D-CA), Schumer (D-NY)
for Silence on Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) for Praising Radical Jew Haters
01-16-2019 - 46th Annual March For Life Has New Momentum: Science Is on Our
01-16-2019 - Watch the Pro-Life YouTube Videos Google Doesn't Want You to See
01-16-2019 - FLASHBACK: Google CEO Sundar Pichai Assures Congress 'We Don't
Manually Intervene on Any Search Result'
01-16-2019 - LEAK: ‘Huge Teams’ Engaged in Manual Interventions on Google Search
01-16-2019 - ‘THE SMOKING GUN’: Google Manipulated YouTube Search Results for
Abortion, Maxine Waters, David Hogg
01-16-2019 - Report: 245 Million Christians Facing 'Extreme' Persecution Worldwide
01-16-2019 - Christians suffered an increase in persecution last year with 245
01-16-2019 - Fr Pavone: Abortion Supporters Should Re-Read Roe vs. Wade
01-15-2019 - LifeWay Research survey says young adults are dropping out of
01-14-2019 - Pastor Forced to Resign over 'Homosexuality Is a Sin' Church Sign
01-14-2019 - Poll: 70 Percent of Millennials Support Limits on Abortion
01-14-2019 - Oxford Union ‘Disinvites’ Conservative Catholic Leader
01-14-2019 - Gaffney, SC City Planning Commission Doubles Down on Law
Discriminating Against Churches – ACLJ Taking Action
01-12-2019 - Catholic Leaders Decry ‘Extreme Pro-Abortion Shift’ in Democrat-Run
01-10-2019 - US Protestants Are Converting to Orthodoxy in Large Numbers
01-10-2019 - Three Women in Congress Introduce Bills to Defund Planned Parenthood
01-10-2019 - Philadelphia's Catholic Archbishop: Democrats' Attacks on Catholic
01-10-2019 - Spiritual illness is crippling America
01-10-2019 - Report: Google 'Bug' Allows Anyone to Create Misinformation
01-09-2019 - ACLJ Submits Public Comment in Support of Pro-Life HHS Rule to Stop
Hidden ObamaCare Abortion Surcharge
01-09-2019 - Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) & Knights of Columbus: Congresswoman
Accuses Democrats of ‘Religious Bigotry’
01-09-2019 - Psychologists Declare Traditional Masculinity ‘Harmful’
01-08-2019 - Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL): Significant Number of Senate Democrats
01-08-2019 - Iraqi Christian Lawmaker - Churches Being Sold Nationwide
01-07-2019 - Heathens hold religious services rooted in Norse paganism aboard
01-07-2019 - Chuck Schumer, Self-Appointed 'Guardian' of Israel, Whips Against Pro-
01-07-2019 - Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) Blasted for Antisemitic Tweet: 'They Forgot
01-07-2019 - CNN Settles Lawsuit with Covington Catholic Student Nick Sandmann
01-06-2019 - Democrats in the House make us yearn for serious people
01-06-2019 - Foul-Mouthed Muslim Rep Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and the Duplicitous
01-05-2019 - Orthodox patriarch signs decree on independent Ukraine church
01-05-2019 - Bodies of 34 Christians Killed by Jihadists Found in Mass Grave
01-05-2019 - Ireland to Begin Legal Abortions January 7
01-05-2019 - Is the Ark of the Covenant in Ethiopia?
01-05-2019 - Stop Senate Bigotry Against Christian Judges | ACLJ Petition
01-05-2019 - Laos Cracks Down on Christianity as ‘Religion of the Europeans’
01-04-2019 - Vatican News Paid Tribute to 60th Anniversary of Cuban Revolution
01-03-2019 - Pew reports, 'Christians overrepresented in Congress': 55 percent
Protestant, 30 percent Catholic, 6 percent Jewish
01-03-2019 - Taxpayers To Pay for International Abortions in Democrats' Funding Bill
01-03-2019 - Socialist members represent growing force within new Democratic
01-03-2019 - Religious affiliation of the 116th Congress | Pew Research Center
01-02-2019 - Pro-abortion activist tells kids that abortion is 'part of God's plan'
01-02-2019 - $6.5M Lawsuit Claims Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Abetted Theft
and Published Confidential Docs in RICO Defamation of Glen Keith Allen
01-02-2019 - WATCH: Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) Makes Horrifying Remarks About
Trump Supporters While Speaking at Baptist Church
01-01-2019 - The Only Privilege in America is Liberal Privilege
12-31-2018 - Major schism in Christianity looms as Ukrainian Orthodox Church tries
to break from historic rule of Moscow patriarch
12-31-2018 - Abortion Leading Cause of Death in 2018 with 41 Million Killed
12-29-2018 - Apple removes Christian ministry app following complaints by LGBT
12-29-2018 - Obama charged with 'facilitating' Christian persecution
12-29-2018 - The Progressive Movement’s Sordid Past
12-28-2018 - California Women's March Organizers Cancel Event for Being Too White
12-28-2018 - Legal Expert: European Court Ruling Could Open Door to Sharia in EU
12-27-2018 - University of Oklahoma Introduces Feminist 'James Bond' Course
12-27-2018 - NC State Students Launch Satanism Club
12-27-2018 - Orban: Bringing Africa's Problems to Europe Will Destroy Its Culture
12-27-2018 - William & Mary Apologizes After Donor Defends Kavanaugh, Blasts
12-26-2018 - Fake News: NBC Spreads False Claim President Trump Did Not Visit
12-26-2018 - Seven Men Who Tried To Paganize the Origins of Christmas But Failed
12-26-2018 - Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) Must Have Missed Sunday School Because Even
Her Account of Jesus' Birth Is False
12-26-2018 - Anti-Catholic Democrat Senators Attack Nominees for Their Faith
12-26-2018 - UK Commissions Report into Worldwide Christian Persecution
12-25-2018 - Ohio Bans Dismemberment Abortions
12-25-2018 - Christians at risk of extinction in land where Christmas began
12-25-2018 - UK Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt orders review into persecution of
12-25-2018 - Chinese Christians Defy Crackdown on Christmas: ‘We Will Not Forfeit
12-23-2018 - Life Begins at Conception - US HHS
12-23-2018 - Democrat Senators Attack Judicial Nominee for Catholic Faith
12-23-2018 - Exclusive/Watch -- Charlie Kirk: Leftists Want to Destroy Western
12-21-2018 - Witchcraft moves to the mainstream in America as Christianity declines
12-21-2018 - Pope Francis: Modern Christians Face ‘Cruel and Vicious Persecution’
12-20-2018 - Colorado's Religious Persecution of Masterpiece Cakeshop Continues
12-20-2018 - Postal Service Allegedly Canceled Christmas Stamps: Too Religious
12-20-2018 - U.S. Teams Up with Orban's Hungary to Aid Persecuted Middle East
12-19-2018 - ACLU Sues Texas Over State's Israel Anti-Boycott Law
12-19-2018 - Colorado baker who refused to make gay couple's cake faces second
12-19-2018 - Why Do So Many United Nations Members Support Terrorist
Organizations like Hamas? – We Won’t Stand for It | ACLJ
12-18-2018 - Trump signs bill to aid persecuted minorities
12-18-2018 - Christians 'Standing in the Way' of China's Xi Jinping's Totalitarian Rule
12-18-2018 - Universities Took $600 Million Tied To Muslim Nations While Forming
Grade School Curricula For US Students
12-17-2018 - New York’s War on Faith-Based Adoption Providers Is Only Hurting
12-17-2018 - Fact Check: ‘More Republicans Voted for the Civil Rights Act as a
Percentage Than Democrats Did’
12-16-2018 - Actress Becomes Passionately Pro-Life After Movie Role
12-15-2018 - Patreon Tolerates Calls for Violence from Leftists While Demonetizing
12-15-2018 - Muslim Congresswoman lhan Omar (D-MN) Trolls Mike Pence: 'Jesus
12-14-2018 - Federal Court Blocks Trump Admin’s Contraceptive Mandate Religious
Exemption for Obamacare Birth Control Mandate
12-14-2018 - China Continues Its Crackdown on Christians | ACLJ
12-14-2018 - Media's Smearing of Paris Dennard Reveals Their Totalitarianism
12-13-2018 - Protect Military Religious Liberty and Honor Chaplains
12-13-2018 - Members of Congress cannot use taxpayer money to settle sex abuse
12-13-2018 - Washington City Removes 'Christian' Nativity Scene from Public Park
12-12-2018 - Canada’s Supreme Court rules that LGBT rights come BEFORE your
12-10-2018 - 100 Christians snatched in China church raids overnight
12-10-2018 - Study: 'Marriage Has Declined Dramatically' Among 'Working Class
12-10-2018 - The Kavanaugh betrayal on Planned Parenthood
12-10-2018 - Kavanaugh and Roberts Reject Cases Involving Planned Parenthood
12-09-2018 - Google Approves App For Muslims To Report People Who Commit
12-06-2018 - Pakistan Cracks Down on U.S.-Based, Christian Charities
12-06-2018 - DNC Chair Tom Perez Attacks Religion, Blaming People Who ‘Only’
Listen to the ‘Pulpit’ For the Democrats’ Failures on Abortion
12-04-2018 - UC-Berkeley pays $70,000 to settle anti-conservative bias lawsuit,
considers changes to speaker policies
12-04-2018 - Poll Shows Huge Democrat Bias Toward Muslims Over Christians
12-01-2018 - Left Attacks George H.W. Bush After His Death: 'Blatant Racism and
Toxic Masculinity,' 'F**k Him'
11-30-2018 - Virginia School Bans Christmas Carols Mentioning ‘Jesus'
11-28-2018 - “Between 6,000 and 10,000 churches in the U.S. are dying each year” –
and that means that over 100 will die this week
11-27-2018 - The Gospel of Marx? Religious Leaders Call for ‘Redistribution,’
11-27-2018 - School blocks Chick-fil-A as dining option, cites values
Mom Thanks Chick-fil-A Employees Who Played With Son When Others
11-26-2018 - UK School Accused of ‘Intimidating’ Christian Parents
11-25-2018 - Turkey Wipes Out the Christian Culture of Occupied Cyprus
11-24-2018 - Report: Half a Billion Christians Facing Global Persecution
11-22-2018 - Listen: Rush Limbaugh Tells the 'True Story of Thanksgiving'
11-16-2018 - Georgia Southern Univ. (GSU) mandates 'all students' take 'diversity and
11-11-2018 - Debra Messing Calls Out Women's March for Refusing to Denounce
11-08-2018 - Washington Post Admits Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
'Undermined Credibility' with 'Blunders'
11-07-2018 - Christian Schools Told To Adopt LGBT Agenda Or Be Shut Down
11-04-2018 - Notorious Anti-semite Louis Farrakhan Leads 'Death to America' Chant
11-03-2018 - Another Kavanaugh accuser admits to fabricating rape story
11-02-2018 - Gunned Down For Believing In Christ: The Mainstream Media Is Silent As
The Persecution Of Christians Escalates
10-23-2018 - Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Delivers Blow to Big Abortion, Requires
Abortion Clinics Meet Basic Safety Standards
10-22-2018 - Pastors Will Ask for God’s Blessing on Planned Parenthood Abortion
10-19-2018 - Christmas songs mentioning Jesus barred from middle school's
concerts. The reason is far from jolly.
10-16-2018 - Former fire chief who wrote Christian book and got terminated over it
wins huge settlement with city
10-10-2018 - Gay Marriage Cake: UK Supreme Court Rules in Favour of Christian
10-10-2018 - CNN Says Mobs Have 'Constitutional Right' To Chase Republicans Out of
10-08-2018 - United Methodist Minister: Abortion Clinic Shows "a Reverence for
Life" by Killing Babies (originally published on 10-08-2015)
10-05-2018 - Bible prophecy COMES TRUE as fish swim in Dead Sea in Israel
10-04-2018 - Americans Have Almost Entirely Forgotten Their History
10-03-2018 - 100,000 U.S. Christian Churches Demand Withdrawal of Kavanaugh's
Supreme Court Nomination (A shocking display of mass, knee-jerk
stupidity from a whole lot of "educated" people who have no concept of
the rules of law nor evidence.)
10-02-2018 - Why Leftists Feel Entitled to Block Highways, Shut Down Speakers, and
10-02-2018 - Discussing the Main Reasons for Loss of Faith
10-01-2018 - ‘New Age’ beliefs common among religious, nonreligious Americans
09-28-2018 - The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC): A Massive, Multi-Million-Dollar
Character Assassination Machine
09-28-2018 - Beijing Replacing Crosses with Chinese Flags in Christian Communities
09-27-2018 - Muslim Mob Stones Three Christians to Death in Kenya
09-27-2018 - Government Attempting a New Way to Tax Churches and Non-Profits
09-25-2018 - Bible news: Exodus proof found? Archaeologists find 'first evidence of
09-23-2018 - "We Are Bigger than Your Jesus!" Muslim Extremist Persecution of
09-22-2018 - Vice President Mike Pence warns Christian conservatives against
complacency in midterm elections
09-17-2018 - Soros-funded NGO Takes Legal Action to Block Vote on Defining
09-17-2018 - Raising Kids With Religion Or Spirituality May Protect Their Mental
09-13-2018 - Chelsea Clinton: Would Be ‘Unchristian’ to Return to Time Before Legal
09-12-2018 - Where Does the Targeting of Cake Artist Jack Phillips Stop?
09-10-2018 - Christian Socialism Is a Sinful Mix of Greed and Envy
09-10-2018 - AP News: Group: Officials destroying crosses, burning bibles in China
09-09-2018 - China outlaws large underground Protestant church in Beijing
09-08-2018 - Federal Judge Calls Catholic Church a ‘Sect,’ Denies Higher Court’s
09-08-2018 - Birth of 'first red heifer in 2000 years' fulfils Bible prophecy and signals
09-08-2018 - Bible prophecy fulfilled as 'first red heifer in 2,000 years born in Israel'
09-07-2018 - News You Should Know: D.C. Metro Doesn’t Want Your Religious
09-07-2018 - Media Bias on Cake Artist Jack Phillips' Case Shows the Facts Are Not on
09-07-2018 - Hate Crimes Laws are Foolish, & Christians Supporting Them are Even
09-05-2018 - Modern exodus: Catholicism has lost more of its faithful than any other
09-02-2018 - Muslim Extremists Attack Coptic Christian Homes in Egypt
09-02-2018 - New Mexico Teen Arrested by FBI Makes Confession About Islamic
Extremist Training Camps in America
08-31-2018 - Great News! Proposed California Law Silencing a Biblical View of
Sexuality Dies in the State Assembly
08-31-2018 - Univ of Iowa Kicks Christian Group Off Campus, Becket Fights Back
08-30-2018 - College rules that conservative group’s 9/11 memorial posters are
offensive and upsetting to Muslims
08-30-2018 - Muslim Militants Burn Alive Christian Pastor and His Family in Nigeria
08-30-2018 - How free is your state? New Cato report lists the best and worst states
for freedom in America FULL CATO STUDY here.
08-30-2018 - Twitter Blocks Some Conservatives Including VP Mike Pence from
08-30-2018 - Colorado Congressman Calls for DOJ to Investigate Continued
Government Hostility toward Cake Artist/Baker Jack Phillips
08-29-2018 - Colorado Cake Baker Turns Tables in Anti-Religious Bias Lawsuit
08-29-2018 - Categorizing Americans' Religious Typology Groups - Pew Research
Center Full Report here. Take the Typology Quiz here.
08-28-2018 - 10 Times Google's Far-Left, Anti-Trump Bias Was Exposed
08-28-2018 - Group Petitions Catholic Archbishop to Remove LGBT-Activist Priests
08-28-2018 - Dozens at Facebook Unite to Challenge Its ‘Intolerant’ Liberal Culture
08-28-2018 - U.S. court rejects atheists' appeal over 'In God We Trust' on money
08-26-2018 - Reports Of Christianity’s Death In Europe Have Been Greatly
Exaggerated - The Knights Templar Order
08-26-2018 - The government is targeting Colorado cake artist Jack Phillips
08-26-2018 - Sacrilegious spies: Russians tried hacking Orthodox clergy
08-25-2018 - Pew Study: Why Young Ex-Christians Are Ex-Christians, According to the
08-25-2018 - Atlanta Charter School Reinstates Morning Pledge of Allegiance After
08-25-2018 - David Horowitz Wins Credit Card Donation Showdown, Credits Breitbart,
08-24-2018 - Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Alert Details on Southern Poverty
08-23-2018 - Report: New York the Least Free State in the U.S.
08-23-2018 - Kennesaw State University cuts 4 of 5 cheerleaders who knelt for
08-22-2018 - Federal Judge’s Decision In Favor Of Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselors
Appealed By The New York Attorney General
08-22-2018 - Facebook: 99.9999% Drop in PragerU Traffic an 'Error'
08-21-2018 - Hawaii attorney general out of bounds to intimidate churches,
08-16-2018 - PragerU Breaks Down Why the Left Demonizes Masculinity
08-15-2018 - Colorado is targeting Christian baker Jack Phillips — again. This
time, he’s going on the offensive
08-14-2018 - Bokhari: Why Tech Giants Aren't the Same as Christian Bakeries
08-14-2018 - China rips down posters of Jesus and replaces them with President Xi
08-10-2018 - Hungary Bans Gender Studies Programs, Cites Concerns with Lack of
08-09-2018 - SC churches seek lifelines as attendance drops, closures rise
08-09-2018 - Bay Area Professor Charged with Assaulting 7 Conservatives with Bike
08-09-2018 - The Pitiful Roots of Anti-Americanism
08-09-2018 - Attorney General Jeff Sessions Calls Out Southern Poverty Law Center
08-08-2018 - PEW STUDY: Why America’s ‘nones’ don’t identify with a religion
08-08-2018 - Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem Issues Statement on Israeli Nation-State
08-07-2018 - Christian Group Protest LGBT Propaganda in Beloved Children’s Story
08-06-2018 - Top 10 Black Racists
08-06-2018 - Survey: 40% of Americans Could Not Name a Single First Amendment
Right Full Survey here. (Thank you gubbment schools!)
08-05-2018 - South Africa on brink of ‘ANARCHY’ as president demands white
08-04-2018 - 40 Percent of Americans Can't Name First Amendment Rights: Survey
08-04-2018 - Report: Abortion Accounts for 61% of Black Deaths in America
08-02-2018 - China Forces All Religious Buildings to Fly Communist Flag
08-01-2018 - Pope Francis: Sacrificing Children for Career Is Modern ‘Idolatry’
08-31-2018 - Under the Law: Israeli Christians Worry About Secondary Status in
07-31-2018 - Islamist Pakistani Leader Stokes Fears of Christian Persecution
07-30-2018 - Hungarian PM Orban: Central Europe Is Anti-Globalist Bastion of
Christian Culture, National Identity
07-30-2018 - 'Pure Genocide': Over 6,000 Nigerian Christians Slaughtered, Mostly
07-29-2018 - Watch: Experts Discuss the Impact of War on Religious Liberty
07-29-2018 - 'National Disgrace' – UK Rejects Syrian Christians, Refugee Intake 100%
07-29-2018 - Pastor Slams NAACP for Supporting ‘Black Genocide’ of Abortion
07-28-2018 - Republicans Say Brett Kavanaugh Is ‘Powerful Voice’ for Religious
07-28-2018 - Watch — Religious Freedom Ambassador Sam Brownback: ‘Faith Is a
07-28-2018 - VP Mike Pence: Christian Persecution in North Korea ‘Has No Rival on
07-28-2018 - Putin: Christianity is the Foundation of Russian Nationhood and Cultural
07-27-2018 - Sam Brownback to Headline 'Impact of War on Religious Freedom'
07-26-2018 - Frank Wolf– Trump Has ‘the Right Team’ to Advance Religious Freedom
07-26-2018 - Egypt: Muslim mob attack on church encouraged by police promise ‘No
07-25-2018 - State Department: 'Civil Society' Is 'First Line of Defense' for Religious
07-24-2018 - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: Religious Freedom Shows Human
07-24-2018 - Stripe, PayPal, Patreon: The Right Is Being Banned from Online
07-24-2018 - Italian Bishop: I Would ‘Turn All Churches into Mosques’ to Save
07-21-2018 - Presbyterian Church USA condemns all “religiously inspired violence,”
07-21-2018 - End of the World: Blood Moon on July 27 will spark apocalypse
according to Bible (Oh no! Not again!! THIS time it's FOR SURE!! ...just
like last time...)
07-20-2018 - Exposé: Life in Egypt Is ‘Hell’ for Christian Women
07-20-2018 - After Gay Coup, Catholics Aim to Drop ‘St. Patrick’ from Boston Parade
07-19-2018 - More Universities Adopt 'Anti-Oppression Guide'
07-19-2018 - U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: President Trump Making 'Clarion
Call for Religious Freedom Around World'
07-18-2018 - CEASE & DESIST: Town Orders Family to Stop Hosting Bible Studies on
07-18-2018 - 'Anti-Oppression Guide' spreads to multiple college libraries
07-18-2018 - History Explains Eastern European Hostility to Islam
07-16-2018 - Archaeologists discover bread that predates agriculture by 4,000 years
07-16-2018 - Fifth Circuit Appeals Court Protects Catholic Bishops from Intimidation
07-16-2018 - Franklin Graham stands tall in face of LGBTQ-pressed censorship
07-13-2018 - The Pro-Abortion Left is Desperate to Block Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s
Confirmation to the Supreme Court
07-10-2018 - Christian Doctor Fired in UK for Suggesting Gender Is Biological
07-10-2018 - California university works to reduce number of white people on
07-14-2018 - Leftist Smear Factory SPLC Tries to Save Credibility By Defending False
‘Anti-LGBT Hate Group’ Label That Inspired a Terrorist Attack
07-11-2018 - Killing In The Name Of Islam: Christian Death Toll Rises To 1,870 In 190
Days With Fresh 120 Killed In First Seven Days Of July 2018
07-10-2018 - Watchdog: 'Overwhelming Evidence' UN Fails to Combat Anti-Semitism
07-10-2018 - Matthew 25: Do We Go to Hell for Not Feeding the Hungry?
07-10-2018 - What Bible says about illegal immigration (from 10-28-2014)
07-09-2018 - Democrats Love Socialism Because They Want To Take Your Stuff And
07-09-2018 - Respecting the Rule of Law (On Immigration) Is Not Bigotry
07-09-2018 - Report: Harvard, Yale Defy Federal Guidelines, Will Continue Racial
07-09-2018 - Netherlands: School bows to Turks and bars student documentary on
07-09-2018 - Netflix Airs ‘Salute to Abortion;’ Host Declares: ‘God Bless Abortions!”
07-08-2018 - Presbyterian Church General Assembly refuses to condemn Hamas, anti-
Hamas activist gets death threat
07-08-2018 - Nigeria’s Fulani Jihadis Grow Deadlier than Boko Haram, Killing
Hundreds of Christians in Days [Extreme Content Warning]
07-08-2018 - Middle East’s Christians are Dwindling Despite Deep Roots
07-07-2018 - Catholic Bishop Says Gay Adoption Is ‘Moral Abuse’ of Children
07-07-2018 - 'Indifference kills': Pope fears Christians will disappear from the Middle
07-06-2018 - The Democratic Party's Christian Problem
07-06-2018 - Catholic Diocese in Texas is removing ‘gun-free zone’ signs from
church entrances for safety reasons
07-05-2018 - Nigeria to Christian Farmers: We Can't Save You, Surrender Land to
07-04-2018 - UK Court Upholds BAN on Praying Outside Abortion Clinic
07-03-2018 - Backlash Over Secret 'Roe v. Wade' Film Shooting With Jon Voight,
07-03-2018 - Reuters Poll: Young White Americans Flee Democrat Party in Droves
07-03-2018 - 'Pure Genocide': Over 6,000 Nigerian Christians Slaughtered, Mostly
07-03-2018 - OCPA: Oklahoma’s religious left baptizes the blob
07-02-2018 - Amy Coney Barrett: Progressives Use Religious Ignorance, Bigotry to
07-02-2018 - Rachel Held Evans: Think Twice about Overturning Roe – We’d Have
07-01-2018 - Study: Nearly Half of Women in Sweden's 'Vulnerable' Areas Feel Unsafe
07-01-2018 - #WalkAway Movement to Abandon Liberalism Goes Viral
06-29-2018 - Supreme Court Keeps Woman's 'Right to Prayer' Lawsuit Alive
06-27-2018 - Ex-Vatican Doctrinal Chief: Many Catholics Feel ‘Abandoned and
Betrayed’ by Shepherd (Webmaster's note: Come home to Orthodoxy
and you won't have this problem.)
06-27-2018 - Gov. Matt Bevin publicly signs bill allowing Kentucky's public schools to
teach the Bible - WDRB 41 Louisville News
06-27-2018 - The Unscientific Claims of Evolution
06-26-2018 - Why millennials are really leaving religion (it’s not just politics, folks)
06-26-2018 - Muslim Herdsmen Slaughter 120 Nigerian Christians Returning from
06-22-2018 - WashPost Columnist: ‘Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Has Lost All
06-22-2018 - Pope Francis: US Must Open Borders To 'As Many Migrants As Possible'
06-21-2018 - Pew Research: Global Uptick in Government Restrictions on Religion in
06-21-2018 - Meet the pastor who wants you to ‘quit church’: ‘We’re all messed up’
06-19-2018 - Canadian Supreme Court: Christian law school can be denied
accreditation due to view on marriage
06-19-2018 - After the SPLC Settled Maajid Nawaz’s Lawsuit For $3M, About 60
Organizations Are Considering a Lawsuit Against the SPLC, Liberty
Counsel President Mat Staver Told PJ Media
06-19-2018 - “Communist Cadet” Discharged From Military Duty
06-19-2018 - Zuhdi Jasser: Here’s how to win and lose the battle for mosques in the
06-18-2018 - Muslim professor demanded students praise Allah and remove shoes
06-18-2018 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) settlement with Maajid Nawaz,
Quilliam Foundation dings credibility
06-18-2018 - Maajid Nawaz: SPLC Apologizes, Settles for "Extremist" Label
06-17-2018 - Outrage as a Thousand Muslims Pray in French Street Following End of
06-16-2016 - Christian persecution: Priest STABBED in Bethlehem
06-14-2018 - Younger Greeks Turning their Back on Religion, New Research Claims
06-14-2018 - Addictive Video Games Can Impact Children’s Brains Similar to Drug
06-14-2018 - More Millennials are Embracing Socialism, Even Communism — Here’s
06-14-2018 - Turkey Claims 'Thousands' Teachers Sent to Influence Turkish Children
06-14-2018 - University of Texas Puts 'Toxic Masculinity' Project on Hold After
06-14-2018 - Churchgoers Live Six Years Longer on Average
06-14-2018 - Busted: Six Examples Of Leftists Being Exactly What They Claim To
06-13-2018 - California School District Forbids Parents to Remove Kids From Graphic
Sex Ed Class
06-13-2018 - The Age Gap in Religion Around the World
06-13-2018 - The Chick-Fil-A Furor Reveals Our Disturbing Crisis of Conviction
06-13-2018 - The Church and Homosexuality: A Meditation
06-13-2018 - Religious people live four years longer than atheists, study finds
06-12-2018 - Dear Mom & Dad: Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids - This
06-11-2018 - Anthony Bourdain: Casualty of Leftist Mindset
06-11-2018 - Christian Zionism & Dispensationalism
06-11-2018 - Bishop Kallistos Ware Comes Out for Homosexual "Marriage"
06-10-2018 - CrossFit Makes Bold Statement: “Christians Need to Shut the **** Up”
06-10-2018 - Man Allegedly Asked To Leave Restaurant Over Cross Necklace
06-10-2018 - Rise of Secularization Fueling Violence & Verbal Abuse Against Christian
06-09-2018 - Backlash: Concerns Over Public School Are Driving Red-Hot Homeschool
06-09-2018 - Glenn K. Beaton: Here’s how I went from Marxism to Conservatism
06-09-2018 - Chinese Government Destroys Popular Catholic Pilgrimage Site
06-09-2018 - NY Archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan Slams Jesuit Priest for
‘Capitulating’ to Abortion Culture
06-08-2018 - Talk Is Cheap When It Comes to Protecting Our Schools
06-08-2018 - Austria To Expel Dozens of Imams, Shut Down Radical Mosques
06-07-2018 - 7 Facts About the Blessing of Home
06-07-2018 - Trump Excludes Muslim Brotherhood-Tied Groups from Iftar Dinner
06-06-2018 - However 'Secular' We Think We Are, The Roots of America's Liberty Are
06-06-2018 - Mike Shellenberger Denounces Liberal ‘Progressive’ Policies For
Destroying California, Making an Unequal Poverty-Striken Dystopia Like
06-06-2018 - Facebook, Amazon, Google And Twitter All Work With Left-Wing, Anti-
Christian Hate Group Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
06-05-2018 - Homeschooling skyrockets as more parents get fed up with Left-wing
social engineering and violence in public schools
06-05-2018 - An Open Letter to a Gay Rights Advocate
06-05-2018 - Franklin Graham: ‘There’s an Agenda’ to ‘Lure’ Children ‘into
06-04-2018 - Supreme Court Sides with Colorado Baker in Wedding Cake Case
06-04-2018 - Catholic League: SCOTUS Cakeshop Ruling Big Loss for ‘Gay Bullies’
06-03-2018 - England's Top Family Judge: Society Should 'Welcome and Applaud'
06-02-2018 - Columbia Professor Urged to Step Down After Blaming Israel for 'Every
06-01-2018 - Almost all species on Earth today came into being at about the same
time, scientific study declares
06-01-2018 - Hate-Promoting Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Smears Bolton’s
Chief of Staff, Media Run with It
05-31-2018 - Professor calls for ‘toxic masculinity’ training in children as young as
05-30-2018 - Educational decline: Homeschooling surges as parents seek safer option
05-30-2018 - VIDEO: Bill Press Mocks Mike Pence's Christianity
05-30-2018 - Pew Study Shows Atheism is Dying While Islam Projected to Dominate
05-30-2018 - A California church flirts with an unusual social experiment: to never
05-29-2018 - State Dept.: North Korea Using Executions, Torture Against 'Serious
05-29-2018 - Democrat Lawmakers Move To Restrict Christians' Right To
05-29-2018 - How Our World Stopped Being Christian: Anatomy of a Collapse
05-29-2018 - Attitudes of Christians in Western Europe | Pew Research Center
05-29-2018 - House Majority Leader McCarthy: 'Conservative Christians Are Being
Silenced' in Corporate America Mainstream Media
05-28-2018 - “White and Christian” Survey Shows Changing Demographics in
05-24-2018 - DeVos Infuriates Left: 'School Decision' to Report Illegal Students to ICE
05-24-2018 - NFL Anthem Rules Expose the Left’s Warped View of Patriotism
05-23-2018 - Valedictorian Claims High School Censored Graduation Speech
05-23-2018 - Oregon student suspended for wearing Trump shirt sues school
05-22-2018 - Here's 4 Reasons You Should Tell Netflix, 'Adios!'
05-22-2018 - Guns Aren't the Problem. The Collapse of the Morality You Mock is the
05-21-2018 - Swedish town that banned church bells has approved a mosque’s call to
05-21-2018 - This Book Will Equip Your HS Graduate To Successfully Deal With A
05-21-2018 - Texas cheerleaders are being sued by their own school district. You
05-19-2018 - Seven Dead After Attack on Orthodox Church in Russian Province of
05-18-2018 - Great Again: Fewer Americans Putting Off Marriage, Children, College
05-17-2018 - Feminists left stunned and confused by honest facts about the
05-16-2018 - Protestant numbers drop sharply while those who declare no religion
05-16-2018 - This Isn't Bigotry. It's a Religious Disagreement.
05-15-2018 - Not a single Democrat showed up for Jerusalem embassy opening: CNN
05-15-2018 - California assisted death law overturned in court
05-15-2018 - Evangelical Christian Leaders Praise Trump and Thank Americans of
05-14-2018 - The Only Thing Preventing Us From Descending Into Civil War
05-14-2018 - Chaplain under attack for his religious beliefs even after complying with
05-14-2018 - Mitt Romney calls Trump’s pastor pick for historic event a ‘bigot’ –
05-13-2018 - Transgender: AG Sessions Ends Obama's Mixed-Sex Prison Policy &
05-12-2018 - California bill proposes to drop American holiday and replace it with
05-12-2018 - Oklahoma Passes Law Protecting Christian Adoption Agencies from
05-11-2018 - The "White Minority" Illusion
05-11-2018 - College demands student remove Jesus, Bible references from
graduation speech. Then she fights back and wins with the help of the
05-11-2018 - Catholic University in Iowa Opens Sex-Segregated Islamic Prayer Space
05-11-2018 - Reed College Students Demand Removal of White Authors from
05-10-2018 - Could a security camera have captured a miracle angel?
05-10-2018 - Protestants decline, more have no religion in a sharply shifting
05-10-2018 - World's Christians Facing 'Bleak Future' Without U.S. Christians' Support
05-10-2018 - U.S. Religious Freedom Ambassador: A 'Global Religious War' Rages
05-10-2018 - (AUDIO) Rabbi Lapin: Here’s the proof that lefty liberalism is an
05-10-2018 - Tucker Carlson: 'Modern Liberalism Is a Religious Movement' to Replace
05-09-2018 - Trump Era Brings Home 14 Unjustly Detained Americans and Counting
05-09-2018 - Columbia University: ‘God Hates Guns, Loves Gay Porn’
05-09-2018 - Twitter Is Banning Conservatives for Posting Facts
05-09-2018 - Mormons Sever all Ties with Boy Scouts of America
05-08-2018 - Minnesota Democrats openly take offense to ‘In God We Trust’ motto
05-08-2018 - Fox Sports 1's Jason Whitlock: Liberalism 'Hazardous' to Black Families
05-07-2018 - Facebook Labels You As A Liberal or Conservative -- You Can Turn
05-07-2018 - Broward School Officials: Parkland Gunman Assigned to Deferred
Disciplinary Program Supported by Obama
05-06-2018 - Hungarian PM Orban Getting Tougher on Immigration: 'We Are Building
05-06-2018 - Bill Allowing 'In God We Trust' Motto in Schools Challenged in MN
05-06-2018 - Rep Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Refuses to Call on Tony Cardenas to Resign
05-06-2018 - Christian group barred from Amazon charity program, but anti-
Semitic, terrorist groups allowed in because of the SPLC's bogus
05-04-2018 - Trump’s New ‘Religious Liberty’ Order Alarms LGBTQ Groups
05-04-2018 - Mormon support for gay marriage gradually grows
05-02-2018 - 5 Ways The Teacher Strikes Revealed Public Schools Indoctrinate
05-01-2018 - Report: 39% of Top Liberal Arts Colleges Have No Republican
05-01-2018 - Zuckerberg's Announcement Means Final Remaining Conservative
Voices on Facebook Will Be Eliminated by Election Day
05-01-2018 - Bible historical evidence: King David city 'found in Israel by
04-30-2018 - Urgent push to criminalize criticism of Islam
04-28-2018 - Churches Band Together To Vow Never To Call Police
04-28-2018 - Alabama Teacher Says School Told Her to Remove 'Just Pray' Shirt
04-27-2018 - No, Teachers Are Not Underpaid
04-27-2018 - University of Texas to Treat Masculinity as a 'Mental Health' Issue
04-26-2018 - The Public, the Political System and American Democracy | Pew
04-25-2018 - 80% of Americans Believe in God. Pew Found Out What They Mean
04-25-2018 - California Lawmakers Consider A Bill That Would Ban the Bible
04-25-2018 - FactCheck: California Bill Would Not Ban the Bible
04-25-2018 - 7 demographic trends shaping the U.S. and the world in 2018 | Pew
04-24-2018 - The great exodus out of America’s blue cities
04-24-2018 - Snopes is a Sneaky Liar About California's Bill to Ban Christian LGBT
Talk (Here is Snopes' opinion)
04-24-2018 - California Pro-Homosexual Bill Will Ban the Bible
04-24-2018 - Finland ends its experiment with "Universal Basic Income"
04-23-2018 - New California law would CRIMINALIZE book stores for selling the Bible
04-23-2018 - End of the world 2018: Rapture to take place on April 23
04-23-2018 - Pakistani Christian Girl Murdered in Acid Attack After Refusing to Marry
04-21-2018 - How a church (St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church) destroyed on 9/11
04-20-2018 - TruthorFiction: California Bill Would Ban the Bible - Disputed!
04-20-2018 - One Step Closer: Could a California Bill Ultimately Lead to the Banning
04-19-2018 - If Your Church Accepts Homosexuality, It’s Time to Look For a New One
04-19-2018 - Has Surrendering to Leftists for Decades Made America Any Better?
04-18-2018 - Better government services linked to less religiosity in U.S. and world,
04-18-2018 - Same Sex Attraction: Identity Or Feeling... Doctor Weighs In
04-17-2018 - Easy access to black magic and Satanism via Internet increases
04-17-2018 - Leading Researcher Cautions About Long-Term Effects Of 'Alternative
04-17-2018 - Compulsory Biometric ID Announced by European Commission
04-16-2018 - Chinese Christian Advocates: Xi 'Has Particular Animosity' Against
04-16-2018 - CENSORED! How Online Media Companies Are Suppressing Conservative
04-16-2018 - Gov't Must Impose 'Transgender' Demands Nationwide, Says Judge
04-16-2018 - NBC's 'Timeless' Mocks Christians: 'God Doesn't Exist'
04-13-2018 - Antifa’s Back! And They’re Shutting Down Christian Conferences -
04-12-2018 - 4 in 10 millennials don't know 6 million Jews were killed in Holocaust,
04-10-2018 - Double Standard: Some School Administrators Slow to Approve Pro-Life
04-03-2018 - University event aims to combat ‘Christian Privilege’
04-02-2018 - John Bolton Could Be First National Security Chief to Prioritize Religious
04-01-2018 - Americans Grapple With Evil Amid Decline in Religious Faith
03-31-2018 - 6 Christian Communities that Can't Practice Their Religion Freely This
03-30-2018 - North Korean Christians Live in Fear Their Children Will Expose Them
03-30-3018 - English Catholic Church Desecrated in 'Satanist' Attack
03-28-2018 - U.N. Watch Blasts Human Rights Council for Defining Practice of
03-27-2018 - Palm Sunday in Cuba: Dozens of Women Beaten, Arrested for Practicing
03-26-2018 - Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) to Black Churchgoers: Catholics and Jews
03-25-2018 - Islam Poised to Pass Anglicans as Preferred Religion of Britain’s Young
03-23-2018 - Reports Of Christianity’s Death In Europe Have Been Greatly
03-22-2018 - Seventy Percent of British Youth Profess ‘No Religion’
03-19-2018 - 66 Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopalian and United Church of Christ
Leaders Sign Letter Supporting Abortion
03-19-2018 - Democrat Lawmaker Blames Bad Weather on Jews 'Controlling the
03-19-2018 - 9 Democrat Lawmakers with Ties to Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan
03-19-2018 - Kids Aren’t Really Converting and That’s Why They "Leave" the Church
03-18-2018 - Court Rules WWI Memorial Must be Torn Down
03-16-2018 - They Love 'Degenerates': The Left's Disturbing Pattern Of Calling Evil
03-16-2018 - ‘Islam Belongs to Germany’, Merkel Insists After Minister Highlights
03-15-2018 - Abortionist: Babies can’t scream while I abort them because I cut their
03-14-2018 - 11-Year-Old Genius Out to Prove Stephen Hawking Wrong After His
03-14-2018 - Democrats Join Farrakhan and British Labour Party in Antisemitic Sewer
03-13-2018 - Federal Judge Dismisses Lawsuit against Trump Administration’s End to
Obamacare’s Contraception Mandate
03-13-2018 - Joy Behar: ‘I Sincerely Apologize for What I Said’ About VP Pence and His
03-12-2018 - Student Booted from Christianity Class for Arguing that There Are Only
03-09-2018 - Matthew 25: Do We Go to Hell for Not Feeding the Hungry?
03-06-2018 - Prager: Why Christians Support Israel
03-05-2018 - College Librarians Blame 'Christian Fragility' for Microagression
03-05-2018 - PragerU: Dear Celebrities: No One Cares What You Think
03-02-2018 - Christian Satire Site Pokes Fun at CNN, Gets Fact-Checked by Facebook
03-01-2018 - Harvard Punishes Christian Student Group for Believing in Christianity
03-01-2018 - Nationwide LGBT Assault on Christian Adoption and Foster Care
02-28-2018 - Louis Farrakhan: 'Jews are my enemy,' 'white folks are going down'
02-27-2018 - What Has America Done to Christianity?
02-22-2018 - Anti-Christian Group Declares War on Religious Freedom in Trump’s
02-21-2018 - Kentucky governor: Blame America’s moral crisis for school shootings,
02-20-2018 - Pakistan: Thousands-Strong Muslim Mob Demands Beheading of
Christian Teen for 'Blasphemy'
02-20-2018 - Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) Says ‘We Cannot Tolerate A Society’ In Which
‘Our Babies Are Being Slaughtered,’ but Takes Tens of Thousands of
Dollars from Pro-Abortion Groups
02-19-2018 - Apple removes Good Friday, Easter from calendar for iPhones
02-19-2018 - Iraqi Archbishop: Muslim ‘Slow-Motion Genocide’ of Christians Began
02-17-2018 - Florida Teacher of the Year on Gun Violence: Parents Need to ‘Step
Up’ and Control Their Kids’ Behavior Full Text of Her Tweet
02-17-2018 - Starbucks CEO: White Men Are Root Of All Evil
02-16-2018 - Candace Cameron Bure’s Surprising Response to The View's Joy Behar
02-15-2018 - Swedish Bishop Claims He Is 'Looking Forward' to Hearing Muslim Call
02-14-2018 - ‘God the mother’ human trafficking scare
02-14-2018 - The End of White Christian America | Harvard Divinity School
02-13-2018 - Sweden Has Become a 'Base' for International Radical Islamic Extremist
02-12-2018 - Roman Colosseum to Be Lit Blood Red for Persecuted Christians
02-11-2018 - Gay Athletes' Attack on Vice President Mike Pence Repays Tolerance
02-04-2018 - Map of US Shows Which States Have The Highest Number of People
02-03-2018 - Cardinal Marx endorses blessing ceremonies for same-sex couples
02-02-2018 - GELLER: Iran Arrests 29 Women for Appearing in Public Without a Hijab
While Western Feminists Impose World Hijab Day
02-02-2018 - Public Minnesota Kindergarten Class Teaches Children About 'White
02-02-2018 - In Gender-Inclusive Guidelines, Catholic College Eliminates Use of
01-31-2018 - Queen Elizabeth Claims She Is 'Direct Descendant Of Prophet
01-31-2018 - Atheist group forces New Mexico college to remove Christian crosses
01-30-2018 - Is Christianity Shrinking in America? "Yes" and "No"
01-29-2018 - More than a Photo: Obama's Close Associations with Notorious Anti-
01-29-2018 - Bulgarian gov’t hears voice of Church, postpones decision on Istanbul
01-27-2018 - Dershowitz: I Wouldn't Have Campaigned for Obama If I Knew About
01-27-2018 - Atheist orgs ‘intimidate’ Trump’s Cabinet over Bible study — see Ben
01-26-2018 - Harvard Research Shows Christianity Growing Stronger - Family
01-26-2018 - Obama: 'I'm Basically a Liberal Jew'
01-26-2018 - VIDEO: Google Home Assistant Refuses to Define Jesus Christ, but No
01-26-2018 - Senate to Vote on Pain-Capable Bill to Ban Abortions After Five Months
01-25-2018 - Judge forces University of Iowa to recognize Christian student group on
01-25-2018 - Bulgarian Church taking stand against gender ideology of Istanbul
01-25-2018 - Obama-Farrakhan Photo Released After 13-Year Media Cover-up
01-25-2018 - The Photo That Never Saw The Light of Day: Obama With Farrakhan In
01-25-2018 - Does Google Home know who Jesus is? Brentwood resident says no |
01-24-2018 - Christianity Is Under Serious Attack in Jerusalem
01-24-2018 - Report: American Religiosity ‘Growing More Exceptional All the Time’
01-24-2018 - Meghan McCain: 'Young Republicans Aren't Going to Stand' for
Evangelicals' Anti-LGBTQ 'Crap'
01-24-2018 - Church of England Sneaks Transgender 'Re-Baptism' into Liturgy
01-24-2018 - VIDEO: New Jersey Middle School Instructs Students Islam Is the “True
Faith” – Thomas More Law Center Files Federal Lawsuit
01-24-2018 - Surprising Harvard Study: American Religion 'Persistently and
01-23-2018 - Christianity 'Patently Persisting,' Not Shrinking in US, Unlike Other
01-23-2018 - Christian Filmmakers Ask Appeals Court to Stop Minnesota From
Forcing Them to Film Gay Weddings
01-23-2018 - Christian Filmmakers Must Work Gay Weddings Despite Religious
Beliefs, Minnesota Court Rules
01-22-2018 - New Harvard Research Says U.S. Christianity Is Growing Stronger
01-22-2018 - White Supremacy in the American Orthodoxy Church: An Open Letter to
the Assembly of Canonical Orthodoxy Bishops of the U.S.A.
01-21-2018 - HHS ushers in the Division of Conscience and Religious Freedom,
01-19-2018 - AUDIO: Listen to Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice throw
down with former Obama staffer on school choice, voucher benefits
01-19-2018 - AUDIO: Former Planned Parenthood employee shares a big reason why
01-19-2018 - HHS is targeting health workers’ religious objections. Here’s why.
01-18-2018 - HHS Announces New Conscience and Religious Freedom Division
01-18-2018 - ‘Pyramid of White Supremacy’ taught in required class for college’s
01-18-2018 - Trump to Let Health Practitioners Skip Procedures on Religious Grounds
01-17-2018 - Report: 'Thousands of Christians, Ahmadis, and Hindus' Fleeing
01-17-2018 - What Did the Early Christians Think About Abortion?
01-16-2018 - Report: Middle East Christians on the Eve of Destruction
01-16-2018 - Why the LGBT Left Promotes the Sexualization of Children
01-16-2018 - West Virginia Legislators Propose Bill to Require the State's Schools to
01-15-2018 - One Million Moms calls for Scholastic protest over ‘pro-homosexual,’
01-15-2018 - Iowa lawsuit pits gay rights against religious freedom
01-14-2018 - LGBT Liberals Get Brutal Dose Of Reality When They Show Up At Chicago
01-14-2018 - Why Professing Christ Is Becoming a ‘Hate Crime’ in the West
01-14-2018 - A quarter of non-believers pray when faced with a crisis
01-12-2018 - VIDEO: China blows up Christian megachurch with dynamite
01-11-2018 - Twitter Engineer Admits to Banning Accounts that Express Interest in
01-11-2018 - Teacher union calls for boycott of Oklahoma Wesleyan-trained teachers
01-10-2018 - Islam could be the second-largest religion in the US by 2040
01-09-2018 - Up to 10,000 Catholics are leaving Bosnia-Herzegovina every year
because of discrimination by Muslims
01-09-2018 - Pope Francis: Migrants Must ‘Conform to the Rules of the Country’
01-08-2018 - Georgetown University Claimed Jesuit Values Fulfilled in Approving
LGBT Exploration Space for Residents
01-08-2018 - Hell freezes over: how the Church of Satan got cool
01-08-2018 - Rabbi Lapin: ‘Christianity is the last unprotected minority’ and the war
01-03-2018 - Mennonite Church USA's Largest Conference Leaves Denomination Over
01-03-2018 - Report: Declining Church Attendance Is Problem for Everybody, Not Just
01-02-2018 - Don't Be Fooled By The Nice Talk: Islam Views Christianity As The
12-31-2017 - Planned Parenthood Closed 32 Facilities in 2017
12-29-2017 - Terrorists Attack Coptic Church in Cairo, at Least Eight Killed
12-29-2017 - Oregon Court Upholds $135,000 Fine Against Christian Bakers Who
Refused to Bake Gay Wedding Cake
12-28-2017 - California Gov. Jerry Brown To Force Schools To Show Kids 'Gay Sex' -
12-28-2017 - Poll: Fewer Americans say they donated to a religious charity this year
12-28-2017 - San Jose State Biology Professor: 'Chromosomes Don't Determine Sex'
12-28-2017 - Truth vs Myths About The Nativity of Christ
12-27-2017 - President Trump Wins The 'War On Christmas' -- Newsweek Compares
12-27-2017 - Islamic State Has Lost Most of Its 'Caliphate,' Bulk of It Since Trump
12-27-2017 - Why Is '60 Minutes' Misleading America on Lethality of Islamic
12-26-2017 - Work Stops on St. Nicholas Shrine at World Trade Center Site VIDEO
12-26-2017 - Parent of ‘Transgender’ Teen Warns: ‘We Have to Fight This Radical
12-25-2017 - Under Siege -- Radical Islam's War On Christmas
12-25-2017 - How Christmas Has Shaped Our History and Values
12-25-2017 - Queen's Christmas Address Reflects on Horrors of Radical Islamic
12-24-2017 - New Research Suggests Christmas Story of Visit by Wise Men Was
12-23-2017 - Under Trump, Both Christmas And Jesus Are Welcome In The Public
12-23-2017 - ‘Orwellian’: London Assembly Votes to ‘Arrest and Prosecute’ Pro-Life
12-23-2017 - Atheists Give Trump ‘Lump of Coal’ for Christmas for His Support for
12-23-2017 - Hundreds of Muslims Storm 'Unlicensed Church', Smashing Contents
12-23-2017 - For Believers in Hostile States, Christmas a Time of Fear
12-23-2017 - Homeowners' Association Forces Pennsylvania Family to Remove
12-23-2017 - AP News: Coptic diocese says hundreds assault church in Egypt
12-22-2017 - Washington DC Subway Bans Christmas, Offers Gay Hookups
12-21-2017 - Franklin Graham says LGBT community targets Christians to accept
lifestyle: ‘It ain’t gonna happen’
12-21-2017 - RABBI SHMULEY: Trump’s Emergence as a Great Champion of the Jewish
12-21-2017 - University Employee Called Christmas Trees, Dreidels Inappropriate for
12-21-2017 - Dear Lonely Christian Trump Haters: Trump Has Ben Carson Open
Cabinet Meeting With An Epic Prayer
12-21-2017 - Bring Back Christmas: Which Retailers are 'Naughty' and 'Nice' on Saying
12-20-2017 - US Protestants Are Converting to Orthodoxy in Large Numbers (Russian
12-20-2017 - Haley warns US ‘taking names’ of UN opponents of Trump's Jerusalem
12-20-2017 - CNN Promotes Children's Book with Gay-Married Santa Claus
12-20-2017 - U.S. religious leaders, including Orthodox bishop, sign open letter
12-19-2017 - VIDEO: 'The 12 Dons Of Christmas' Parody Song Will Drive Your Liberal
12-19-2017 - U.S. Religious Leaders Reject Transgenderism, Gender ‘Cannot Be
Separated’ from Biological Sex
12-19-2017 - Bishop Aubrey Shines Dispels 'The Palestinian Myth': 'Jerusalem Is the
Historic Capital of the Jewish People'
12-18-2017 - History 101: America’s Early And Violent Introduction To Islam
12-18-2017 - Church of England hosts joint ‘celebration’ of Muhammad’s birthday
and Christ’s Advent — and diocese defends it
12-17-2017 - The Rise of Feminist Witchcraft
12-16-2017 - Grassroots Group Urges Major Retailers to Say ‘Merry Christmas’ Again
12-15-2017 - College Professor Wants Racist 'Jingle Bells' Song Banned. Let's Not
Forget 'White Christmas' and 'Black Friday.
12-15-2017 - Johnson Amendment Repeal Removed from Final GOP Tax Bill
12-15-2017 - Senate Parliamentarian Kills Efforts to Lift Rules Against Churches'
12-13-2017 - Republican In Firestorm For Ringing Salvation Army Bell
12-13-2017 - Renown Physicist's Bombshell “God” Discovery Spells Trouble for
12-13-2017 - BBC: Should Pro-Life Campaigners Even Be Allowed Right of Protest?
12-13-2017 - LGBT Grinches Attack Doughnut Shop Over Christmas Drive with
12-13-2017 - Is Christmas a Religious Holiday? A Growing Number of Americans Say
12-13-2017 - University of Wyoming Conservative Group Defunded After Hosting
12-12-2017 - David Horowitz Discusses the Left in the University on Dennis Prager
12-12-2017 - Reaction To Moving American Embassy To Jerusalem Destroys The
Claim Islam Is A Religion Of Peace
12-12-2017 - Christian Teacher Suspended for ‘Misgendering’ Trans Pupil Sues
12-11-2017 - Greek Drama: Construction on WTC Shrine Grinds to a Halt Amidst
12-11-2017 - MSNBC's Joy Reid Teams with Anti-Christian Frank Schaeffer to Insult
Trump, Conservatives, Christianity
12-11-2017 - Evangelicals and Domestic Violence: Are Christian Men More Abusive?
12-11-2017 - Former Facebook exec says social media is ripping apart society
12-11-2017 - Former Facebook exec: Social media is ripping apart society
12-11-2017 - God Robot: People 'will worship AI MESSIAH in Way of the Future'
12-10-2017 - Biological Evidence That Jesus was Born in December
12-10-2017 - Nobody Realized Trump Made Jerusalem Decision Exactly 1 Year After
Obama Gave Holy Sites to Islam
12-10-2017 - How these churches brought millennials back to worship
12-09-2017 - Archaeological Discovery Is Nightmare for Devout Muslims
12-09-2017 - Polish PM-Designate Dreams of 'Re-Christianised Europe', Defends
12-08-2017 - Hollywood Actress Jennifer Lawrence: ‘Our Lord Satan Will Destroy
12-08-2017 - Loyola University Students Question Catholic School's Emphasis on
12-08-2017 - Missouri High School Punishes Student for Referencing Facts About
12-08-2017 - Muslim Students at Catholic University Complain Christmas Gets Too
12-08-2017 - Participation in traditional religions is declining among Americans, but
the practice of witchcraft is on the rise
12-08-2017 - Pope Francis Suggests Changing The Words To The 'Lord's Prayer' : The
12-07-2017 - FBI Hate Crime Report: No Anti-Muslim Backlash
12-06-2017 - Orthodoxism Is Declining in the Overall Christian Population
12-06-2017 - Evangelical vs. Born Again: A Survey of What Americans Say and Believe
12-06-2017 - Jerusalem 101: Why President Trump's New Policy Is Such a Big Deal
12-05-2017 - Supreme Court May Side with Christian Baker in Same-Sex Wedding
12-01-2017 - Digging Down Deep into Protestant-Catholic Differences
12-01-2017 - Anglican Minister Urges Prayers for Prince George to Be Gay
11-30-2017 - Pew Research: Europe’s Muslim Population Set to Triple by 2050
11-30-2017 - God's Un-American View of the Poor and Why It Matters
11-30-2017 - 30 Years Later, Alarmists Still Predicting The Apocalypse
11-29-2017 - 4 Tremors That Have Made Darwin Irrelevant
11-27-2017 -Christianity is growing (Full Text of Indiana Univ & Harvard Study)
11-29-2017 - The Fastest Growing "Religion" in America: Selfism
11-24-2017 - The War on Advent - Fr Bill's Blog
11-24-2017 - Parents and Students Stand Up to Forced Gender Ideology in School
11-24-2017 - Church of Sweden to stop clergy calling God 'he' or 'the Lord' in bid to
crack down on gendered language
11-24-2017 - Centuries-Old Church Bells Silenced After Single Noise Complaint
11-22-2017 - Life After Death Is Real, Concludes Scientific Study Of 2,000 Patients
11-20-2017 - Pres. of American College of Pediatricians Sure to Offend Libs With
Trans-Gender Kids Announcement
11-20-2017 - 'Stop saying Christmas' Priest warns Christians to abandon the word
11-17-2017 - Muslims Are Converting to Christianity in Record Numbers
11-16-2017 - Latest Big Social Media Site in Russia Is Just For Christians
11-15-2017 - Atheists say they ‘put an end’ to coach praying with players — and
students send a huge message back
11-15-2017 - Purdue University President Calls Out Liberal Faculty
11-14-2017 - Populist French Mayor Told To Remove Nativity From City Hall
11-14-2017 - China Urges Christian Peasants to Replace Jesus Images with Xi Jinping
11-13-2017 - Unprecedented: Lebanon’s Christian Patriarch Visits Saudi Arabia
11-13-2017 - The Slithering Deception of ‘Progressive Christianity’
11-13-2017 - Fundraiser started for Orthodox church ravaged by fire in Ohio
11-13-2017 - Supreme Court will consider deceptive anti-abortion ‘crisis pregnancy
11-12-2017 - Poll: 77% of Democrats with 4-Year Degrees Think Sex Not Determined
11-12-2017 - Church of England: Let little boys wear tiaras
11-11-2017 - Public Orthodoxy: Promoting Cultural Marxism and LGBT Blasphemy
11-09-2017 - Listen: Basketball coach denied a job because of her religious beliefs
11-08-2017 - Leif Eriksson: the first Orthodox Christian in America
11-08-2017 - Why so much hatred against Christians in America?
11-07-2017 - Speaker of the House Paul Ryan shuts down Texas prayer critics:
‘People who do not have faith don’t understand faith’
11-03-2017 - Pope Francis Signals Willingness to Discuss Ordaining Married Men to
11-03-2017 - Hungary Asks 'Is Everyone Entitled to Religious Freedom Except for
Christians?' After Pope Anti-Cross Ruling
11-02-2017 - Patriarch of Jerusalem warns a proposed bill could threaten Christians
11-01-2017 - Pamela Geller's 'Fatwa: Hunted in America' Released
10-31-2017 - More students, young Americans turn to paganism
10-30-2017 - French High Court Orders Removal of Cross Above Statue of Pope John
10-28-2017 - University 'Acted Lawfully' by Expelling Christian Student for 'Biblical
10-28-2017 - Historic Alexandria, VA church decides to remove plaques honoring
10-24-2017 - After Branding Christianity a 'National Security' Threat, China Moves to
10-25-2017 - Church of Antioch Patriarch: ‘Without Christians in Middle East There Is
10-20-2017 - Why millennials are ditching religion for witchcraft and astrology
10-16-2017 - Report: 75% of Victims of Religious Persecution Are Christians
10-13-2017 - President Trump: ‘We Are Stopping Cold the Attacks on Judeo-
10-13-2017 - Bookseller Shut Down for Selling Knights Templar Mugs
10-12-2017 - Studient Union President Facing Impeachment for Pro-Life Views
10-12-2017 - Hungary's Orban: Protect Middle East Christians or Anti-Christian
Persecution Will Come to Europe
10-10-2017 - Study: Anti-Christian Bias Hasn’t Grown. It’s Just Gotten Richer.
10-07-2017 - U.S. Bishops Hail Trump HHS Contraception Mandate as ‘Return to
10-06-2017 - Trump Administration Rescinds Obamacare’s HHS Contraceptive
10-06-2017 - Trump DOJ and HHS Issue Major Religious Liberty, Pro-Life Protections
09-22-2017 - Christian Filmmakers Must Work Gay Weddings Despite Religious
Beliefs, Minnesota Court Rules
09-21-2017 - Orthodoxy in America Has a Convert Problem
09-18-2017 - DOOMSDAY: World Will End On September 23, Says Christian
Numerologist (Webmaster says: Oh no! The end of days!! Again!!?? For sure this time!!! A "Christian" Numerologist? Really??? What the
Bible says about Occultism here, and here.)
09-13-2017 - OK Cupid Online Dating Website Partners with Planned Parenthood to
09-13-2017 - Christian Florist: Gay Couples Have 'Every Right to Live the Way They
Believe,' Christians Want the Same Freedom
09-09-2017 - 20 States Ask Supreme Court to Release Videos Exposing Planned
09-09-2017 - Pope Francis Shifts Power From Rome With ‘Hugely Important’ Liturgical
09-08-2017 - When Does the Media Love Christianity? Bill O'Reilly: BOR Staff Column
09-08-2017 - Cardinal Dolan Bears False Witness Against Steve Bannon as Catholic
Bishops Choose 'Social Justice' over Constitution on Illegal Immigration
09-07-2017 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Gets Creative to Label 'Hate Groups'
09-06-2017 - The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Has $69 Million Parked
09-06-2017 - Survey: White Christians now a minority of US population
09-04-2017 - More than half in UK are non-religious, suggests survey
09-03-2017 - Does the Separation of Church and State really exist? ACLJ
09-02-2017 - Footprint find on Crete may push back date humans walked upright
08-31-2017 - 500 Years After Reformation, Many Protestants Closer to Catholics than
08-31-2017 - Google Ultimatum to Conservative Website: Take Down 'Hateful' Article
08-31-2017 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Transfers Millions in Cash to
08-31-2017 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC): Army Bases Are Confederate
08-30-2017 - Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Lists Middle Schools on its
Confederate 'Hate' Map, After Similar 'Hate Map' Inspired A Terror
08-30-2017 - Rush Limbaugh targets ‘leftist freaks’ at Southern Poverty Law Center
(SPLC), warns conservative CEOs not to partner with group
08-30-2017 - Louis Farrakhan’s Jesus Is Not Our Jesus | News & Reporting
08-30-2017 - A History of Subversion: The Left's Attack on American Heritage,
Monuments Goes Far Beyond the Trump-Era
08-29-2017 - The Abnormal Cannot Dictate What's Normal
08-29-2017 - Complementarians Issue New Manifesto on Gender Identity
08-29-2017 - Innocent Town Amana Colonies Was Listed on the SPLC 'Hate Map'
Because a Daily Stormer Book Club Met There Once
08-28-2017 - More Christian Bakers Attacked for Refusing Marriage Cake to Lesbian
08-28-2017 - The Rise and Fall of the Christian Bookstore
08-28-2017 - Muslim Reformer Maajid Nawaz Joins Dr James Kennedy Ministries in
Suing the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for 'Hate' Defamation
08-25-2017 - Franklin Graham Challenges Christians to Break this New Law
08-25-2017 - Southern Poverty Law Center’s (SPLC) Revolt Against American Law - Full
Frontal Attack on Law-abiding Americans & Christians
08-25-2017 - No More Prayers on the Football Field!
08-23-2017 - Dr. James Kennedy Ministries Sues the Southern Poverty Law Center
(SPLC), Guidestar and Amazon Over 'Hate Group' Designation
08-23-2017 - Dr. James Kennedy Ministries sues over listing on Southern Poverty
08-24-2017 - Supreme Court Rules Islam BANNED In Public Schools
08-23-2017 - IRS again pressured to hammer U.S. churches
08-22-2017 - Christian Orgs Labeled Hate Groups on Top Charity Review Site
08-18-2017 - White Supremacy and Orthodox Christianity: A Dangerous Connection
Rears Its Head in Charlottesville | Religion Dispatches
08-17-2017 - Pacific Justice Institute on Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) website
08-17-2017 - California Bill: 1 Year in Jail for Using Wrong Transgender Pronoun
08-16-2017 - Defector: Christianity Thrives in North Korea as Citizens 'No Longer
08-14-2017 - Don’t Even Think About Being Evil - WSJ & Heather Mac Donald
08-13-2017 - Pope Francis Warns Against Consulting ‘Horoscopes and Fortune-
08-11-2017 - Far left ABC News Hack Continues to Bash US Christians - Excuse Islamic
Violence (cc: ABC's Matthew Dowd)
08-10-2017 - Atheists Sick Over Massive Archaeological Find... The Lost City Jesus
08-10-2017 - There’s a BIG Difference Between Radical Christianity and Radical Islam
08-09-2017 - Alert: Federal Court Says Criticism of Islam Can Be Punished
08-07-2017 - Atheists thought immoral, even by fellow atheists: study
08-03-2017 - Senator James Lankford (R-OK) defends Christian nonprofit
Alliance Defending Freedom from ABC News ‘hate group’ smear
08-03-2017 - Military Thanks Trump for Transgender Ban: ‘Courageous Decision’
08-03-2017 - This is why atheists are appalled by Christians in the White House
08-01-2017 - Revival? VP Pence and high-level government officials meet weekly for
08-01-2017 - 'Bible Answer Man' Hank Hanegraaff: I’ve Put Everything on the Line
to Acquire the Treasure of Orthodoxy
08-01-2017 - Survey: Millennials want religious freedom but don’t really know what it
08-01-2017 - Number of non-religious Americans who accept polygamy as ‘morally
08-01-2017 - Leaked George Soros Plan to Turn Ireland into a Pro-Abortion Country
07-31-2017 - Bible Studies at the White House: Who's Inside This Spiritual Awakening?
07-29-2017 - Justice Department Argues Congress, Not Courts, Makes Sexual
07-28-2017 - Lesbian mom asks Christian judge to recuse himself from divorce case
07-28-2017 - Colleges Treat Conservatives as Enemies, But Would Welcome a
Guantanamo Inmate Yelling Death to America
07-28-2017 - Secretary of State Tillerson Standing Between Muslim Brotherhood and
07-28-2017 - Pro-Transgender Boy Scout Leader Slams President Trump For Politics
07-28-2017 - Blue State Blues: Where We Stand on Islam
07-28-2017 - University of Minnesota organization bans straight, white people from
07-28-2017 - Former Guantanamo Detainee Gave Taxpayer Compensation Money to
07-28-2017 - Conference teaches K-12 educators how to combat ‘whiteness in
07-27-2017 - 6 Myths About Transgender People in the Military
07-26-2017 - Watch how liberals confuse our youth with numerous gender pronouns
07-26-2017 - Congessman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) schools CNN's Erin Burnett on the
07-25-2017 - Family of original "Bible Answer Man" calls on Orthodox convert
Hank Hanegraaff to step down (see related story on 04-10-2017 below)
07-24-2017 - No Go Zones: Breitbart's Raheem Kassam Unveils New Book on Islamic
07-24-2017 - Planned Parenthood issues shocking new information on how to talk to
07-24-2017 - World Council of Churches Sends Message of Support For Palestinian
07-24-2017 - California Imam Prays for Allah to 'Annihilate' Jews in Public Sermon
07-22-2017 - Leaders Push Senate to Pass Bill to Protect Mid-East Christians
07-20-2017 - Melinda Gates Commits $375 Million to Global Family Planning to
Counter Trump’s Pro-Life Policy
07-20-2017 - Trump Leading Fight Against Female Genital Mutilation; Should Be
Number One Issue for Feminists & ACLU, but it's not
07-20-2017 - Students at this university are raising a petition against ‘fried food for
07-20-2017 - Family removes mother’s roadside cross memorial after atheist group
07-20-2017 - Poll: One in Five Brits Think Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King Were
07-19-2017 - 5 Passages Your Pastor Wishes You'd Stop Taking Out of Context
07-19-2017 - ROCOR Holy Synod instructs faithful to disregard “pastorally harmful”
Nino Equal-to-the-Apostles Orthodox Church
07-19-2017 - Gay activist says it’s time to target Christians: Time to ‘punish the
07-19-2017 - Four things celebrities (and every woman) should know before
07-19-2017 - Four Outrageous Temple Mount Lies Being Pushed by Muslim Leaders
07-19-2017 - Pamela Geller: Linda Sarsour’s Jihad
07-19-2017 - Facebook Blocks More Than Two Dozen Popular Catholic Pages Without
07-19-2017 - Philly Archbishop Decries Vatican Article Attacking U.S. Christians as
07-18-2017 - Religion of Peace?? What Makes Islam So Different?
07-18-2017 - Pakistan: Authorities Detain Christian Teenager on Charges of ‘Insulting
07-18-2017 - London Mayor Says There Should Be ‘No Red Carpet for Trump’, Claims
07-17-2017 - Franklin Graham Explains How God Views Transgendered People
07-17-2017 - Canada's Justin Trudeau Issues Formal Apology, Awards Al-Qaeda
Terrorist Convicted Of Slaughtering U.S. Serviceman $10.5 Million
07-17-2017 - UK's First State-Funded Muslim School Taken Over by Gov After Pro-
07-17-2017 - Astonishing number of UK Christians say their faith is marginalized
07-16-2017 - Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI: Church Is ‘on the Verge of Capsizing’
07-14-2017 - ABC News smears prominent Christian nonprofit, Alliance Defending
Freedom, as ‘hate group’ in recent article
07-14-2017 - Elkhart, Indiana school district kowtows to atheist group, promises to
07-14-2017 - Papal Adviser Bashes American Christians in Bigoted Screed
07-13-2017 - Ten Years Of Hamas Rule And Gaza Deemed 'Unlivable,' UN Report Says
07-13-2017 - More Christian Refugees Arriving under Trump than Muslims
07-12-2017 - New study names the 10 most post-Christian cities in the US
07-12-2017 - Pro-Abortion Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) Now Wants Congress To
07-12-2017 - Melinda Gates Has No Clue How Catholicism Works. Nobody Does. Not
07-11-2017 - Church of England 'turns a corner' with transgender vote
07-10-2017 - California Upholds 'Right' For Pedophiles To Marry 10 Year Old Kids
07-10-2017 - Long Island Cops Investigate Whether Jesus Is a Hate Crime
07-09-2017 - Let married men become priests, says pastor of America’s largest
07-09-2017 - Church of England to vote on welcoming transgender people'
07-06-2017 - Linda Sarsour Calls for 'Jihad' Against Trump Administration
07-06-2017 - Pastor John MacArthur Stuns With Answer To Gays Getting Into Heaven -
07-05-2017 - Vatican police 'break up drug-fuelled gay orgy at home of secretary of
one of Pope Francis's key advisers'
07-02-2017 - Poll: Supermajority Of Roman Catholics Now Support Same-Sex Marriage
07-01-2017 - British Student Union Boss Welcomes 'Islamic Takeover', Wants to
'Oppress White People' For Revenge
07-01-2017 - Pres. Trump: Since Signing the Declaration of Independence, 'America
Always Affirmed that Liberty Comes from Our Creator'
07-01-2017 - Updated Ramadan Rage 2017 Final Death Count: 1,639 in About 30
06-30-2017 - The First Islamic Governor In 2018 Is Imminent and Look What State He
06-30-2017 - University Considers Removal of Bibles and Crosses from Chapel
06-30-2017 - Blue State Blues: America's Divisions are Not Political - They're Religious
06-28-2017 - Study: Traditional Views on Same Sex Marriage, Abortion, Pornography
in Britain Rapidly Diminishing
06-27-2018 - 31% Think U.S. Civil War Likely Soon - Rasmussen Reports
06-27-2017 - Twitter Allows Planned Parenthood to Advertise Abortion, Declares Pro-
06-26-2017 - Christian Preschoolers Banned from Saying 'Amen', Talking About the
06-26-2017 - Supreme Court Rules States Cannot Exclude All Churches from Public
06-25-2017 - DHS Secretary John Kelly Defunds, Disinvites Islamic Groups Favored By
06-24-2017 - Conversions gradually transforming Orthodox Christianity
06-23-2017 - Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) Defends Public Universities Shutting
06-22-2017 - Christian Orgs Labeled Hate Groups on Top Charity Site Guidestar
06-22-2017 - Activists Pushing for Reform in Islam: Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA)
06-22-2017 - California Attacks Texas with Travel Ban over Alleged LGBT
06-20-2017 - Video: Limbaugh: Democratic Party 'Has Become the Largest Hate Group
06-19-2017 - St. Louis Cardinals Refuse to Bow to LGBT Demands to Punish Christians
06-16-2017 - Texas Enacts 'Anti-Sharia' Law
06-11-2017 - Christian church DESTROYED as Chinese police drag worshippers into
06-10-2017 - Family Research Council Launches Petition for Apology from Sen. Bernie
06-09-2017 - Pew Research: Christians faced widespread harassment in 2015,
but mostly in Christian-majority countries
06-09-2017 - Scotland Set to Marry Same-Sex Couples in Church
06-07-2017 - Ramadan Rage 2017: The Complete List of Jihadist Attacks Around the
06-06-2017 - Purdue researcher verifies the existence of 53 people mentioned in
06-06-2017 - Video: Islamic State Tears Down Statues, Burns Cathedral Down in
06-03-2017 - General Mattis Rolls Back Obama Regs on Transgenders in the Military
06-03-2017 - Video: Joy Behar Compares Christians to the Taliban
05-29-2017 - Church of Scotland Moves Towards Performing Same Sex Marriages
05-29-2017 - Islam on Track to Overtake Christianity as World's No. 1 Religion
05-26-2017 - Sec'y of State Rex Tillerson Declines to Host Ramadan Celebration at
05-26-2017 - Pres. Trump Reacts to Egypt Ramadan Terror: ‘The Bloodletting of
05-24-2017 - As Losses Mount, Presbyterian Official Declares: "We are Not Dying, We
05-20-2017 - Christian School Punishes Pregnant Student Who Chooses Life
05-19-2017 - School Worker Reprimanded for Telling Co-Worker She Will Pray for Him
05-18-2017 - Way More Americans May Be Atheists Than We Thought
05-17-2017 - Franklin Graham: ‘All Churches Should Pull Out of the Boy Scouts
05-16-2017 - Report: International Religious Freedom Worsening in Both 'Depth and
05-15-2017 - Franklin Graham: Boy Scouts No Longer A Group Christian Church Can
05-15-2017 - Kansas City, KS Roman Catholic Archbishop Ends Association with Girl
Scouts: Sign of ‘Increasingly Hostile Secular Culture’
05-13-2017 - Chief ABC Political Analyst Matthew Dowd: Persecution of Muslims in US
Worse than Christian Persecution in Middle East
05-12-2017 - Student Fired from Newspaper Job After Sharing Video Exposing Truth
05-11-2017 - VP Mike Pence Encourages Persecuted Christians at World Summit in
05-09-2017 - Anti-Abortion Leaders: Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) Spreads
'Misinformation' That Planned Parenthood Provides Healthcare
05-07-2016 - Trump's Religious Liberty Order Disappoints Some Conservatives
05-07-2017 - Thomas Jefferson: Government's Role is Defense of God-given Rights
05-05-2017 - Jews and Christians Unite Against Anti-Semitism: Archbishop of
05-04-2017 - Trump's Religious Liberty Order Gives Sessions Major Leeway
05-04-2017 - President Trump Honors Little Sisters of the Poor on First White House
05-03-2017 - Trump Expected to Sign Religious Liberty Executive Order
04-30-2017 - Rebel Catholic Group Defies Church, Ordains Woman Priest in NC
04-26-2017 - Freedom of Speech is No Longer Welcome on College Campuses
04-26-2017 - Trump Vows to Destroy Islamic State, Keep Gitmo Open, and Aid
04-25-2017 - WWJD: Did Jesus FORBID the Use of Weapons?
04-23-2017 - U.S. Campuses Lead Rise in Global Anti-Semitism
04-20-2017 - David Limbaugh talks about ‘The True Jesus’
04-18-2017 - Your Tax Dollars at Work: PBS Teaches Kids About the Glory of Islamic
04-18-2017 - Wellesley College (Hillary's Alma Mater) Newspaper: 'Hostility May
Be Warranted" for those who refuse to "Adapt Their Beliefs."
04-17-2017 - Former atheist admits it was historical evidence that brought him to
04-17-2017 - Wellesley Student Newspaper Threatens Students Who Do Not Conform
04-17-2017 - Conservative opposition to Pope Francis spurs talk of a schism in the
04-16-2017 - Christians in 2017 'Most Persecuted Group in the World'
04-14-2017 - Catholic archbishop teaches Christians how to navigate a culture with
04-13-2017 - UK Government 'Institutionally Biased' Against Persecuted Christians,
04-13-2017 - Catholic college in Kansas wipes ‘yoga’ from names of classes — it’s a
04-12-2017 - Pew Study: Worldwide religious freedom restrictions on the rise
04-11-2017 - Religious bigotry could be behind the opposition to the school choice
04-11-2017 - What Piers Morgan Said About ISLAM v. CHRISTIANITY Is Truth On
04-11-2017 - WWJD? You Might Be Surprised At JESUS’ Words On Home Defense
04-10-2017 - “Bible Answer Man” Hank Hanegraaff joins Orthodox Church (see
related story on 07-25-2017 above)
03-29-2017 - "Crucifixion was a hoax" and "Jesus' disciples didn't believe he was God"
03-29-2017 - Christian student SUSPENDED For Confronting Muslim Professor Over
Comments: “Crucifixion was a hoax” and “Jesus’ disciples didn’t believe
03-12-2017 - Cross is Not a 'Piece of Jewelry' but Symbol of Christian Faith-Pope
03-12-2017 - Students Support Religious Freedom for Muslims, Not Christians
03-05-2017 - Teacher Suspended for Reading the Bible to Pupils
03-02-2017 - Obama's Slush Fund Quietly Funneled Billions of Taxpayer Dollars to
02-17-2017 - France: Anti-Christian Attacks Rise 245%
02-07-2017 - Muslims Outnumber Christians in More Than 30 Church Schools
02-17-2017 - Rasmussen Poll Reveals Shocking Views Held by Democrats Regarding
02-07-2017 - Syrian-Born Muslim Mayor Signs Executive Order Making His N.J.
Borough A Sanctuary City For Refugees
02-06-2017 - CBS Poll: Two-Thirds of Democrats Say Islam and Christianity are
02-06-2017 - Preacher Locked Up for Quoting Bible to Gay Teen
02-06-2017 - U.N. Gay Rights Envoy: Religious Freedom is 'Not an Absolute Right'
02-03-2017 - Bernie Sanders (Senator, I-VT) Says Government Should End Religious
Freedom to Fight 'Racism, Sexism, & Homophobia'
01-19-2017 - Jerusalem Mayor Trashes Obama on Way Out the Door: He Surrendered
01-19-2017 - Anti-Christian Attacks Rise 38% in France
01-14-2017 - Top Roman Catholic Bishop in Italy: Europe Will Soon Be Muslim Because
01-14-2017 - Massive Indoctrination of Students at Universities Through
'Transformative Civic Engagement'
01-14-2017 - Pelosi (D-CA): Defunding Planned Parenthood is a "Manhood Thing"
01-13-2017 - Catholic Bishops Warn of Anti-Christian Intolerance After British Gov't
Advisor Criticizes Catholic Schools
01-13-2017 - Religious Leaders Bless Planned Parenthood Mega-Clinic, Praising Its
01-13-2017 - 2016 'Worst Year Yet' for Christian Persecution, Says Open Doors USA
01-13-2017 - Christian Parish Centre in Germany Vandalized, Islamist Slogans Written
01-13-2017 - Obama's Disdain for Christians and Jews
01-12-2017 - Religion Plummeted in America During Obama Era, Pew Report Says
01-12-2017 - Pope Tells Marchers, 'Life is to be Protected Unconditionally from the
01-06-2017 - Why Do Some Christians Celebrate Christmas on January 7?
01-02-2017 - Christians MOST Persecuted Religious Group in the World; 1
01-01-2017 - 90,000 Christians Killed for Their Faith in 2016
12-30-2016 - New Jersey Public School Teaching Islam Since School Year Started
12-29-2016 - Democrats Have a Religion Problem - The Atlantic
12-29-2016 - Roman Catholic Parish Priest Dresses Virgin Mary in Burka for Nativity
12-28-2016 - Christians Most Persecuted Religious Group in the World, Study
12-23-2016 - Cross Returns to Indiana Christmas Tree Despite Efforts to See It
12-23-2016 - Marine Bible Verse Case Heads to Supreme Court
12-22-2016 - Swedish School Axes Christian References from Carol to Prepare
Children for 'A Changing World'
12-22-2016 - Three Reasons Why the New York Times' War on Christmas Denial is
12-21-2016 - Commentary: It's Absurd to Say 'Jesus Never Existed'
12-21-2016 - Belief in God Drops 10 Points Behind Atheism in 2 Years
12-21-2016 - Christian Students' Religious Speech Halted as 'Disorderly Conduct' by
12-21-2016 - War on Christmas 2.0: 'Jesus Never Existed'
12-20-2016 - What the 'War on Christmas' Looks Like in 2016
12-18-2016 - War on Christmas: Atheists Threaten to Sue Ohio Town for Nativity
12-19-2016 - 'Merry Christmas' or 'Happy Holidays'? Your Response Says a Lot About
12-18-2016 - It's Not a War on Christmas; It's a War on the Constitution
12-16-2016 - Jews & Christians More Educated Than Atheists & Muslims: Pew Report
12-14-2016 - Texas Woman's Univ. Bows to Sharia Law, Suggests Ban on Christmas &
12-15-2016 - 50 Christian Statues Defaced and Decapitated in Germany
12-16-2016 - Running The Data On PolitiFact Shows Bias Against Conservatives
12-09-2016 - Trump: "We're Going to Start Saying Merry Christmas Again."
12-09-2016 - Texas Attorney General Sets Straight School Principal Who Censored
"Charlie Brown Christmas" Poster
12-06-2016 - "Apocalypse" Averted; Election 2016
12-02-2016 - Senate Republicans Strip Religious Freedom Protection From Defense
10-01-2016 - PragerU Video: Is Islam a Religion of Peace?
08-22-2016 - VIDEO: Gay Iconoclasm: Holding the Line against the Radical LGBT
08-18-2016 - Shameful Silence: ABC, CBS and NBC Have Ignored Christian Genocide
07-26-2016 - Islamists attack French church, slit priest's throat
05-09-2016 - Harvard Law Professor Says Pro-Life Christians Should be Treated Like
02-17-2016 - The 12 Apps That Every Parent Of A Teen Should Know About
02-01-2016 - Islam—Facts or Dreams? - Hillsdale Univ. Imprimis
12-18-2015 - Five Errors to Drop from Your Christmas Sermon
08-13-2015 - First Baptist Church to Ordain Gay, Transgender Ministers
04-02-2015 - Kenya attack: 147 dead as Islamist gunmen target Christian students
10-20-2014 - Ex-gay man: ‘Homosexuality is just another human brokenness’
07-14-2014 - Clergy May 'Dress Down' After CofE Relaxes Rules on Vestments
07-01-2013 - The Passion of Homosexuality According to St. John Chrysostom
03-13-2013 - CMI Special Report Rewriting the Bible: The Gospel According to
06-07-2012 - Gay Danish couples win right to marry in church
08-31-2009 - Letter Reveals Senator Edward "Ted" Kennedy’s (D-MA) Opposition to
Abortion, Belief in Life ‘From the Very Moment of Conception’
08-08-2008 - Why Do We Celebrate Christmas on December 25th?
News Resources
Over 200 years ago, President Thomas Jefferson famously said, "Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle." and "If you are relying upon the media for the facts, you are receiving nothing but distortion and propaganda."
Today, small groups of very well-funded organizations are propagating a "hate America/America is a bad country" mantra and they are embraced by a complicit mainstream media that wants to fundamentally change the fabric of this country in order to implement a socialist/communist agenda. Many of these organizations are funded by billionaire international financier and Communist, George Soros. Many of his sponsored organizations have names that are intentionally misleading, so that many people and many large corporations think they are supporting noble causes when in fact, they are doing the devil's work. Check these lists and if you support any of these organizations, STOP! Article here. Article here. Article here.
Consider that 90% of the so-called "mainstream media" is controlled by 6 large corporate media conglomerates that are overwhelmingly left-wing biased. Don't believe me? See "Here's Who Owns Everything in Big Media Today" by Vox, a left-wing website. Then, go to OpenSecrets or Follow the Money or the Federal Election Commission and look up the breakdown of corporate contributions. Also, go to each company's respective website, pull up their list of corporate management and board of directors and plug in their names into those website to see to whom and what they contributed money.
If you watch the mainstream media, you’d obviously think the conservative aspect is bad, but have you ever wondered why the liberals think they have a monopoly on truth and virtuosity? What necessarily makes the liberal side the correct side and aside from constantly throwing out accusations of racism, sexism, homophobia, and on and on and on, why don’t they ever explain to you why the conservative side is necessarily bad or even tell you about it at all? Hmmm??? Something to ponder. And consider all the high-profile people/stories/incidents that the media completely ignored, glossed over or got completely wrong and, in some cases, viciously and hatefully maligned innocent parties and organization for months and even years with no retractions or apologies whatsoever for trying to ruin their lives and doing so in many cases. Remember these?:
You wouldn't read a few sentences out of one history book and think you know everything there is to know about history, would you? Well, take it from this detective who routinely has to sort through a lot of "stuff" - that's exactly what's happening if you're getting all your news from the militant, intolerant, progressive, left-wing-biased, agenda-driven elitists in the so-called national "mainstream media" echo chamber and that goes double if your "news" sources are morning celebrity talk shows or late-night comedians. Is your head surrounded by that much sand?? ;-) At the very best, you're getting half (or less) of the story and at worst, and most probably, you're getting the wrong/inaccurate story (misinformation) or being intentionally misled (disinformation/propaganda). And most recently, it has been discovered that several major search engines and most major social media platforms are not only filtering what we see and hear, but suppressing information they think is inappropriate or politically incorrect in an (very successful so far) attempt to manipulate and influence the public's thoughts and opinions and therefore, elections. These are classic tactics used by socialist and communist dictators and totalitarians throughout the decades to exert their control over the people, except now it's even easier for them with the Internet, 21st century technology and people's addiction to smart devices and social media.
Bottom line: If you only watch the mainstream broadcast media and major cable news, you are not going to know what is TRULY going on in the world. Don't walk around in a fog of misinformation, disinformation and complete ignorance. In today's world, you MUST be informed, accurately and completely, so be sure to get the whole story and not just a small, biased part. Do your homework. Get informed. Get educated. Get the whole truth!
Don't think you're being misled, lied to or only being told part of the story or that the media isn't biased? See Free Speech America's CensorTrack for thousands of examples of censorship. Consider these articles and studies and see the News You Missed website:
AKDART (Documenting and exposing the Left)
Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF)
American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ)
American Cornerstone Institute (Dr. Ben Carson)
American Conservative University podcasts or listen on Stitcher app
American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
American Freedom Law Center (AFLC)
American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology
American Patriot Daily News Network
American Wire - America's Political News Service (home of James Golden aka 'Bo
Snerdley,' Rush Limbaugh's producer for 33 years)
Angelo Codevilla, author, analyst
Axios (caution advised)
Barack Obama's Culture of Corruption (Expansive & exhaustive record of his regime.)
Bill O'Reilly's No Spin News (also see The First TV)
Biz Pac Review (Business & Politics)
Blacksphere with Kevin Jackson
Black Robe Regiment (from Liberty Counsel)
Bring Your Bible to School Day - Know Your Rights (1st Thurs. of Every Oct.)
Capital Research Center - America's Investigative Think Tank
Censored.News (news aggregator)
Center for American Greatness
Center for Immigration Studies
CFACT (climate)
Christian Law Association (CLA)
Church Militant/St. Michael's Media
Clarion Project (exposing radical Islam & other extremism around the world)
Climate Change Lies Facebook Page
Conservative News Sites - the BIG List
CRTV (joined with The Blaze - see above)
Daily B.S. with James Golden aka Bo Snerdley
Daily Chatter (international news)
The Daily Dive (daily news headlines, no opinions, GREAT - listen online or podcast)
Daniel Horowitz - Attorney, Journalist, Author
David Horowitz's Freedom Center
David Schoen - Attorney at Law, Political Analyst Law Firm Website
Dershow podcast with Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Professor (Yes, he's a liberal, but he's fair in his analyses)
Discover the Networks (A Guide to the Left)
Dr. Roy Spencer, former NASA scientist (climate)
Drudgereport (caution advised)
Eddie Scarry - Investigative Reporter/Journalist
FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform)
Family Research Council FRC Action
Fightback Foundation & Attorney L.Lin Wood (defended Nicholas Sandmann)
FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education)
First TV, The (New home of Bill O'Reilly's No Spin News nightly broadcasts)
Free Talk 24 (True free speech social networking app alternative to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)
Freedom Forum aka the Religious Freedom Center
Freedom Project - The Dr. Duke Show
Gatestone Institute International Policy Council
(Pamela) Geller Report
Government Accountability Institute (Peter Schweizer's The Drilldown)
Hillsdale College's Imprimus also see their excellent selection of FREE online courses on the Constitution, Supreme Court, American History, etc.
Hollywood in Toto (The Right Take on Entertainment)
In Defense of Christians (IDC) Find/Start a Chapter in Your Area
Influence Watch (Who is influencing our politicians and Congress' legislation?)
Jonathan Tuley, Constitutional Law Professor
John Solomon - Investigative Reporter/Journalist
John Stossel - Investigative Reporter/Journalist
JPFO's Gran'pa Jack Education Booklets (Firearms and 2nd Amendment Rights education for young people)
Judicial Watch (holding ALL the powerful accountable)
Just Facts Global Warming/Climate Change Info (excellent)
Just the News EXCELLENT!!
Kerry Picket - Investigative Reporter/Journalist and here
Kimberley A. Strassel - Investigative Reporter/Journalist
Learn Our History (Educational series for young people)
Lee Smith - Investigative Reporter/Journalist
Leo Terrell (Famed Black civil rights attorney
Liberty Tree with KrisAnne Hall, Attorney at Law Liberty First Univ. Facebook (Excellent podcasts and courses on Constitutional law)
Liberty University
The Lion (Herzog Foundation - Christian family, culture & education)
Mark Levin - Constitutional Attorney, author
No Labels (a non-partisan, political problem solving group)
OAN (One America News Network)
Obama's Scandals - Complete List or here
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs (OCPA)
On the Issues - Where They Stand: Every Political Leader on Every Issue
Orthodox Network Collection of Anti-Abortion Articles
Orthodox Network Collection of Anti-Communism/Socialism Articles
Orthodox Network Collection of Culture War Articles
Orthodox Network Collection of Intelligent Design Articles
Orthodox Network Collection of Moral Issues Articles
Orthodox Network Collection of Sanctity of Life Articles
Pacific Justice Institute
Pacific Legal Foundation
PACT (Parents Against Critical Theory)
Parents Defending Education
Peter Schweizer Investigative Reporter/Journalist/Author
Pew Research Center - Religion section
Pew Research Center - Religious Landscape Study
Pew Reasearch Center - Studies on Religion & Public Life
PragerU (Hundreds of outstanding, short, non-PC educational videos)
President Trump's Running List of Achievements & Failures
President's Daily Brief podcast
Professor Watchlist (Tracking and Exposing Educators Who Deny Free Speech)
Real Science with Steven Goddard (climate)
Red Pilled America podcast (excellent)
Religious Freedom Center aka the Freedom Forum
Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science
Rubin Report YouTube Channel Facebook page
Salena Zito Investigative Reporter/Journalist
Sara A. Carter Investigative Reporter/Journalist
Save the Persecuted Christians
Sentinel, The
Sharyl Attkisson Investigative Reporter/Journalist, Full Measure, After Hours podcast
SOFRep - Military Grade Content
Source Watch (Center for Media & Democracy) - use with caution, far left organization
Stephen Moore - Author, Investigative Reporter/Journalist
Stratfor (Geopolitical Intelligence)
Brandon Tatum - The Tatum Squad bringing common sense back to the discussion
Tatum Report YouTube Channel
Tatum Report website
Technocracy News & Trends
Technocracy's Climate Change page
This Morning with Gordon Deal (daily news update, no opinions, GREAT, listen online or podcast)
Thunderbolts Project (climate)
Todd Starnes - Investigative Reporter & Journalist
Turning Point USA (Supporting & defending conservative students on campus)
Tuttle Twins (books to help educate children against socialism)
U.S. Debt Clock (what we are really spending in real time)
U.S. Dept of Health & Human Services' Conscience and Religious Freedom Division
U.S.A. Facts (our nation, by the numbers)
Victor Davis Hanson Investigative Reporter/Journalist
Watts Up with That? (climate change/global warming research)
World Affairs Brief (commentary & insights on a troubled world)
World Watch List - 50 Countries Where Its Most Dangerous to Follow Jesus Report
Use the following with extreme caution and cross-check information with other, trusted sites:
NewsGuard (article: Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Steven Brill’s NewsGuard and the
“Fact-Checking” Scam 07-16-2018 (article: Five News Publications
Deemed 'Trustworthy' by NewsGuard that Posted Fake News, 01-24-
2019) (article: Fact Check: Media Blacklisters NewsGuard Promotes
PolitiFact (article: Running The Data On PolitiFact Shows Bias Against Conservatives
Snopes (article: Why the Left Loves Snopes 07-25-2017) (article: SNOPES busted -
sold favors, slanted opinions 08-19-2015) (How Facebook & Other Fact-
Checking Websites Are Fact-Checking Conservative Sites into Oblivion
07-03-2018) (article: Snopes, Fact-Checker For Facebook And Google,
Botches Nathan Phillips Fact Check 01-24-2019)
Washington Post Fact Checker